Wednesday, August 24, 2016


A Lot has been said and written about Usain Bolt. He has been called a Legend, An Icon, A pacesetter, a History Maker, A Great Champion, a lovable sportsman  and so on and so forth.
In fact many were at the Olympic Stadium to watch him make history the 3rd time winning Goal in the 100m Race that when he came out of the tunnel for the race, the whole Stadium went up in applause and cheers.
It was beautiful to behold and he was really taking all in and appreciating the warm welcome.

This is a young man who loves running and possibly on bare foot. (Have you not observed that he always removes his sandals after the Race?) He is so humble and very appreciative of all that God is doing in his life and for Him. After every race , he will kneel to pray and end with the sign of the Cross. He is not arrogant and proud like other sprinters and Athletes. He is always acknowledging other Athletes and extending his hands of friendship to them.
From all his winnings and medals, someone wrote this beautiful articles on lessons to learn from this young man from Jamaica who has been on the spotlight for the past 12 years now. Its a beautiful write-up.

Sunday August 14th, 2016 was the date, Brazil the location and Usain Bolt once again won like a true champion, outrunning all other competitors in the men's 100meters Olympics race.

To be honest, the tension in the room was palpable. Would he beat his past records? Would someone else beat him? It seemed inconceivable, and yet possible. As the gun went off, and they all took off, it appeared in the initial seconds that Usain was lagging behind. Somehow though, I had a feeling his coach wasn't worried, and even closely watching him, you could just about detect that sense of confidence, that told you, this lagging was only temporary and possibly even strategic.

In sports, life or in business, there's a tendency to sometimes think that the person who's appearing slower, or who doesn't appear to be heading super fast for the finish line is going to lose or not do as well. Yet, it's what goes on behind the scenes, your background, routines, your practice, dedication, discipline, practice, and understanding that those who take off faster may not necessarily win the race that matters.

As we celebrate Usain Bolt's win, let's recognise a few championship principles highlighted by his win:
What we didn't see was the consistent practice that went on before the Olympics. Practice, practice, practice makes champions.
The biggest challenge is consistency. Are you consistently working at your goals? We are all born as champions, but to actually win, we must put in the disciplined consistent work of unleashing the champion within through preparation and persistence.
2.  The CONFIDENCE OF A CHAMPION Champions have strong belief in themselves and their source. Usain prayed before his race, even in full view of the world. He ran. He won. He even thumped his chest before the finish line!  That's championship faith...knowing you will win even before you've touched the finish line. Too many lose their race because they lack confident belief in themselves and who they are. Confidence is a non negotiable trait in champions.
3. THE FOCUS OF A CHAMPION. Focus is a master strategy of champions. We see Usain staying focused when others even for the split  second when others were seemingly outrunning him. Did you notice he didn't start off at the head of the race? Yet he took it away. He didn't look back, or look around. Instead, he looked ahead at the finish line and the prize that was ahead.
4. THE VICTORY OF A CHAMPION. Champions own their victory with humility and pride. They understand that recognition, is part of the prize of winning the Olympics and excelling in life or business. He alone had the camera on him after the race and he didn't shy away from it as many of us do in the name of humility. Humility is recognising who you are and owning it with a sense of responsibility understanding it serves a higher purpose.
In life as in business, no one remembers  those who "also ran". Life doesn't reward the- "almost made it". The 'I tried'. It's a great story but it doesn't make history. History is made by those who push through first to the finish line. And then stand to be recognised, while knowing that with victory and recognition come responsibility. The expectation to model positive values for the young and old alike, for competitors as well as collaborators. Winning makes you accountable to keep on winning. It's a privilege as well as a commitment which champions don't take lightly.

5. THE STAMINA OF A CHAMPION. Finally, the the principle that resonates the strongest with me is the one that played in my consciousness at the end of the game. "The temporary lag of a true champion is at best strategic and at worst temporary" Don't ever count out people who have the DNA of a champion. They may appear slow in a season or even successive seasons, but give up on them or look down on them to your detriment. Those whose backgrounds, roots, values, standards, commitments to winning, who've been tried hard in past battles are not to be too quickly written off.

If you or anyone you know is going through a slow or tough season, be encouraged. Understand that it's only temporary. Trust the process, the practice and the purpose for which you are here. It will come together. You may not be Usain Bolt, but we all have the ability to come through into our own versions of victory.

What will you do differently to make history in your Life or business? What will you do to make your business a  standout championship business. What will you do to make sure you unleash your personal championship at work?

I know Practice makes perfect. More Practice more Perfection. So if you want to Ignite the Champion within you, please be humble, PRACTICE, PRAY, PRACTICE and you will definitely be a force to reckon with soon.

Monday, August 22, 2016

God is Faithful

The Jeep Freelander that is burning above was once my husband's beautiful car.  It burnt on the way when he was returning from Esan to Lagos.
This has taken me a while to write because the shock of loosing a car through burning ( the car was totally burnt) was too much to bear. The blow was just very painful.

During the Easter holiday, my husband traveled to his Villages with 2 of his cousins. I did not go because I wanted to use the holidays to rest.

 He left that Good Friday very early. I had to attend prayer rain at prayercity and the traffic was hectic. I called him and he said he had passed through easily because he left earlier.
Throughout his stay and and all the places he went to in the village, he would call and tell me about the activities and the people..
On Sunday, the brother who is a Pastor  left the village for Ajaokuta, Kogi State where he resides with his family. I had expected my husband to leave the Village to Uromi to sleep. But he didn't. He went back to the village for an important meeting.

What was the Meeting about?
In the Village, they had a  businessman who came from the City of Warri to start mechanized farming in the village.The man had met some Elders and given them money. But the Youths were not involved in that negotiations so they protested and stopped the man from starting anything in the village. In order to resolve the crisis, my husband and others went to the Village.

Back at home, a meeting was held by all the stakeholders and the Elders were not happy that people came from Lagos, Warri, Port Harcourt and Benin to resolve the issue in the village and i think, it was then that they decided that my husband being a Lawyer probably talked the others into the Meeting.
He said after the meeting, the Elders and the business man came to see him claiming they wanted to discuss privately with him. He refused them having a talk with him and advised them to abide with all the decisions taken at the General meeting. So the Elders left (so it seemed).

In the morning, that Monday,  they all came out and saw a fresh tail of porcupine by the car. My husband said he quickly went into the house to pick the Anointing Oil and came out to pour it on what he saw. He said they all prayed and  afterward burnt the porcupine tail.
On their way, he noticed the exhaust pipe was leaking so he welded it in the next village and continued on their journey to Lagos.

