Monday, June 14, 2010

The World Cup and your health

The World Cup and Your Health

The FIFA World Cup starts today, June 11, 2010 and continues for a month, ending on July 11, 2010.

As we celebrate and enjoy the first World Cup on African soil, it is important for us to pay attention to the possible health consequences of such an event. Because of the passion for football (soccer) worldwide, the events and activities of the world cup tend to generate extremes of emotions, with possible consequences for health.

During previous world cup tournaments, the following had been observed:

• Increased incidence of sudden death

• Increased incidence of heart attacks and stroke

• Increased incidence of domestic violence

In the light of this, it is important for every individual to ensure a good state of health before and during this event.

Remember the World Cup is just another sporting event in which there will be winners and losers. Only one country out of the 32 will win the trophy. Be moderate with your expectations.

Ensure you check your blood pressure before the tournament, and regularly during the tournament.

If you are on treatment for any disease of the cardiovascular system, check with your doctor what level of involvement is safe for you.

Ensure you comply with your blood pressure medications during this period. Same applies to all other medications.

Control your emotions and reaction in the home, and Avoid argument with an agitated spouse.

Seek medical help if you develop any new or unusual symptoms while watching the tournament.

It is important you know your numbers before the World Cup begins in case of emergency.

Happy viewing.

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