Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Gadhafi ouster

Gadhafi had ruled LIBYA for 41 years and the people demanded a change. This change has taken six months and several lives. At the beginning Gadhafi said the rebels were cockroaches and he would crushed them. He was saying that because he had a lot of ammunition to execute the war. As a leader and the President of a country he was not tolerant of others views and criticism. On the other hand, the rebels were just protesters protecting against the one man regime of Colonel Muammar Gadhafi. They were just a rag tag team that was not organised and had no military training to sustain any civil war. But the rebels had strong passion for freedom and determination to fight to the end to oust Colonel Gadaffi. The war was about regime change or termination. That is the termination of decades of misrule, corruption,(that has become the bane of African society) tyranny, abuse and torture. Yesterday just saw what the family did to their maid. It was so horrible. I just imagined what their perceived enemies and opposition went through. (Anyway, most of them fled the country.) Gadhafi wage war on neighbouring countries that are weak and small like chad. He was careless with his words and his opinion on issues affecting other West African countries were undiplomatic. When Nigeria was having internal crises, he suggested that the country should split into two IE NORTHERN NIGERIA and SOUTHERN NIGERIA. Nigeria fought a war in the late 60s to remain one so why would anyone not to talk of the chairman of AU advised the country to split?.

The protest in Libya started around the 14th of February 2011. Six days after, almost 200 people had been killed according to the rebels and human right activists. On the 20th of February, one of the sons of Gadhafi, Seif Al-islam Gadhafi warned protesters that they risk igniting a civil war that would burned Libya's oil wealth. This particular day, the military had fired on thousands protesters in Benghazi. 60 or more people were believed to be killed.
With their Federal might, the Gadhafis were confident and optimistic that their regime would not be toppled like what happened in Tunisia and Egypt. Seif said
"We are not Tunisia and Egypt. Our Leader (that is his father) is leading the battle in Tripoli and we are with. The armed Forces are with him. Ten of thousands are heading here to be with him. We will fight until the last man, the last woman, the last bullet".
After few weeks of senseless bloodshed, President Barack Obama eventually decided to intervene. The Libyan rebels needed the support of the international community especially the United State. With the United State intervention, came NATO and the roll out of USAF gunships. That was five months ago.

By 21ST August 2011, the fierce battles had gotten to Tripoli's International Airport, a military camp and other areas. Explosions and gunfire were rocking the Libyan Capital and this showed that the rebels persistence with NATO's help had paid off. The television reports said the rebels in the western towns of zwawiyah and zliten were just 27 kilometers away from the capital. Already other towns had been seized. AL-Jazeera television also reported that government troops including a high ranking Air Force officer were captured by rebels too.
On Tuesday, 23rd August, 2011 Tripoli fell to the rebels and Gadhafi did not wait to shot the last bullet. He, his sons and family fled. its reported he fled to Sirte, his hometown.
Unfortunately, a lot of people lost their lives and properties.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Riots in London

According to reports from the Police and family, it all started on Thursday, 4th August 2011 when the Metropolitan Police Officers stopped a minicab carrying Mr. Mark Duggan near Tottenham Hale Tube Station in North London for a search. The search was pre planned which means the deceased was under surveillance for a while. The 29 years old black man was shot dead by the Police claiming he was resisting arrest and he shot at the Police. Claims that are being refuted by family and friends. Before you could say JESUS is Lord, the news had spread all over the neighbourhood that Mark Duggan a father of four kids had been shot dead during a pre planned operations by the police.
There are reports that he was a suspected gang member and a gun runner. That he was under surveillance and that evening he was carrying a gun. But some friends said he was a complete family man who was very loving. They believed he couldn't be involved in gangsterism. Being a Father does not mean being crime free or a saint. A friend said Mark Duggan was not violent but was involved in things. What are these things he was involved in? Were these things honest? If he was peaceful, why was the Metropolitan Police Specialist gun unit conducting a planned operation to arrest him? There is a saying that there is no smoke without fire. Or is it because he was speaking out against incessant police raids in the black community? Whatever it was, led the police to him and unfortunately he died leaving behind a family and a community to mourn his untimely death.
For the Police,why were the officers so hasty to shoot at point blank or at close range? Is this a case of racial attack? Is the Police Department getting away with too much in London?.
By Saturday, 6th, the news of Mark's death had spread and the people in anger took to the streets to protest the dead and to record their frustrations with the establishments. Before the people could realised what was happening the youths had taken to looting, vandalism and destruction.
The rioting was unprecedented and mindless. Public properties were destroyed. Shops looted, vehicles burnt and facilities vandalised. Were the rioters dis-enfranchised, jobless, homeless or anti-capitalist activists? Or are they thugs acting out the scripts of some disgruntled Politicians? How many of those businesses were owned by the Police or government that the youths destroyed?.
Whatever it was, the Prime Minister Mr. David Cameron had declared that " if you are old enough to commit the crime then you must be old enough to face the consequences". He further said that the government will not allow a culture of fear to exists on the streets of Britain. He said the government, police and intelligence services were looking at whether there should be limits in social media sites like twitter and facebook that have been used to spread disturbances.
We all need peace. Everything should be done to maintain peace all over the nations.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

DA VIVA Fabrics

When Da Viva Prints started appearing in Nigeria markets some years ago, people did not think it would last or pose a threat to other Nigerians fabrics. This was because Nigerian wax and prints manufactured by United Nigerian Textile, NIGERCHEM etc were ruling the fabrics market then. But Da Viva came with beautiful, bright, bold, colourful and eye catching designs. The markets became flooded with DA VIVA Prints and it became affordable to an extent.

Whether you want to sew it as a casual wear or a Sunday best, Da Viva has the fabrics for you. Da Viva has good prints that look good when sown and worn as seen above. Because of this, the print has almost taken over the prints market in Nigeria.

Recently in Abuja, the manufacturer of Da Viva held its first fashion show in Nigeria simply called "Glitz and Glamour". It was really a night of glamour as many Nigerian designers showcased their designs which were produced with Da Viva fabrics.
The fashion show according to the GM, was to create a platform for and support young
Nigerians designers. He believed Nigeria has talents which should be harnessed and supported. He further said that Da Viva is introducing new designs into the fashion industry. I hope our young designers will take advantage of the exposure and upped their game. Well at the show, the young designers showcased a collection full of creativity and style.

It was a night of high fashion and creativity. Wish all the designers good luck. And to DA VIVA, may you continue to produce quality fabrics that will endure.