The Sunday night, I had a dream where my husband was rushed to the hospital and I was asking people to call his brothers to tell them. I woke up and I cancelled the evil dream and rejected in its totality what the dream stood for. I commanded God to frustrate the effect of the evil dream and convert every defeat to victory.

My Husband said he heard some noise but he was on the Benin Bye-pass which is always lonely. The Cousin that was with him said that they decided to drive close to Okada where people are but the smoke that started coming out from the engine made them stop. He said when he opened the bonnet, he heard a loud bum sound. He ran to the booth, brought out the Fire Extinguisher and other travelers stopped too to help but the fire refused to be extinguished.

So when he called that the car has gone up in flames, I just advised him to stay away and start praising God for sparing his life.

That day was really hectic for all of us. It was full of anxiety and worries. I was on the telephone throughout trying to comfort, encourage and hold his hands in prayers.

To the Glory of God, he was able to salvage some things from the car before it burnt down finally.
He had to take a commercial vehicle from there to Lagos. He got home late that day and we were all grateful.

I thank God for Life. I thank God for disappointing our enemies. I thank HIM, for not allowing us to put our hands on our heads to cry and mourn.

Affliction will not rise up again in our lives or home in Jesus name.

Thank God that he has gotten a new car. All praise to JEHOVAH Over-Do

Our God is Faithful.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Every day now, we are waking up to hear that some innocent people or farmers are killed by the Cattle handlers or herdsmen.
Suddenly, they have taken over the killing spree from the boko Haram sect.
Then I ask, where were they before now? Why this sudden urge to maim, destroy and kill? They have been living with these people and in most cases, happily so why turn around to start killing these people who have provided food for their Cattle?

Before now, we used to see the Fulani Herdsmen going about with sticks and water bottles. But as you can see from the pictures above, these handlers are no more carrying sticks but guns and in most cases, AK43. These are the new faces or herdsmen that are roaming from the Northern part of Nigeria to the Southern part.

We know that so many factors are responsible for the increased movement of theses herdsmen to the South

The first one is the climate change which has resulted from global warming and desertification.Of course, the owners fearing for their flocks, pay these young men to take them to greener lands. So the  herdsmen had no option than to migrate southwards to find pastures for their animals, which now faced starvation in the North. But the issue is that  nomadic cattle rearing is becoming out of fashion.
In developed Countries, Ranches are built to cater for these cattle etc.

In Ranches, adequate food and care will be provided for the cattle. The livestock would be healthier, more productive, while the herdsmen too will be taken care of. This nomadic lifestyle is outdated.
We know climate change from global warming and desertification has affected the Northern region of this Country and the activities of the terrorist group, Boko Haram has made life difficult there.
We also know these herdsmen think they have no option than to migrate to the Southern region to find pastures for their animals which may die of starvation in the region.

These and many other reasons may force these herdsmen to head South but all the reasons could be addressed by creating grazing fields and Ranches in their area. The owners of these Cattle have money and can take care of their life-stock without inconveniencing others.
Israel has succeeded to turn deserts into oasis and i believe the rich owners of the Cattle can built Ranches too and create green belt on those ranches. Cattle rearing is a private business so why make others to suffer?

-Nomadic cattle rearing had become obsolete.

-Human activities have increased.

-Infrastructural Development have taken over the bushes and forests

-Education is everyone"s RIGHT.

-Child Abuse is a Crime.

So I plead with our President, Muhammadu Buhari not to go ahead with the so called grazing routes because these herdsmen will still be moving from one area to the other destroying farmlands and killing farmers who dare to challenge them  or stop the destruction of their crops.

In Ajaokuta, Kogi State, many farmers have been killed because they tried stopping the rampaging cattle from destroying what they had planted. The same gory scenes are being witnessed daily in Benue, Enugu, Edo, Oyo etc
The President and his Federal Executive Council should encourage building of Ranches and ensure adequate food for the Cattle and the handlers are provided.
This will forestall unnecessary clashes, the livestock would be healthier, more productive, and peace will return once more to the areas where attacks are commonplace now.

Sunday, April 10, 2016


1. Wedding is a day but marriage is a lifetime .

2. A stingy man who is single will still be stingy when married.

3. Silence can never be misquoted.

4. If you want what no one has had, you must do what no one has done.

5. When God wants to bless you, He puts a person in your life. When Satan wants to destroy you, he puts a person in your life.

6. It is better to be single and alone than to be married to the wrong person.

7. Avoid a contentious woman.

8. 3 men to avoid:
a. A hot tempered man.
b. A womanizer.
c. A drunkard. 

9. Marrying a comedian does not guarantee a happy marriage.

10. Never be yoked to anyone who will not be yoked to Christ.

11. 3 words that echo peace in a marriage:
a. I love you .
b. I am sorry .
c. Thank you.

12. Don't waste your time meditating or dwelling on your singleness.

13. Cohabitation is a recipe for marital failure .

14. Deal with anti marriage dreams.

15. Masturbation is destruction.

16. Marriage without friendship is like a sky without the sun.

17. If you rush into marriage, you may end up with someone who will bury your destiny.

18. A successful marriage is always a triangle : God, A man and a woman.

19. Why you marry is as important as who you marry.

20. Much happiness in life depends on your marital choice.

21. A man needs divine wisdom from God in choosing who to marry.

22. Do not place your priority on good looks ; no woman is ugly, she just needs rebranding.

23. 3 major characteristics to look for in a woman :
a. Fear of God.
b. Wisdom.
c. Discretion (beauty is vanity ).

24. The best way to enslave a woman is to show her love excessively - as a rule, women don't run away from where they're pampered.

25. Love is not blind ; infatuation and lust are blind.

26. Love puts God first, lust puts sex first.

27. Test every love with your peace of mind, if it is absent, God is not there.

28. If you are a true friend, you will attract true friends.

29. Caring hearts never lack caring hands.

30. Desperation leads to frustration.

31. Bad marriages can be avoided before they begin.

32. Keep your self pure and your bed undefiled.

33. It is spiritual insanity to plan to convert someone so you can marry the person.

34. Wage war against the devil that fought your parents' marriage.

35. Marriage is a covenant, always look before you leap.

36. It is better to be single and believing God to be married than to be married and believing in God to be single.

37. A broken courtship is better than a failed marriage.

38. Do not marry money or property, marry a person.

39. Be presentable.

40. Be Humble and Prayerful.

Monday, March 14, 2016


 Curious like me about AJAOKUTA STEEL COMPANY and all the conspiracies that had made it not to work? Read this article from a Researcher, Natasha Hadiza Akpoti.
I pray God helps us. If Ajaokuta works, thousand will be employed in the Company and other allied companies that would used its bye-products.

