Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Sower

This parable of the sower that Jesus spoke about in Matt 13:3-23, is a summary of Christians and how they handle the Word of God. It is important that we take note of the parable to place the category we presently fit in while comparing it to the category we ought to be in. Christians are divided into four categories from this teaching of our Lord, Jesus. In the parable,the sower sowed some seeds which fell by the wayside and the fowls came and devoured them. Jesus likened this to Christians who hear the Word of God but lack understanding and the wicked one comes and snatches away that which is sown in their hearts. The second category are the seeds which were sown but fell on stony ground and sprung up. When the sun came up, they were scorched because they had no root and withered away. This category of Christians are likened to those who hear the Word with joy, but have no root. Once trials and tribulations arise because of the Word, they become offended. Some seeds also fell among thorns and the thorns sprung up and choked them. The Christians that fall into this third category are those who receive the Word, but the cares of this world and deceitfulness of riches choke the Word and it becomes unfruitful. Then there is the seed that fell onto good ground and brought fruits in different measures, some hundredfold, some sixty and some thirty. Christians in this category are the ones that hear the Word and understand it, and bring forth fruits in varying quantities. How ready are you to receive the Word of God? What do you do with the Word you receive? How often do you read, study and meditate upon the Word of God? How often do you pray with the Word of God? If the answers to these questions are negative, how do you expect your heart to be right and ready to receive the Word of God. Trials and tribulations are not meant to drive you from the Word, but to bring you closer and deeper in your relationship with God. The desire for prosperity and wealth is not meant to run your life and become your reason for living, but to bless you and position you to be a blessing to others.We must prioritize what is important to us, which is the same thing as laying the right foundation to receive Godly blessings. Fruit bearing is key for any Christian and should be an objective for christian living , remember what the Lord said in John 15:2 "Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, He taketh away".

Monday, February 20, 2012


Today once again the World is celebrating Valentine day. There is so much love talk everywhere but is it the true and unconditional Love? But i want to write about the Legend, the Voice who captivated us for several years before addiction to drugs instead of Jesus Christ took over. I am talking about WHITNEY HOUSTON dubbed the 'VOICE'. For several years she released songs upon songs that sold millions and made her an household name all over the World. Unfortunately, after ten years of struggling with drugs addiction, she died at age 48. It was really shocking when the news broke that the beautiful and talented pop diva Whitney Houston died Saturday 11th February 2011. She was found lifeless in her bathtub at the Beverly Hilton hotel on the eve of the prestigious Grammy award ceremony. The irony was that the event she was billed to compere turned out to be the platform to announce her obituary and celebrate her illustrious music.
`I Love the Lord’, Whitney Houston featuring The Georgia Mass Choir: via @youtube She was one of the best voices I have heard in music all over the world. Her performances were always electrifying. She made wonderful music. We will no doubt miss the golden voice that has rendered several inspirational and soul-lifting songs. The first day I heard `I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU’ by her, I was moved to tears. It was such a moving track. It was a drastic departure from Dolly Parton’s rendition. Many have been paying tribute to a talent gone too soon. A ground breaker whose beauty, ambition and golden voice inspired many black women across generations. Whitney Houston – One Moment in Time: via @youtube While the entertainment world is paying tribute to this musical talent, the style world too, is remembering her for her sense of style. She was not only a musical icon, but also a style icon, as she never failed to impress on the red carpet, especially with her trendy tresses or hairdos. Here we take you back in time through the late diva’s most divine looks as she went from a girl in pretty pastels to grown woman chic. Whitney Houston singing `Yes Jesus Loves Me: via @youtube
Whitney Houston hit the scene as a fresh-face model in the 1980s, and her confident sense of style came naturally. Her early days feature the fashion of the time-funky colours. Bold shoulders and menswear-inspired looks but she later transformed into a more refined style, with sleek silhousttes that flattered her petite frame.
Always totally tressed the singing sensation wowed many in her hairdos whether flipped or tucked, short bobbed, curly, and afro, jagged layered with bangs or chin-length with tons of volume with glossy, textured pieces as she metamorphosed from teen model to award-winning diva.
Adieu Whitney. Rest in perfect peace

