Thursday, April 3, 2008

What a shame!

Before the second coming of Obasanjo as the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1999, no one heard of Iyabo Obasanjo the daughter of Obasanjo. She was a young doctor who was trying out marriage and which by the way failed due to her stubbornness and arrogance. Unfortunately her older brother's marriage too had collapsed. Well this blog is not about their marriages or love life but their shameless and corrupt attitudes towards government funds entrusted directly to them or they had a link to.
Last year, Iyabo was linked to a power project in Europe where she fraudulently used her mother's maiden name to secure the contract from the Federal Government with the help of her father who was the President then. While we were still going through that, we were yet told through the media that she collected 10 million Naira from the health ministry as christmas gift. This morning, the 3rd of April 2008, we are told she is involved in anothe scandal up to 4.1b Naira. When will this end.
Iyabo is a woman who naturally is supposed to be aplomb, amiable, considerate and trustworthy. She is a mother already and is supposed to exhibit that in all her dealing in the National Assembly but what we have is a young lady who is driven by inordinate ambition of being wealthy by all means.
A pertitioner wrote the Economic ad Financial Crime Commission that the Health Ministry had N300M unspent from the 2007 budgetary allocation and the money had been shared as christmas bonus to the Ministry personnels and others including Iyabo Obasanjo Bello. This unspent allocation was to be returned to the government coffers but these people shared the money and hatched a plot to cover it. Iyabo had initially denied the allegation but when the truth and evidences became overwhelming, she had to admit that the money was given to the committee which she is the chairman to help with legislative duties. From the media report, she claimed the money had been spent by the committee on a trip to Ghana. What was the trip to Ghana for? Was it not budgetted for by the House before then? Why wait for gratification before embarking on official visits?. According to the papers, she told the EFCC that to return that money as ordered by them would mean she using her personal money to settle that.
As a woman, i had expected her to hate corruption and gratification but no she actually loves that and is becoming worse than her male conterparts. She is brazen, daring and shameless. With all these revelations of fraud, corruption and lies, one would have expected her to resign. That will be asking for too much. If she was a lady, decent and upright maybe she would have resigned but she is not so resignation is not in her dictionary or lexicon. She is crude, stonehearted and rude? Who is she taking after?
Women are always willing to resign if indicted, mentioned in a messy story or exposed to the public ridicule. But not this one. She has thrown shame to the dustbin or 'dog don lick her face'.
The so called former first family had always been in the news for negative news. When will we hear fresh, good and heartwarming news from the Obasanjo's?

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