Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Steel industry in Nigeria

Steel is an alloy consisting consisting of iron and carbon. Apart from carbon other materials are used such as manganese, vanadium and tungsten

Steel is everywhere in our lives, at home, work, transportation etc. Steel is strong though light, durable and corrosion resistant, adaptable and completely recyclable. Steel is the backbone of bridges and Skyscrapers because the structure are supported by a steel skeleton. Even some of them with concrete structure will still use steel for reinforcing. It is the main material for car bodies or the framework for automobiles.
Steel is used in a variety of other construction related items like durable frames in housing, bolts, screw, nails etc. Steel is used in construction of buildings, roads, railways and infrastructure. In fact most large modern structure are supported by steel. Modern steels are made with varying combination of alloy metals to fulfil many purposes.

The steel industry in Nigeria was in a limbo for years before the government decided to privatize some plants while giving out some to concessionaires to manage. After the privatization and or sale, some individuals are not happy that an indian company bought 80 percent of Delta steel company one of the steel plant that was sold. The initial protest fizzled out in 2004 but the tempo increased in 2007 when the president that ordered the exercise ended its terms of office. Since 2007, they have been series of protect from the company that claimed it won the bid. But available information from the agency that handled the sale said that the sale went through the acceptable processes before it was sold. This continuous protest and crisis is having effect on the eventual winner of the bid and the operations at the plants. The banks that granted credit facilities to this investor are really worried about the state of things that there are recalling their facilities. How long will this last? How will this affect other investors who are interested in investing in Nigeria?
Steel is critical to the development of any country Nigeria inclusive. For our sustenable development, Steel is important and since it has become an indicator of the economic progress of countries, its important that nigerian government pay more attention to this industry. This crisis about sale and reversal of sale should be nipped in the bud so that the international community can take us serious. Even the price of steel has increased in the past few weeks due to this uncertainty in the industry.

Etteh out, Bankole in

At last, Hon Patricia Olubunmi Etteh was cajoled and eventually forced to step down (come off her high horse of arrogance and illiteracy) by members on resumption after the forced one week adjournment.
Prior to their resumption, People Democractic Party had a meeting with their members in the House and urged them to vote for George Jolaoye who is from Osun state. Jolaoye was PDP candidate and was a perfect replacement for madam speaker because he hails from the same state and fits the party's zoning policy. From the reports in the media both electronic and print, Jolaoye is a quiet member of the House of Representative with no bills or motions to his credit. We do not want another 'siddon look' , 'mugude' or semi literate Speaker. We needed an educated, vibrant, articulate and purposeful leader. We did not want a mediocre again but PDP were bent on foisting them on us because they are the ruling party. Thank God for the integrity group.
With the delivery of manifestos by all the contestants, it was obvious who the new speaker would be. Also, the two factions in the House, the Due Process Group and Integrity Group had agreed to resist any imposition by their Party, PDP. Once again the honourable members did not sacrifice intelligence and fairness on the altar of PDP for mediocrity.
When it was time to vote, they all voted wisely except 20 party loyalists and luckily their votes were wasted. Dimeji Saburi Bankole representing Abeokuta South in the House of Representatives scored 304 and George Jolaoye representing Osun scored 20. The voting showed victory for Nigerians who did not want any nominee of the ruling party or Etteh to become the next speaker.
Dimeji Bankole is 37 years old. He is well educated and has been a very active member in the House since 2003. He went to Baptist Boys High School, Abeokuta and Albany College, London for his Secondary School. For his University education, he went to the Universities of Reading and Oxford for Bachelors and Masters respectively. With these levels of education and exposure, we expect better conduct and utterances from our new Speaker of the House of Representatives.
In his acceptance speech, he promised robust debates, exciting motions and quality legislation that will move the country forward
' I have a vision of a House of Representatives which shall
once again be fondly referred to as the House of the Nigerian People. I believe
that from this hallowed chamber shall flow robust debates, exciting motions,
timely bills and quality legislation that will significantly impact on the
standard and quality of the lives of our expectant people.
May it be so.