Sunday, June 26, 2011

flood in Lagos

Whoa!!! This year, the rain has come down in full force. ITS been raining since February and it looks like this year the floods will be uncontrollable because of roads construction and re-construction of canals all over Lagos.
At the beginning of the year, we made up our mind to send our tenant packing after leaving for Jos and leaving the wife behind who was not ready to pay for services enjoyed in the compound. Even the rent was not paid and electricity bill was not paid either. Unfortunately, we were sharing the electricity bill payment with them so we had to be paying for them. We called the husband who unfortunately had some issues with the her and he did not respond. We had no choice than to ask hem to leave. The guy sent his brothers to come here and pack his things when the wife was at work. The wife called me to stop them but i advised her to talk to her husband. The people that came to pack their belongings were her in laws and I know they wouldn't come without being authorised by her husband. Finally, that was sorted out and all except her kitchen utensils were moved out. Eventually she came to move her kitchen stuffs out. At last the apartment was vacant and we decided to renovate before letting it out. The flat was in a terrible state.
It was in this process of renovation that the torrential rainfall of Wednesday June 22 2011 came.
THE rain started early in our area. In fact in all areas in Lagos it started early. it was only those who left home early for work that were lucky. Those who left late had to contend with the traffic jam while others were stranded at the bus stops. The rain came in torrents and the whole area was flooded.
We all know in Lagos that the rainy season comes with flooding, traffic jam and long waits at bus stops but the rain of few days ago was much more than anticipated. It was really bad to the extent most people did not go to work. I couldn't. My street was so flooded that cars were covered. The few people that dared to walk through the flood were covered to the waist. It rained almost throughout the day because the rain came intermittently from dawn to dusk.
We in Lagos know that the rainy season comes with inconveniences and sometimes nightmares. Most Lagosians would wish it does not rain in Lagos at all. But that is not possible. Whether it is rain or sunshine, there is time for everything. There is a season for everything and God decides that and no man can stop any of the season from coming to pass.
That Wednesday all of Lekki,, Orile Iganmu, Iju, Surulere, Mile two, and Ikeja were almost submerged by flood. Owode Onirin area area on the way to Ikorodu was another story. Every year that area is always overtaken by flood. So the Lagos State Government had advised residents to move out from that area. But most of them claimed getting accommodation elsewhere cost so much so relocation was not an issue to be considered. Last year they were forced to relocate to the camp provided by the government.
In our area it was the blocked canal due to its recontruction that caused it. We have pleaded with the government to ask the contractors to open up the canal so easy flow of water

Sunday, June 19, 2011

fathers day


Today Sunday June 19thh 2011 is Father's day in Nigeria. In my church, the Bishop prayed for all the fathers and admonished them to truly be fathers spiritually and emotionally. Fathers should endeavour to be the best men for their children, families, communities and places of worship.

Times are hard as they say and people are being challenged spiritually, economically, environmentally and politically but a true head must be determined and strong for their children and family.

To truly be the head of the family,

- Father must be financial head of the home and provide for his family at all times.

- Fathers should be the spiritual head, pray with their children and families often.

- Fathers discipline their children with love with or without the rod and not verbal abuse or emotional manipulation.

- Fathers will not disrespect their wives or other women especially before others; this sets an inappropriate and dangerous model for their sons to follow.

- Fathers lead family altars and anoint their children with oil for protection and mercy daily.

- Fathers take time to visit their children's school and talk to the teachers about their children's progress.

- Fathers will happily sacrifice for their families.

- Fathers will visit their children at the appointed time even after divorce.

- Fathers are not afraid to show love to their children. Children need to be reminded they are loved and their opinion respected.

- Fathers spend time just being together with their children and doing things their children like and will remember, not just buying things that will someday be forgotten.

- Fathers teach their children to be responsible and accountable for their actions.

- Fathers must model and teach respect, honor, patience, ethics and fear of the Lord.

- FATHERS must offer timely and godly counsel to their children.

Happy father's day to all fathers in Nigeria and beyond.

Menace of Boko Haram

Terrorism in Nigeria

The first time Nigeria had a direct link to terrorism was when a Nigerian Abdul Muttalab tried to blow himself and the plane he boarded in December 2009. Fortunately, he failed and he was arrested in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for alleged terror( the case is still in court and since he is not charged, it is still alleged). The young Muttalab confessed that he is not the only one in Nigeria trained in the act of terrorism in Yemen. Then our government was concerned with removing the Country name from the list of terrorist watch list.
Although Nigeria had some bomb explosions during Abacha draconian regime,it was not terrorism because it was the government that paid people to bomb those areas to implicate critics and activists. It was done then by ABACHA's CSO to implicate his opponents.
Terrorism, terrorists and suicide bombers were not in our vocabulary. We were only seeing them on television and reading about them in the National dailies and on Internets. Suddenly, we woke up one day and suicide bombing and terrorists have taken over the Northern part of Nigeria. Gradually terrorism has crept into our system. In Nigeria there are called BOKO HARAM.

Now we have Islamic extremists who have decided to aggressively prosecute and kill those who are not ready to accept Islamic system of government called Sharia. IT started in Borno State but the Police and other security agencies refused to do anything to stop it claiming the extremists were their brother. I wonder what the Niger Deltan of the South South are? When the kidnapping was at its peak in Nigeria the government ordered the military joint task force to surround the creeks and smoke out the militants. In fact during Obasanjo's regime, the community (ODI) where the armies were killed was shelled and levelled down by the Military.

Why is the present administration not taking a stand on these incessant attacks by Boko Haram suicide bombers on innocent citizens.

The Christian Association of Nigeria raised an alarm some time ago that some extremist groups were being trained in some camps in the North. Nigerian Government were concerned with several points agenda which never took off. THE Government did not take the alarm seriously or heeded the warning. Now we are all faced with the terror unleashed by the BOKO HARAM Sect on Nigerians. Unfortunately, the sect leaders are unknown and the cause they are supposedly fighting for unknown too. We are all speculating and giving reasons which we think can explain why the sect has gone on these killing spree.

The Security Agencies need to wake up and ensure the red alert of security is on. Imagine the Sect bombing Police Headquarters in Abuja? They were in the Police Inspector General convoy from home to the office. It was shocking and unbelievable. But it was true and real.
The Police also need to gather more information, re-strategise and increase their intelligence gathering. The menace of Boko Haram has continued due to poor intelligence.