Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The return

Its been such a long time to be away. I thought i would not come back. Its been one issue or the other and i kept postponing when i will start pouring out my thoughts on this blog. Anyway, a lot has happened, Barak Obama is the president of America, Africa is hosting the world cup, Samuel Peters has lost the world boxing titles over and over and Ajaokuta Steel Company has not paid their staff yet the ten months salary arrears. But you know what, life continues but for some it ended. Michael Jackson was one of those whose life ended suddenly at age 50.
Michael Jackson born August 29, 1958 to katherine and Joe Jackson was a trail blazer. He was a child of destiny. As a young boy he exhibited a raw talent that saw him become a great entertainer at age 5 and did not stop till death stopped him June 25, 2009. It was a shock to me. and the entire world. This was an artist that did what no other person can do by breaking down the 'colour curtain' as the Reverend Al Sharpton called it. His music brought blacks, whites, Asians and Latinos together.Unlike Ray Charles, a great and talented artist who had to fight throughout his life against discrimination, Michael used music to eradicate the barrier between whites and othe races. He actually dealt with racial discrimination but in his own way.
In the thriller album, Michael outdanced and outperformed the best and got the name the king of Pop. He became a legend. With fame and money, he became the target of the opportunists and greedy acquaintances who wanted a share of the fortune. He was sued for child molestation, abuse and even lookery ( looking at). He appeared severally in human and organised courts to answer questions on his relationship with kids. His friendship with them was questioned. Thank God that he had children of his own and even married twice if not the news would have been agog of his sterility and inability to be with women. May his soul rest in perfect peace.
The financial institutions in Nigeria are facing some hard times. I hope the global economic recession would not adversely affect our weak economy. The unemployment rate is very high as it is. If we cannot manage the economy then those on the street looking for employment would be more than those gainfully employed and that is disastrous.
The political situation in my country is really bad. This is a country where the constitution is only binding on those on the other side while the ruling party PDP does whatever it wants. They came with rule of Law but so far no law is being upheld.

Nigerian Politicians and Obama

When President Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of United State of America, Nigerians were amongs the millions of people all over the world that celebrated the victory of a black man of an African father over a white American. The wild celebration was due to the fact that racism was openly practiced in America and blacks were treated as second class citizens. To aspire to be the Pressident of the most powerful nation in the world was a dream which Martin Luther King had in the early 60s when he gave that speech, 'I HAD A DREAM'.
Barrak Obama, the strategist whose intelligence and oratory has been widely acclaimed shot into recogning with his approach to campaign. He simply relied majorly on the mass contribution of cents and pennies from the people who believed in him to the few corporate organisations with billions of dollars. He insisted on the cents to ensure a mandate of maximum independence and a true government for all. Obama came into power through popular and overwhelming votes of the people of America. And in his acceptance speech, he acknowledged the people for standing for collective governance of progess and development in every sector of their life.
With what President Obama stood for and still standing for, honesty, simplicity, good governance, it was strange to see those in power in Nigeria, the self styled 'Giant of Africa'angry that Obama did not visit Nigeria on his first and historic visit to Africa. Why will President Barack Obama come to Nigeria? Why will the man that came to power through a respect for the manifested will of a people and through a system that recognises the people's right to good governanace visit a country that just conducted a corrupt ridden election and whose leadership is to the highest bidders or to the stooges of the most powerful and corrupt godfather.
The level of electoral robbery is so high in Nigeria that the voters preferred to sleep at home during election instead of going to perform their civic responsibilities. Who would go and queue in the sun to cast a vote that does not count? Who will watch ballot boxes being snatched at gun point (as if they are stealing money) to be returned in the night filled with fake ballot papers and will risk his llfe. IF a Nigerian cannot tolerate such rape on democracy why will a respected President tolerate such abuse and electoral robbery. The perptrators of this evil in our land are those mediocres who call themselves politicians who are not contributing anything but systematically looting every kobo that is coming into the treasury. There are a select hegemony that have resolved to remain in power and have perpetual control of the nation. These politicians are selfish, unproductive, arrogant, shameless and bereft of ideas yet they are not ready to let go. They used to be two of those old 'cargoes' in the Nigerian political system, one in the west and the other in the middle belt. Fortunately for Nigeria, the one in the West died sometime ago and his political son was away from the country but the one in the middle belt is left.
The former President Olusegun Obasanjo said election was a do or die affair so all his party men started buying guns and looting the treasury to finance 'this war' otherwise known by civilised people as election. In the villages the elderly were scared away by heavily armed policemen so that the thugs can have a field day stuffing the ballot boxes with fake ballot papers. These leaders are mean and evil because in the process, innocent people were killed and they did not care.
Is this the type of people that our leadership wanted President Barack Obama to come and shake hands with? Definitel NO. I was happy that he did not come. I pray our current President will learn from this and approve Justice Uwais electoral reforms report so that sanity and the so called rule of law can prevail during campaigns and election into all the tiers of government in Nigeria.