Monday, February 13, 2012

Boko Haram and Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

Sanusi Links Boko Haram to Derivation 28 Jan 2012
Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, CBN Governor Attempts to redress historic grievances in Nigeria’s oil-rich south may inadvertently have helped create the conditions for the Islamic insurgency spreading from the impoverished north-east of the country, so says Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria. A revenue sharing formula that gave 13 percent derivation to the oil-producing states was introduced after the military relinquished power in 1999 among a series of measures aimed at redressing historic grievances among those living closest to the oil and quelling a conflict that was jeopardising output. But Sanusi who spoke in an interview with the Financial Times Friday said: "There is clearly a direct link between the very uneven nature of distribution of resources and the rising level of violence." He said that it was now necessary to focus funds on regenerating other regions if Nigeria wants to secure long-term stability. "When you look at the figures and look at the size of the population in the north, you can see that there is a structural imbalance of enormous proportions. Those states simply do not have enough money to meet basic needs while some states have too much money. "The imbalance is so stark because the state still depends on oil for more than 80 per cent of its revenues," said Sanusi. According to Financial Times further analysis of the issue yesterday: "Nigeria has made little headway raising taxes for example from agriculture, which accounts for 42 per cent of GDP. Northern Nigeria’s economy has traditionally depended on the government more than the south. Many of the industries set up as part of earlier efforts to promote national balance have gone bust or been sold off during a decade of liberal market reforms, power shortages and infrastructure collapse." "According to official figures, the leading oil producing state, Rivers, received N1,053 billion between 1999 and 2008 in federal allocations. By contrast the North-eastern states of Yobe and Borno, where the Boko Haram sect was created, received N175bn and N213bn respectively. Broken down on a per capita basis, the contrast is even starker. In 2008 the 18.97m people who lived in the six states in the north-east received on average N1,156 per person. "By contrast Rivers state was allocated N3,965 per capita, and on average the oil producing South- South region received on average N3,332 per capita. This imbalance is compounded when the cost of an amnesty programme for militants in the delta is included together with an additional 1 per cent for a special development body for the Niger Delta. To boot, the theft of oil by profiteers in the region diverts tens of millions more weekly from federal coffers." The Financial Times failed to ask what the North has contributed to the Country'S ECONOMY from Independence to date.
INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE In the past year, the extremist Boko Haram sect has been responsible for attacks on churches, police stations and other state targets. Just last week, it claimed responsibility for multiple bomb blasts that claimed nearly 200 lives in Kano. The size and sophistication of the attacks underlined fears that the conflict is getting out of control. Meanwhile, Vice President, Namadi Sambo has rallied the 19 Northern state governors together in a bid to check the spate of bombings in the North by the violent Islamic sect Boko Haram and arrive at a collective action against the menace. Sambo told State House Correspondents that there was no religious problem in the country but terrorist attacks for which all Nigerians must cooperate with security agencies to see to the end of Boko Haram. The vice-president said he has secured the pledge of the governors to cooperate with the federal government to weed out the group. Sambo’s meeting with the governors held at his Akinola Aguda House residence began around 8.30pm on Thursday and lasted till 2.10 am Friday. The vice-president confirmed to journalists that he met with the governors on how combat the Boko Haram menace. He said: "It is a meeting with the 19 governors of the Northern states of the federation and the ministers of Police and Defence and the representative of the National Security Adviser. We have discussed the need for cooperation in the security of this country and particularly, the Northern states. And in this meeting, it is very clear that there is no religious problem, religious fighting in northern Nigeria."
"There is a threat of terrorists and the need to address this terrorism act. Nigeria is one country and we will do everything to ensure that we have peace in the North and in the country in general. All the state governments as usual will further cooperate with the federal government in ensuring that the safety of lives and properties is maintained in all parts of the country." I wonder who the Vice President is deceiving that there is no religious problem or fighting in Northern Nigeria. The signs are there and non muslims are killed every second for their faith. To me linking Boko Haram's insurgency to derivation is absurd and stupid. If derivation is the reason for these attacks in Nigeria So what is the reason for the rise of Islamic insurgency in every other place in the world and the continued plots to attack Western interests in the US and Europe. I think Sanusi knows more than he is telling us. It is reasoning like this that makes some think the elite in the north know more than they are revealing. God will deliver us from the hands of evil.