Monday, November 16, 2009

All hail SWISS

Was I happy that Nigeria lost? You bet I was happy. Let the cheating Nigerian 'men' go and relax. Imagine the captain of Nigerian side claiming to be 17 when he competed in an under 18 football tournament in year 2002. The group photograph taken was published in Punch Newspaper for everyone to see. Why lie about age?
This lying about age in Nigeria is not new. In Ministries and Government parastatals, workers keep swearing to new affidavits every year to maintain a particular age. Some call it official age while hiding the real age. In football, it is called 'football age'.
This is dishonesty and it pervades social, political and now sports in Nigeria. Why would a young man who knows, he's way above the age approved for a particular tournament still goes ahead to participate? Why did his parents allow him when they knew the truth? What about the coaches and the technical team? Is the Nigerian Football Federation ignorant of the true age of the captain of Golden Eaglets, FORTUNE CHUKWUDI and another aggressive player STANLEY OKORO? Are the government representatives or officials claiming 'deafness' or they deliberately shut out the screams of Nigerians in order to justify the huge budget presented to execute the tournament?
Some call it sabotage and some call it witch hunting but whatever we decide to call it does not justify using over age players to compete in this under 17 FIFA World Cup tournament.
After reading comments of several people in the dailies and hearing sport commentators on electronic media, i felt sad for this Nation Nigeria. Most of the commentators blamed Barrister ADOKIYE AMIESIMAKA for speaking out against this fraud. Some say he is seeking attention while others say he is fighting back for being excluded from the several committees set up for the tournament. What a shame that the so called sport administrators and managers should see this issue differently and become illogocal to reasoning. Where lies our honour and integrity? Why has lies, corruption taken over and truth and honesty taken flight from Nigeria? Must we win at all cost? Is this a do or die affair? The former President Obasanjo said that the last election was a do or die affair and its being seen in every area of our national life.
I read a comment from a former player who said the problem of over aged players being fielded in tournament is the fault of the administrators. He said there is this mentality of 'real age' and 'football age' and since nobody complained, they thought there was nothing wrong with it. He said they were encouraged to play despite their 'old' ages and were even promised protection as long as they win matches. Is winning footbal matches the bottom line? What about development of the game?
I refused to watch those 'old men' when i heard the Captain is 25 years old and the other players are between 20 and 22 years old. Little wonder we perform poorly in the U-20 and the senior category.If the age of 25 and 27 play in U-17, then they will be 40 years by the time they are promoted to the senior side and by then, the legs are weak.
On the day of the finals, i prayed that their 'jazz' would not be effective against the Swiss and alas it did not. The young lads won and i was so happy for them. Let our cheating 'men' go jump into the lagoon.
Patriotism, No way.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

NKEM OWOH, an actor

The militant of the Niger Delta in protest of the devastation of their environment by the oil companies in Nigeria started kidnapping the foreign nationals that were working in those companies to show them what destruction the communities were subjected to. They started with the foreign nationals and then some of the senior management staff of those oil companies. The militants resorted to this when it seems the bombing of police posts and oil installations was not getting the international communities attention.
The Militants of the Niger Delta had a reason for that because for many years, the Federal Government of Nigeria paid lip service to devastation in the area. The heavy pollution that left the region bare of cash crop and aquatic life did not bother them as long as the oil companies are paying royalties and taxes to the government. The people on whose land the crude was flowing and millions of Dollars flowing into "agabadas " (flowing robes), were neglected and abandoned. The land produced money but the people live in abject poverty. The oil companies workers are living in concrete building with clean water to use, electricity, social amenities, good and tarred roads while the owners of the oil are living in thatched houses with no light, no water and no social amenities.
These evil forced the youths in the region who unfortunately were unemployed and uneducated to take to armed struggle and kidnapping for attention. The kidnap of the wife of the head of the Lulu-Briggs family and the huge ransom opened a new avenue of financing the struggle. Did their struggle get the needed attention? Oh yes it got the attention of the whole world.
The kidnapping that the Militants in the Niger Delta started and the money collected as ransome became the new business the igbo people of the Eastern Nigeria has gone into now. No more spare parts and electronics. The kidnapping in the East is not as a result of oil spill that has destroyed sources of livelihood but for gains and quick money. First, Pete Edochie was kidnapped and later released and Professor Charles Soludo's father was kidnapped. Although Pa Soludo's kidnapping was politically motivated, it was still kidnapping for money. Why will any one think kidnapping of a fellow human being is a good business. Do they know the trauma that the kidnapped person goes through deprived of freedom? What wickedness!
Now NKEM OWOH, a popular and award winning actor was kidnapped on the Port Harcourt/ Owerri road last week and since then the kidnappers have been communicating with the family on the ransom to be paid before release. The ransom amount is so small but the nightmare he is going through would live with him for ever.
Please Nigerians, this is not business. This is a terrible siege on everyone and Nigeria will suffer for it. As it is now, most of those artists in the East will start relocating to LAGOS. Even the shooting of films in Enugu will stop then the people who were benefitting from that business will start counting their losses. The eastern part of Nigeria will be greatly affected .
Remember Christmas is coming. If this trend does not stop, then the regular exodus home of the igbos may not be witnessed this year.