Time to break the deadly conspiracy surrounding #Ajaokuta Steel #Company Limited!!!
I have been advised to use pseudo names in publishing this piece, but that’s not my nature. I am one who bolds up to situations and thus, I shall bear my name and consequences this report might stir.

From the 14th of August 2015, the day I had an interactive and empowerment session with the black smiths of #Ebiraland; the pains in their voices daunted me.  A people, whose ancestors carved a niche in ironworks way back as the 7th century suffered for want of materials to support their trade while a steel giant lay raped in their backyard by a series of unfortunate events and conspiracies.

In October, I took online to issue a petition pleading with #President #Buhari to revive ASCL; and with your support we were able to get hundreds of signatures. Since that day, I left no stone unturned to discover the happenings so as to better understand the best path forward. I have taken time to make this report as brief and as simple as possible and urge you all to take time and read.

1958 to 1979

1958 - the colonial administration conducted a feasibility study on iron ore deposits in Nigeria.
1967 – the #United #Nations #Industrial #Development #Organisation survey identified Nigeria as a    potential steel market which led to the signing of a bilateral agreement between Soviet Union and Nigeria.
1971 - the Nigerian Steel Development Authority was established by Decree No.9 to bring to reality a steel plant.
1979 – during the administration of Alhaji Shehu Shagari, TyazhPromExport (TPE) a #Russian leading engineering company commenced construction works on #Ajaokuta #Steel Company Limited.

1979 to 1994

In less than 12 years, TPE transformed a wide expanse of land to contain some giant size network of machinery meant to process the exploration of steel for #Nigeria. Indeed, billions were spent and its evident in the state of the art townships , roads, bridges, power plants, air strip, port, rail that were put up in Itakpe and Ajaokuta in #Kogi state.

In 1990, as the project approached completion, TPE on monthly bases for 4 years wrote to the #Federal #Government reminders on the need to commence works on the necessary infrastructure needed to successfully operate ASCL and Nigerian Iron Ore Mining Company (NIOMCO). They are access roads to the mines and rail system from ASCL to Onne sea port in Port Harcourt. TPE also suggested the possibility of dredging river Niger which could offer a better and more convenient route of importing raw materials. This infrastructure TPE argued would benefit the public especially Northern part of Nigeria where finished steel manufactured products such as cars, parts, construction materials etc could be shipped to other states and nations once the state is fully functional as an industrial hub. The government never responded.


A lot of people talk about the international conspiracies surrounding ASCL but very few know what actually they were or are. Here;

In 1992, when the project was near completion and while the Russians (TPE) called on the government to work on needed infrastructure; powerful countries namely #France, #America, #Germany, Britain etc including the organizations like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) started reaching out to Nigerian government to terminate the project with the Russians. The Ohinoyi of Ebira land HRM Ado Ibrahim witnessed firsthand a plot by the IMF during a conference in NewYork where a team of Nigerian officials and foreign agents connived that ASCL should be completely dismantled and forgotten.  To them, Nigeria did not need to have a steel plant. Nigeria could as well buy steel from them if needed for its development.

Nigerian government listened to the negative solutions without ever considering the true intentions of the so called experts from these powerful foreign countries. Russia all through stood its ground alone against France, America and co and kept on reminding Nigeria of the need to ignore the adverse opinions. Russia told Nigeria that this conspiracy was cooked by the West to stop Nigeria from achieving the economic strength strong enough to uplift not only itself but the whole of Africa.  To them, Nigeria and Africa needed to be kept as a market for all junk goods from the West. This is in line with the colonial economic model brought in by the British and so, to have Nigeria turn around its economy and that of weaker nations hitherto being exploited by the super powers, and by implication, impact negatively on the extent of influence of the richer countries sent shivers at the smart future awaiting Nigeria.

Nigeria’s government was too busy focusing on ushering the 3rd Republic, June 12 saga and all. No attention was given to the Russians. TPE was no longer being paid. In 1994 TPE left Nigeria.


The Dept Buy Back

Nigeria’s contract with TPE was to construct ASCL for five billion German Deutschmarks (DM) and such that the Nigerian steel authority gave TPE promissory notes guaranteeing payment to the company. When Nigerian government suspended payment and TPE left, TPE sold off these instruments to recover some of the debt owed to the company.
In October 1995, a series of secret debt buy-back transactions took place whereby the debt instruments were sold at inflated prices to Liberian companies purportedly owned by the Abachas -  Parnar Shipping Corporation and Mecosta Securities .This involved the withdrawal in 1996 of $2.5 bn of public funds to settle debts owed to Russia for the construction of the Ajaokuta steel plant, but which in reality had been discounted to only $500m. Obasanjo in 1999 settled debt through OMPADEC .

SOLGAS -  the first Concessionaire

In 2003, Nigeria under president Obasanjo realized the need to complete Ajaokuta and so, SolGas, an American company which specialized in petroleum was given concession. For a year and a half, Solgas zero progress raised questions as to their technical capacity to operate ASCL. Even though they claimed Senator Liyel Imoke and Gbenga Obasanjo brought in Global Steel Holdings Limited/ ISPAT to short- change it from performing. To this end, Nigeria terminated contracts with Solgas. There were no minutes recorded to document deliberations engaging or terminating with Solgas.

GLOBAL STEEL HOLDINGS LIMITED (INDIAN)  - the second Concessionaire

An Indian company first operating under the name ISPAT then changed its name to Global Infrastructure Holding Limited and now #Global Steel Holdings (GSH) were helped into Nigeria by Sen. Liyle Imoke and Gbenga #Obasanjo under President Obasanjo’s tenure in August 2004. The agreement was such that company would own 60 percent of the shares of the steel mill. The Federal Government would keep 30 percent while 10 percent shares would be sold to the public. This company GSHL owned by Mr. Primod Mittal is not affiliated with ArcelorMittal, which the world’s renowned steel giant. #ArcelorMittal is owned by #Lakshmi #Mittal and a cousin to Mr. Primod Mittal.

This concession which saw the taking over of ASCL and Itakpe is termed one of the biggest scams. The plant was hugely undervalued for $300m and GSH was to pay nothing to the government but inject its funds to revive the plant with a number of conditions some of which were:

- 1. That the Federal Government should give GSHL two oil blocks.
- 2. That GSHL be allowed to be lifting crude oil from Nigeria.
- 3. That the Sapele Power Plant be given to GSHL to operate.
-  4. Concession of Delta and Warri Ports to GSHL to operate.
- 10. The supply of Natural Gas to GSHL at “competitive and reasonable tariff”.(GSHL came up with this condition after it failed to sign a Gas Supply Agreement with the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Company. GSHL offered to pay N5.00 per cubic meter of Gas as against the market price of N30.00). It also inserted in its conditions that “Gas price should be kept reasonable and consistent.

