Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Happiness in Marriage

Marriage! I read this story on the internet and was surprised that many are not really happy in their marriages. I am not talking about unbelievers. I am talking about believers who are born again. Before i proceed, i will like to share this that i extracted from one of the articles i read.
Few months ago my husband and I were having supper with some married friends. The discussion turned to our marriages and the wife said, "I don't know anyone who is happily married. Are you happy?" My husband and I sat silent: him taking an intense interest in his napkin and me quickly picking up my glass of water to gulp as much liquid as I could. If I had to answer honestly at that moment, I would have said, "Nope. Not happy." Hubby and I had had a good, old "heated discussion" earlier in the day, and we were both still bristling from it. Our friends smiled and nodded knowingly. "See?" the wife said. I wanted to argue with her that marriage is about more than being happy, but the words just couldn't come. Finally after several long moments, I quietly reached under the table and took my husband's hand. I was still angry. I was still unhappy. Nothing about our argument had changed. But I also realized I was also still in this marriage thing for better or for worse. Marriage is one of the most difficult and refining experiences. It continually forces us to realize how much more spiritual maturing we have to do! And that's a tough realization to make.
The article that i took the above from is actually written by a born again Christian and a counsellor. If she that counsels can agree that she is not happy, then happiness in marriage is a serious issue and is worth paying attention to. A lot had been written by people who have knowledge on the topic and in all, lack of understanding and comunication causes the conflict that leads to unhappiness. So if you're in an unhappy place in your marriage, whether you have been there for years or just a few hours, I would encourage you to read the in-depth resource, "How to Be Happy in an Unhappy Marriage" on Kyria platform. As they rightly stated, it is not the usual superficial, "slap on a happy face and deal with it" pep talks. The material is honest, compassionate and biblically based about the tough times, while offering realistic help for you to see your marriage in a different light and to help you keep on during those "for worse" times. The article and others in that series, offer advises on finding Joy even in a Painful Marriage. Actually these articles are so descriptive and honest about some of the emotions couples go through. They actually touch on issues that people most times don't want to talk about or discuss with others. it helps people deal honestly with the hurts, frustrations, and disappointments in marriages. The following quote is from an overview of the article which is quite interesting.
You’ll find wisdom and insight from women who’ve journeyed through profound unhappiness to eventually find renewed love and intimacy in their marriage. You’ll discover guidance from counselors who’ve seen couples make a change for the better. And you’ll encounter inspiring principles to help you turn things around in your own spiritual life even if things feel hopeless in your marriage.
Finally, we can all help ourselves to be happy in our marriages by being tolerant, less aggressive and very understanding of our spouses. Even when life just plain hurts, we should not give up and allow depression to set in. Depression is not even good for our health. Please lets be a little accommodating and forgiving. Forgiveness heals and restores joy and happiness of marriage.