Thursday, September 13, 2007

What a day

Yesterday our divisional head came back from his impromptu domestic emergency holiday. For some months now, he's been taking off for weeks either for leave or school affairs that this time he had to call it domestic emergency. What that means beats my imagination. Anyway, he came back all the same to meet a crisis in the office.
Apart from that, the calls from india on LC from Stemcor was becoming unbearable. I wonder why so many amendments on one LC. Infact the charges paid so far on all the numerous amendments are enough to open another LC. That my dairy is an issue for another day.

The crisis had to do with the new lady auditor. The auditor has been operating as if she is above board. She has no regard for other management staff and treat other staff with disdain. As far as she is concerned everyone in the Lagos office is fraudulent and must be suspected. She is arrogant and has no regard for age or position. Infact, she and the head of marketing exchanged words and almost exchanged blows. The immediate intervention of other staff in the office saved the situation and the embarrasing scene was aborted.
A management meeting had to be called immediately especially when the head of logistics came in and had a tough time with madam auditor. The meeting was chaired by the acting head of the Lagos office since the director who heads it was away on vacation. It looked like a conspiracy against madam auditor but it had to be done. In the meeting, the acting head was asked to call her to order. This was to curb her excesses and bring order back to the office. A situation where a junior staff will be rude to her superiors because she reports directly to the chairman was not acceptable. Two weeks to this time, I and the accountant had a meeting with her to resolve the transport fares given to the people working with us. It took us a while to convince and get acceptable rate for each destination frequently visited by the boys. It was a real herculean task but at the end they was an agreement.
She came to me to solicit my support when it looks as if eveyone was against her but i was relunctant in siding her because i was part of the decision to caution her. Apart from that, i have been a victim of her harshness but i did not use that to refuse siding with her. I believe she should be cautioned so that she does not over step her boundaries. Who knows, any of the staff may be pushed to the point of harrasing her. So a word in time saves everyone from calamity.
Suspecting my relunctance, she was calling me on the phone and coming to ask me to see the GM on her behalf. Infact she went to the lift to ambush me but i told her that she should just wait to hear what the GM would say first before seeking help from me.
Since i was going home, I had to quickly fly down the stairs when she turned to take a call instead of waiting for the lift. It was really funny but hectic taking the stairs but i had to do it.
What a day