After all these conditions, ASCL still deteriorated as equipments of ASCL were moved to Delta steel (which GSHL took over in 2005) while some to other private owned Indian owned steel factories in Nigeria in the name of “borrowing”.

The federal government under President Yaradua realized the huge mistake Nigeria once again made and sought to terminate the contract with GSHL. The then Director General of the BPE, Ms Bolanle Onagoruwa stressed that the approval of the concession of Ajaokuta by president Obasanjo was in violation of the BPE Act.

At Senator Ahmed Lawan led Adhoc Committee, Minister of Mines and Steel Development, Architect Mohammed Musa Sada also revealed that the federal government under Obasanjo single handedly sold ASCL to GSHL and that GSHL ruined the Ajaokuta complex by stripping it of all valuable equipment and machineries. It led to the cancellation of the entire process by the federal government.

This act didn’t go too well with GSHL and they dragged Nigeria to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in London, UK and demanded Nigeria pays them $1B for termination. 

In 2013, after 6 years of heated negotiations at the ICC, the Jonathan’s administration successfully took back ASCL. GSHL also lost their $1B demand.


One would have assumed the drama over in 2013 but alas, the Federal Governments hands are tied on progressing with ASCL. GSHL shrewdly crafted an arbitration clause in the contract between the government and GSHL which prohibits Nigeria from dealing with anybody until all matters with GSHL are resolved. In other words, the Indians do not want Nigeerian government to proceed on completing Ajaokuta until an unreasonably selfish condition is met - they want the Nigerian government to give Itakpe Iron Ore company to them free for 25 years.

At the moment of this report, there is a modified contract containing such ridiculous terms before the minister of solid minerals in favour of the Indians.  GSHL wants to tap Iron Ore from Itakpe and move to Delta Steel which was in June 2015 taken over by Premium Steel, a company set up just months before the purchase of Delta Steel . Premium Steel is owned by another powerful Indian conglomerate headed by the #Vasuwani brothers (owners of the controversial Stallion group).

Truth is that Itakpe was set up as a captive mine to ASCL. The original plan holds that iron Ore would be moved from #Itakpe to ASCL which will in turn distribute to other smaller rolling mills, Delta Steel inclusive.

If GSHL succeeds in its bid to take charge of Itakpe, ASCL will become a sad history as there will be no Ore to feed from. That means Kogi state will have no steel plant of its own ever again. So no matter that amount of pacifying information the government publishes for the public on the urgency and good intention they have towards ASCL, nothing shall be done until the arbitration is terminated.

Patriotic Nigerians must call on the Nigerian Government to immediately terminate every agreement in whatever form with GSHL. Nigeria is too big a nation to be held captive by an Indian company. TPE, a whole Russian government owned company who built the complex did not cause this much pain to Nigeria… why would a private Indian Company who has never operated any steel plant in its own country India do such a thing to us? A more worrisome question to answer is – Who’re the heavyweight Nigerians behind GSHL selling us this cheap? I don’t believe Mr. Primod Mittal would have the courage to stand alone and dare this much pandemonium; so who are the greedy Nigerians toiling with the present and future of Kogi state and Nigerians? No matter what, Nigerians must remember that the masses are always majority and the power to determine our future truly lies in our hands. Our silence and ignorance has only cost us this much.


The Sole Administrator of ASCL Egnr. Onobere has repeatedly said that since the Russians left in 1994, no progress has been realized on the project. The following questions kept hovering my mind :

- the moment Nigeria realized their mistake in not completing ASCL and were ready to commence completion, why were the Russians not called back to resume works? Why did we settle for SolGas and GSHL in the first and second instances?
- From the quality of work evident in Ajaokuta, is there any doubt on the expertise of TPE that questioned their invitation?
- Could it be that TPE wasn’t invited because the Russians are too straight forward and don’t engage in “smart business”?

My research led me to uncover a lot of conspiracies on how TPE is no longer interested in doing business with Nigeria and some even said TPE no longer exists. My curiosity took the better part of me and I decided to look them up the internet and initiate contacts.

I sent an e-mail to TPE in mid November and another early December 2015, none were replied. 

It is said that desperate times require desperate measures and that when you truly want to do something, you shall find a way; so I contacted a dear friend of mine who lives in Russia and who happens to be the acting Chairman of Russia’s Arbitration Court on International Economic Matters – Mr. Tunde Adewon. As God would have it he is also a Nigerian; born to a father from Ondo State and a Russian mother. His father late Engr. Moses Adewon was one of the senior engineers who worked to build the Itakpe Iron Ore complex.

Mr. Adewon on behalf of Builders Hub visited TPE in Moscow, Russia in the 2nd week in December 2015. After the first brief meeting, TPE, as precautionary measures ran a security check on me. Then Mr. Adewon was called for a detailed meeting and this was noted;

- TPE expressed deep sadness at the manner in which ASCL was handled.
- TPE said their heart was poured into the project in other to give Nigeria, the greatest country in Africa, the biggest steel Complex in Africa.
- That never, in all of their works across the world, not even in India, did they build a steel city as big as Ajaokuta complex.
- That it was sad Nigeria did not heed to their warnings about the international conspiracies and Nigeria turned their back to them instead of seeing the bright future they dreamt for us. That we, by our own hands allowed our economy to be trampled amidst negative interests by other powerful countries.
- That over the past years, they had tried reaching out to the Nigerian government to allow them come back and complete the project. Nigeria did not respond positively.
- That they would want nothing more than to work to revive Ajaokuta and help Nigeria create jobs for its people and take itself out of poverty. Nigeria, they said  must wake up from its slumber and be greater than ever before for itself and for Africa.

During a skype meeting, TPE was advised to write a letter of intent to the Minister of Solid Minerals. I also made it clear that neither I nor Mr. Adewon were interested in any monetary reward. We were only good citizens of Nigeria trying to use our best arsenals to contribute our quota in helping our country. They appreciated our honesty.

