Friday, September 18, 2009

My new office

My new office has done four months since it started full operations. We have eleven members of staff. Three experienced Management staff and eight greenhorns. I am one of the experienced staff having worked for twenty years post graduation. You know what, as i am writing this now, the twenty years post graduation just hit me. So I have been working for almost eighteen years. That is very intereting. What has happened in all those years? What is my testimony? Let me leave that for another day. The other management staff had equally done more than twenty years in the banking sector although one spent his in the support department of a bank. He is still being referred to as ex-banker.
My new office is located in Victoria Island, the elistist residential area that has been commercialised. Before now the street was being referred to as bankers street because most of the major banks' headoffices were there. We used to have Broad Bank, Allstates Trust Bank, Standard Trust Bank. Guaranty Tust Bank, Access Bank and other banks branches. With the consolidation of banks all those headoffices had been moved except two but the commercial activities remain. As the hustling and bustling continues so has the traffic congestion defied all strategies to make the roads free for use all the time. The complex housing our office is the worst for car spaces. When i started, i had to be paying monthly for my car to be parked inside but when the official car was bought, we had to stop that arrangement and even threatened to report the security personnel to the managers of the complex. Talking about corruption, it shows in every area of our lives. To me that was thank you for looking after my car but for my management that was extortion and they frowned at it.
Today, the Board had an Extra-ordinary General Meeting to adopt the proposal of the review downward of the start up capital of the business by the regulator. Prior to this time they had been several meetings of one or two of the Management and the shareholders on the modality to be used in handling the refund. On the Management part, we agreed that sharing of the money to put a stop to the incessant sharing of 'crude' by the Shareholders will stop. How can a new organisation grow if the profit realised is not ploughed back into the business? Agreed the business is a money spinner but cant we have a 'grace' period to accumulate before sharing the earning?
AT the end of the meeting, the money was shared out in the proportion of what was initially invested by each of the shareholders. You needed to see them all smiling broadly as if they had hit a jackport. They were really happy that their investment of few months that have been yielding so much profits weekly is still giving back half of their investment for use. Nigerians investors are not committed business men. They want to invet today and reap bountiful the next day. Infact,they cannot wait especially if the business is bringing in so much money. If it was a one man business, daily the vault will be empty because the owner would be going to "Owanbe" party and be spraying everyone so that the entertainers would be singing his praises.
I pray my salary is paid as at when due (28th of every month) and my bonuses are approved promptly and payment effected "kia kia" meaning immediately.
Keep you posted as i embark on this new terrain of meeting new friends and learning new things.

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