Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Yesterday, wednesday 20th January, the morning devotion from Our Daily Manna was titled '' LINDA BARNETTE:  I CHOOSE GOD RATHER THAN MAN.''
This woman decided to relinquish the elected position she had held for 24years rather than issue a license to same-sex couples saying 'I choose to obey God rather than man. She refused to commit a sin by supporting such ungodly relationship. Sh did well.

The topic reminded me of the many headlines  last year on  Gay Marriages and transgender issues. The issues became so loud and publicly accepted last year as many people involved in such relationships and the so called activists were celebrating the America's supreme Court verdict approving  gay marriages.
 To me,  it was absurd and nauseating to see 2 men hugging and kissing openly. It was really disgusting.


This woman, Kim Davies too refused to issue marriage license to a gay couple because she is a christian and the authority came down hard on her. The write up below is purportedly from a christian who claimed Kim was paid to work and not display her faith. How do you work and give consent to something the Bible prohibits?

This person claimed as a christian, we are to love everyone regardless of who or what they are, That it is wrong to discriminate. But my Bible says we should not be unequally yoked with unbeliever, a sinner, someone that is disobeying God's commandment or someone leaving the natural use of the opposite sex and burning in lust for another etc.
Then I asked, why would a man leave a woman created to be  his helpmate by GOD and decide  to go into a romantic relationship with a fellow man or a woman falling in love with another woman.
What is the attraction? What is the gain? Just like this young man below, God created a man and then a woman. The Bible says a man shall leave his family and cleave to his wife, Eve a woman and not a man,
What is wrong with humanity?

I remembered when we were in the secondary school, i went to a boarding school, lesbianism was really rampart but i was so young and scared that i did not take part or was lured into it. Also, my school mother was really aggressive and ever protective that those silly teenagers never came near.
Even though some of the girls knew it was wrong but they still indulged in it.  In the boys hostels, the same evil was going on. Unfortunately some of them grew up and could not stop again.

During my Youth Service in Kaduna, it was a common sight to see younger men or boys  fully made up and  parading around some of the establishments. We were told, they were wives of some of the big men. It was alwys so disgusting seeing them shamelessly parading around.

But was so glad that the Nigerian Government banned such ungodly relationships and added jail term if any is caught. Nigeria is not so free or Nigerians so  promiscuous and shameless to openly practice same sex or whatever nonsense they call it.

Like Linda Barnett said,  'The Supreme Court's decision to allow same sex marriages violates my core values as a Christian. My final authority is the Bible'",  I  state here too that the Bible is my true and  final Authority.
Gay marriage is against the Word of God as stated  in Genesis 2:24-" A man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his WIFE..."  a woman not a man like him.

A word is enough for the wise.