On the 25th of December 2015 (Christmas day), TPE wrote and sent the letter (which I have attached to this post) to the Minister of Solid Minerals Dr. Kayode Fayemi. TPE is expecting to be invited over to discuss a path forward which would first entail technical evaluation of ASCL to ascertain damage and recommend modernization and upgrade plans for completion. TPE said they are very ready to come to Nigeria even at a week’s notice.
On Monday the 18th January, I paid a courtesy visit to the Minister himself; Dr. #Fayemi acknowledged reading the letter from TPE and mentioned the Ministry would look into it. I pleaded with him on the need to expedite actions regarding ASCL and reminded him of the TPE’s intentions should be considered a priority. 

4 weeks after the letter was sent to the Ministry and no response from the Minister’s office, I visited the Department of Steel within the Ministry. To my shock, no one had seen or heard of the letter of intent. Question – what happened to the TPE’s letter after the Minister read it. Is it not supposed to be sent to the Steel and Legal departments for action?

Do you also know that till today, no committee has been set up to investigate into ASCL? 


My dear Minister, sorry if I sound a bit hard. I don’t like it myself but like I told you in your office, I tour rural communities and interact everyday with the unemployed; the pains in their eyes are unbearable and that’s what I pour out right here… the pains of Nigerians and the huge expectations from your kind self and Mr. President.  You visited Ajaokuta on the 14th of December 2015 and promised an urgent action first by composing a think tank whose report would be submitted to the President; that’s 40 days ago!!!

The Russians worked even on Christmas day to get the letter to you. When are you going to respond and extend an invitation to at least hear out their plans for ASCL and Nigeria? When would you constitute the fact finding committee? How long a time would the committee have to prepare its report? When would the President digest the report? When would decisions be made? Please note that Nigerians expect your efficient office to act quickly as we are fast drowning. 

Mr. Minister, I am aware you were misinformed that the Russians are not interested in the constructions works in ASCL, that’s not true sir. Please do not be trapped by misinterpretations. For that sake, I have decided to post TPE’s letter out to Nigerians to read. Also, my team met with the senior management of TPE in Russia today the 26th of January and they once again expressed their readiness to work with Nigeria on Ajaokuta and other projects if need be.

Sir, do you know that TPE Russia constructed 3 of India’s largest steel plants namely - Bhilai, Bakaro and Visakhapatnam? Do you know that Bhilai is an eleven-time winner of the best integrated steel plant in India? They say the blast furnace technology in Ajaokuta is old, no sir. Do you know that India recently contracted TPE Russia to reconstruct and modernize Rourkela (originally built by Germans) and Durgapur steel plants? It shall interest you to know that TPE is installing the largest blast furnace in India as part of Rourkela upgrade.

Sir, please join as we ask ourselves why India, with all its steel expertise keeps calling on TPE Russia? It’s because they are good and honest and that is what Nigeria needs now. GSHL was not invited by their government to work on their plants? Better still – has GSHL ever done any steel works in India? Was Nigeria supposed to be a guinea pig? Little wonder they can’t let go of Nigeria and are holding Ajaokuta hostage.  Sir, please see that the arbitration with GSHL is terminated as soon as possible. In the meantime, TPE is at this moment writing a comprehensive letter of intent to the president, your office shall be promptly copied sir. Thank you .

Today the 26th of January, I printed copies of the letter and again took a set to the Minister’s office and a set to the Director of Steel Engr. Also Abdullahi promised to follow up with the Minister.

Dearest Nigerians and Kogites, it is said that you can’t make the same mistake twice, the second time you make it; it’s no longer a mistake but a choice I don’t know what a third mistake is called. We have watched our God given economic destiny being tossed twice by a few; we cannot sit back and watch it happen the third time around. It will be a big shame unto us.

Anger will do no good. We shall forgive everyone for every negligent decision made in the past. Sadly we have found ourselves in the most despicable of times; we should be courageous enough to seek to take the best path forward. Let us think deep quickly and ask ourselves – what do we have to lose or gain if the Russians come back to rescue Ajaokuta?

Now that God has ushered us a new government in Kogi state, let us demand of our Governor and National Assembly members to make ASCL their watchword. Let our dear royal fathers HRM the Attah of Igala, the Ohinoyi Ebira land, the Obaro of Kabba and others keep interceding on behalf of ASCL. Let every Kogite realise that there is no better time than now to unite and seek that justice is done to ASCL. Let every state in Nigeria join forces to call on the federal Government to revive Ajaokuta because that single project coupled with Nigeria’s intellectualism can usher us into unprecedented greatness. We are too poor, our youths are jobless, our future is bleak, we cannot continue to suffer this much. The time to speak up and act is now!!! 
Truly yours
Natasha Hadiza Akpoti.

NOTE: This report took weeks of constant research with me meeting with the Minister of Solid Minerals Dr. Fayemi, Director of Steel Ahl. Also Abdullahi, Sole Administrator Engr Onobere, TPE Russia and so many others. No part of this excerpt expressly stated, though all true, was made by any of the above mentioned.

The picture herewith attached was taken at TPE headquarters in Moscow, Russia with Builders Hub representative on international matters Tony Adevon (second right) and three top management officials of TPE.
" as copied"

Thursday, March 3, 2016


One of the Campaign promises of President Buhari was the fight against CORRUPTION in Nigeria.
 Its the major reason why most enlightened individuals voted for him.

The first salvo was against the Senate President' wife. Next was the Senate President who lied when declaring his assets. From there, we have had questioning and arrest by the anti-corruption agencies of Politicians and Government Officials  who looted the treasury. Even the so called uncommon transformation crooner in Akwa Ibom State, Godswill Akpabio was called for questioning by EFCC

Then came the arrest of  Dasuki and the drama began. Right now the drama is just unfolding because all the stories going round and from the social media are from gossips of what they imagined the former NSA said.
Find below some of the documentary evidence as provided by the suspects or accused.

Imagined the money meant for Arm,s Purchase for the military fighting the insurgents- Boko Haram Terrorists in the North East was diverted and the money ended up in the pockets of  politicians. Dasiku was in charge of disbursement and anyone that happened to walk into his office was dashed millions of Naira or millions of Dollars.  He became an ATM machine loaded with Nigeria's money for the wastage of PDP members.
Find below the letter  from the former Minister of Finance, Ngozi Okonji Iweala to  President Jonathan on the requests from Dasuki . The President approved the rerlease of the money but the purpose for that approval was not achieved.

 Corruption has eaten deep into our systems. Everywhere you turn, the stench of corruption is suffocating.
According to Bafarawa, former Governor of one of the States in Nigeria, "today, one can say that up to 90 percent of Nigerians are corrupt because when you go to the grassroots level that is where corruption starts.

“The electorate will demand money before they elect you into office no matter how good you are, no matter the kind of ideology you have and intend to bring for their own good.

“If you don’t give them money, they would not support you. The game is that anyone who comes and shares money to them gets the support and nothing more.”
This is so true but under Goodluck Jonathan's administration, 99 percent of Nigerians became corrupt. The Politicians just thought money can buy everything and went about flaunting their ill-gotten. Many became mesmerised and lost their dignity and integrity.
The Dasukigate has thrown up so many things. Men that we claimed were honest were shown in another light. People like Olu Falae, a former Minister that we used to think was above board, was one of the beneficiaries of the arms money. He did not deny it.
Others were Olisa Metuh, spokeman of PDP, Olabode George, Tony Anenih, Bafarawa etc.
Above is the letter from the Publisher of THISDAY Newspaper. He claimed the money he collected was for his bombed building in Abuja.
Many newspapers and journalist were mentioned too as beneficiaries of the arms money: AIT's Raymond Dokpesi and Nduka Obaigbena. We even read that Obaigbena used the proceed to set up ARISE TV that shows on DSTV.
Dasuki"s family was not left out of the Naira rain. N1.675 Billions of Nara  to his younger  brother, Abubakar Dasuki. As at this time many States had started owing staff salaries for months. awaouldnt they had used this money to pay workers that were owed?
The problem now is that anyone arrested on corruption charges claim witch hunting. I wonder which witch is hunting them. If they did not want to be hunted, they should have not stolen our treasury dry.
The case is in Court. I hope all those found to have corruptly enriched themselves will be prosecuted and jailed so that others will learn from it.

Sunday, February 28, 2016


A friend forwarded this article to me when I complained about cough and constipation. I laughed at her and asked her to sell the info to those hawkers on Ikorodo/Oshodi Route. But she insisted that she had taken the leaves and was relieved of her incessant constipation.
Anyway, I read the article and decided to get the leaves and use. Hmmm, its bitter but it worked and that is why I am posting the message here for you my friends.
The leaves is very common and cheap too. With a hundred Naira, you can get a bunch in the local market. I am not sure you can find it in Shoprite o or Malls.

21 Amazing Medicinal Uses Of Betel Leaf  (Utazi or Utasi)

Betel leaf is a heart shaped leaf that exhibits unmatched medicinal properties. Betel leaf’s medicinal uses are hugely underrated, but highly efficient. Take a dive in the world of medicinal uses of betel leaf and get amazed!

1. Analgesic:

Betel leaf is an amazing analgesic that offers relief from pain. It can be used to alleviate pain caused due to cuts, bruises, rashes, inflammation (internal as well as external), indigestion, constipation, etc. You can simply make a paste of betel leaf and apply to it the bruised area (meant for external application). You can also chew betel leaves and drink its juice to get relief from internal pain.

2. Eases Constipation:

Betel leaf contains the goodness of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants clear free radicals from the body. This restores the normal PH level of an upset stomach. As a result, constipation is eased. You can simply chew the betel leaf and ingest its juice on an empty stomach each day to get relief from constipation. Another way is mincing betel leaf with water and storing it overnight. Drink the stored water on an empty stomach the next day.

For children suffering from hard stool problem, a suppository made of the stalk of betel leaf dipped in castor oil can be introduced into the rectum.

3. Improves Digestion:

Betel leaf is good for digestion. Its carminative, intestinal, anti-flatulent and gastro-protective properties made chewing the leaf after a meal very popular. The essential oil can be massaged on the stomach as it helps in the secretion of digestive acids and gastric juices. For children suffering from indigestion, boil betel leaf with a little pepper in water. Strain it, and give two teaspoons of this mixture to children twice a day for an instant cure.

Betel leaf thus increases the body’s metabolism. This triggers circulation and stimulates the intestines to absorb vital minerals and nutrients. Waste gets removed easily through better sphincter performance. Better sphincter performance is also an outcome of the stimulation caused by betel leaf.

4. Reduces Gastric Pain:

Betel leaf is essentially very helpful in improving GERD. It keeps the duodenum free of harmful free radicals and toxins. This further reduces acidity caused due to imbalanced PH levels of the stomach. Optimal PH levels ensure that bloating is eased. Fowl gas passes through sphincter contraction and expansion. This ensures that gastric reflux is eased. Hence, gastric pain subsides easily with constant use.

5. Increases Hunger:

Decreased appetite is also an outcome of upset stomach. Normal PH levels trigger the hunger hormone to get secreted in optimal amounts. Betel leaf is highly capable of restoring the normal PH levels of stomach by flushing out all the toxins. Hence, it increases appetite and promotes health.

6. Promotes Oral Health:

The betel leaf helps to refresh breath, protects against germs, bacteria and other oral pathogens in the mouth. When you chew a betel leaf, it cleanses the mouth. It prevents tooth decay. It helps to strengthen the gums and reinforces the teeth. It prevents oral bleeding. This protective shield can be enhanced by gargling, morning and night, daily, with one drop of betel leaf oil mixed in one cup of warm water. You can also boil some betel leaf in water and use it as a rinse and gargle. It also helps to treat sore mouth.

7. Treats Respiratory Problems

Betel leaf is very good for treating respiratory problems. It helps to treat cough and cold. It also brings much relief to people suffering from chest and lung congestion and asthma. It even helps to cure breathing problems. You can apply mustard oil to the leaf, warm it and keep it on the chest to cure congestion. Alternatively, boil a few leaves with cardamom, cloves, cubeb and cinnamon in two cups of water. Reduce it up to 1 ½ cup. Strain and drink this concoction three times a day to find instant relief.

8. Relieves Cough:

Betel leaves are amazing ways of easing constant cough. They come loaded with the goodness of antibiotics. These antibiotics ease phlegm and also reduce the inflammation caused due to constant coughing.

How To Make?

Simply boil betel leaves in water.
Add cloves and cardamom to it and heat again.
Drink at-least 3 times a day.
This is an amazing anti-whooping recipe that eases cough with constant use.

9. Eases Bronchitis:

One of the best betel leaf medicinal uses is that it also acts as an amazing remedy for bronchitis. It reduces inflammation all along the bronchial chord and lungs. This leads to dilated phlegm. Hence, the chest congestion is eased that further improves breathing.

10. Antiseptic Benefits:

Betel leaf is an amazing anti-septic as well. It is rich in poly-phenols, especially chavicol.. Thus, it offers dual protection from germs. Being a good antiseptic, it can be applied on cuts to kill germs. And since it is loaded with poly-phenols, it is used for treating inflammation such as arthritis and orchitis. Local application of the betel leaf acts a pain reliever and an anti-inflammatory agent.

11. Antifungal Benefits:

Betel leaf is also an amazing anti-fungal remedy. Fungal infections commonly occur on moist body parts. Thus, betel leaf makes an amazing natural remedy that prevents fungal infections naturally.

12. Relief From Back Pain And Muscular Tensions:

Betel leaf is a good remedy for people suffering from lower back pain or lumbago. A hot poultice of betel leaves or juice mixed with refined coconut oil applied on the loins gives good relief. Massaging the lower back with betel leaf oil and a carrier oil helps to ease the pain. It also provides relief from muscular tension pains, redness, and swelling.

13. Treats Water Retention And Urination:

Betel leaf is a good diuretic. Crush a betel leaf and extract its juice, mix it with a little-diluted milk and drink it. This helps to treat water retention in the body. It also helps in easing urination for people suffering from scanty or obstructed urination.

14. Heals Wounds And Infection:

Betel leaves medicinal properties includes healing of wounds and infection. Crush a few leaves, extract the juice, and apply it on the wound or infection. Then put a betel leaf over it and wrap it with a bandage. The wound will heal within two days as it prevents the growth of destructive microbes.

15. Improves Alertness:

If you are feeling sluggish or suffering from nervous exhaustion, the betel leaf is a good remedy to improve alertness. A teaspoon of betel leaf juice with honey acts as a tonic. It can be taken twice a day. It improves mental functioning and treats debility. It also energises and motivates people, thereby curing them of their sluggishness.

16. Treats Headache:

For people suffering from headache, the betel leaf is a good cure. It has analgesic and cooling properties. You can apply the betel leaf on your forehead to ease headaches. You can also use betel leaf oil for the same.

17. Acne Cure And Other Skin Disorders:

Betel leaf is a good remedy for acne, black spots, etc. Its antimicrobial properties help to treat skin ulceration, allergies, itchiness, and body odour. Crush a few betel leaves and extract its juice, mix with a little turmeric and apply on the acne and allergies to find good relief. Betel leaves boiled in water can be used for washing face and skin to treat and prevent skin problems. Regular usage will help clear spots and acne within a few days. The powerful antimicrobial and antiseptic properties help to treat skin infections.

18. Stops Earache:

Earaches can be irritating and painful. The betel leaf juice or oil is a good remedy for this problem. Mix betel leaf juice or oil and coconut oil and put two drops in the ear. You will find instant relief.

19. Vaginal Hygiene:

For women suffering from vaginal itching and vaginal discharge, betel leaf is a good home remedy. The betel leaves are boiled and are used as a genital wash. In some countries, it is widely used by women after giving birth as it causes genital shrinkage.

20. Prevents Body Odour:

The betel leaf helps to prevent body odour. You can add the juice of betel leaf or oil in your bath water to remain fresh the whole day. You can also drink a concoction made of few betel leaves soaked in boiled water, with a spoon of white sugar added to it. It prevents the unpleasant smell of perspiration and menstruation.

21. Nose Bleed:

Betel leaf is a good remedy for nosebleed. Many young children suffer from it when they play outdoors in the hot sun. The betel leaf helps to stop the blood flow. Roll a fresh betel leaf and insert it in the nosebleed. It takes about 30 minutes to stop the blood flow.

The betel leaf can cure and prevent various ailments and illnesses. It is better to use these home remedies than take prescription drugs, which can be costly and have various kinds of side effects. Betel leaf is available in most parts of the world, and if not, then the essential oil of the betel leaf too can be used to reap the medicinal benefits of this wonderful plant.  However, be cautious of not consuming it with tobacco and other hazardous products

Monday, February 22, 2016

MERCY found Olajumoke Orisaguna

I saw this Poem somewhere about the Favour and Mercy of GOD on Olajumoke Orisaguna,, the poor local bread hawker who has been transformed. I have to share it here.What happened to her can only be GOD.
He alone can turn around one's captivity faster than  imagined.

From her "village," she moved to the city
Not to sell her virtue and body for mammon
But to work hard and with all the hard-work,
It was only a profit of 1$ a day

It was challenging, with a baby and far away husband
She persevered, she kept walking and hawking
With the tray of bread balanced on her head
She sought for her daily bread

Everything she needed to make it is with her
But she needed a "TY Bello"
And chances are that they would never meet
For It is not likely "TY Bello" eats that kind of "bread"

But providence and favour collided
And she walked into a photo shoot
And the photo went viral with "favourable" comments
May you meet your helper of destiny!

And they sought for her
And sent for her
And she was found
And the rest is not just history but historic

Probably you will believe now the Holy Writ that says
When the Lord turned again the captivity of Olajumoke Orisaguna
We were like them that dream...

Then was our mouth with filled laughter
And our tongue with singing...
For I can bet that her husband would have danced
In the new apartment without drums...

Some scriptures sound unbelievable
But now you can relate when God says
He will lift you from the dunghill and cause you to sit with the princes!

That is one story
It can be replicated, not exact copy and paste
But the same God over all is rich unto all

May favour locate you today
May you be transported from lack to much
May they fight and rush to bless you
May your name be heard throughout the world

Don't forget.
She didn't have to sleep with anybody
She didn't have to compromise her virtue
She didn't have to soil her conscience
She only needed to keep trying
Until Mercy found her

Few days back, Google does not know "Orisaguna"
But today...the white man is forced to pronounce that name!

She could not even speak one line of English Langauge
So it is not about your phonetics
It is about the help of God
You can speak all the phonetics in this world
But if you lack help, you are on your own!

God does not call the qualified
He qualifies the called!

It doesn't matter where you are, what you know or who you don't know
As long as you know your creator
it is a matter of time...

May you see help
May divinity smile upon your humanity...
May you receive help that only God can give!

A free luxury house in a plush area
A free school on Language development with Poise
An exposure like never before
I bet some SUV, wonder on wheels will soon follow...
All for this village girl, bread seller...
But that was then!

May the MERCY of God find you!
May His grace locate you!
May favour climb upon your labour!

May you be at the right place at the right Time!

Friday, February 19, 2016


I do not know the full meaning of ORISAGUNA, but I know ORI means head in Yoruba. This lady's head did not disgrace her.

Its often said when life gives you a Lemon (bitter experience in Life), you should turn it around to favour and benefit you by making a lemonade(a sweet refreshing drink, a good Life) for yourself.
To me that applies to those who have the opportunity to be given a lemon, something that one can converts to benefit the person.
In the case of OLAJUMOKE ORISAGUNA,  she had no lemon. Even if she had, she may not know how to use it for her benefit but she had something else, a date with DESTINY.

As the Story goes, Olajumoke as usual was hawking her agege bread on the street that fateful day. She walked into the set where TY Bello was photographing a UK pop star, Tinie Tempah on the street of Lagos. I read also that Jumoke went and asked if anybody wanted to buy bread. They said no and asked her to walk away as she was blocking the view of the photographer. If she had walked away, the story would have been different but she stood and her story changed for the best forever.
 Olajumoke - The Super Model
 Olajumoke  - The Agege Bread Seller on the Street

TY Bello said that when she walked into the shoot, “She seemed a little confused.”  She went further to say “Some people were asking her to walk past really quickly, others were asking her to stay, and she was just in limbo. I said ‘is it okay to take your photograph?’ And she nodded ok.”
A few days later however, l sat with my Filmmaker friend Emma, and as we combed through go-pro footage's to see if we captured the very moment… I noticed Jumoke, the bread hawker from the Sabo market bakery, who walked entirely by coincidence unto the set of our style shoot for Tinnie Tempah.
My subject of interest was the Okada driver that had slowed down just before she arrived. Okada riders have that cool Lagos vibe and always happen to add a bit of swag to street portraits. I was wrong to have paid her such little attention because I noticed every frame with her in it was perfect. I had found a second subject in the Tinnie Tempah story, a young beautiful hawker

When the edition of THISDAY Style came out last week and the images hit social media, I was proven right as this girl split the limelight with the main subject effortlessly. Questions and comments started to fly: Was she a model? How did we convince the model to balance all that bread on her head?
The buzz about her multiplied when I clarified that she  indeed wasn’t a model at all but simply a bread-seller who stumbled on our set. I immediately began my search for her, if these many people felt she was beautiful enough to be a model, then maybe she was meant to be one! I was going to find a way to make it happen.

I had assistants leave word we were  searching for her with mechanics in the area where we photographed her and to my delight, the very next day she showed up at my studio “Aso kan na ni mo wo kiri lati ana" meaning I have been wearing the same outfit since yesterday. Jumoke the model the Internet has been searching for weeks speaks almost no English.
She explained how someone showed her her own photograph in this same outfit on his phone from Facebook. A mallam then led her to my studio that morning. She narrated her journey to Lagos. She was a hair stylist from lre in Osun state but was not making enough profit between she and her husband, a sliding door installer from the same village, to care for their two young children.
At the invitation of a distant relative who knew someone operating a bakery, she relocated to Lagos with her 14 month old daughter to give bread hawking a try, leaving her husband and older 5 year old behind. As I listened to her, I wondered if the beauty I had seen on my screen as I edited my image was a fluke.. well until she smiled, I realized that I was wrong! I had in fact, underestimated the beauty of this 27 year old woman.

That is how 2 weeks ago, Jumoke Orisaguna transformed from semi-Literate agege bread seller to an international super model with endorsements from multinationals and banks.

This can only be GOD. When HE opens the door, no man can shut. This is truly divine intervention.
There are many tall handsome men  and beautiful women who have been going from one Modeling Agency to the other for jobs who had not gotten. And here is someone who was not dreaming of it not to talk of searching for it and behold the job just dropped on her lap.
This can only be GOD.

Some people think she is going to be bewildered by a lot of things, especially in the fashion and modeling world in Nigeria.
Some even say the industry that she has been thrust into, confuses even the 'experienced’ talents. But I know TY Bello is a Christian and a good woman. She will help and nurture her.
I know with her, no one will take advantage of her lack of education, lack of experience and naivety to ruin her life.

Olajumoke Orisaguna has been featured on CNN!
In an Interview with CNN’s Stephanie Busari, Olajumoke and TY Bello shared the story of how photo bombing a shoot with International star, Tinie Tempah, has changed her life in ways no one thought was possible. From a bread seller to a model and is now on her way to gaining International fame and prominence.

As GOD did it for Olajumoke, He will do it for us all in Jesus Name.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Yesterday, wednesday 20th January, the morning devotion from Our Daily Manna was titled '' LINDA BARNETTE:  I CHOOSE GOD RATHER THAN MAN.''
This woman decided to relinquish the elected position she had held for 24years rather than issue a license to same-sex couples saying 'I choose to obey God rather than man. She refused to commit a sin by supporting such ungodly relationship. Sh did well.

The topic reminded me of the many headlines  last year on  Gay Marriages and transgender issues. The issues became so loud and publicly accepted last year as many people involved in such relationships and the so called activists were celebrating the America's supreme Court verdict approving  gay marriages.
 To me,  it was absurd and nauseating to see 2 men hugging and kissing openly. It was really disgusting.


This woman, Kim Davies too refused to issue marriage license to a gay couple because she is a christian and the authority came down hard on her. The write up below is purportedly from a christian who claimed Kim was paid to work and not display her faith. How do you work and give consent to something the Bible prohibits?

This person claimed as a christian, we are to love everyone regardless of who or what they are, That it is wrong to discriminate. But my Bible says we should not be unequally yoked with unbeliever, a sinner, someone that is disobeying God's commandment or someone leaving the natural use of the opposite sex and burning in lust for another etc.
Then I asked, why would a man leave a woman created to be  his helpmate by GOD and decide  to go into a romantic relationship with a fellow man or a woman falling in love with another woman.
What is the attraction? What is the gain? Just like this young man below, God created a man and then a woman. The Bible says a man shall leave his family and cleave to his wife, Eve a woman and not a man,
What is wrong with humanity?

I remembered when we were in the secondary school, i went to a boarding school, lesbianism was really rampart but i was so young and scared that i did not take part or was lured into it. Also, my school mother was really aggressive and ever protective that those silly teenagers never came near.
Even though some of the girls knew it was wrong but they still indulged in it.  In the boys hostels, the same evil was going on. Unfortunately some of them grew up and could not stop again.

During my Youth Service in Kaduna, it was a common sight to see younger men or boys  fully made up and  parading around some of the establishments. We were told, they were wives of some of the big men. It was alwys so disgusting seeing them shamelessly parading around.

But was so glad that the Nigerian Government banned such ungodly relationships and added jail term if any is caught. Nigeria is not so free or Nigerians so  promiscuous and shameless to openly practice same sex or whatever nonsense they call it.

Like Linda Barnett said,  'The Supreme Court's decision to allow same sex marriages violates my core values as a Christian. My final authority is the Bible'",  I  state here too that the Bible is my true and  final Authority.
Gay marriage is against the Word of God as stated  in Genesis 2:24-" A man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his WIFE..."  a woman not a man like him.

A word is enough for the wise.