Sunday, June 19, 2011

fathers day


Today Sunday June 19thh 2011 is Father's day in Nigeria. In my church, the Bishop prayed for all the fathers and admonished them to truly be fathers spiritually and emotionally. Fathers should endeavour to be the best men for their children, families, communities and places of worship.

Times are hard as they say and people are being challenged spiritually, economically, environmentally and politically but a true head must be determined and strong for their children and family.

To truly be the head of the family,

- Father must be financial head of the home and provide for his family at all times.

- Fathers should be the spiritual head, pray with their children and families often.

- Fathers discipline their children with love with or without the rod and not verbal abuse or emotional manipulation.

- Fathers will not disrespect their wives or other women especially before others; this sets an inappropriate and dangerous model for their sons to follow.

- Fathers lead family altars and anoint their children with oil for protection and mercy daily.

- Fathers take time to visit their children's school and talk to the teachers about their children's progress.

- Fathers will happily sacrifice for their families.

- Fathers will visit their children at the appointed time even after divorce.

- Fathers are not afraid to show love to their children. Children need to be reminded they are loved and their opinion respected.

- Fathers spend time just being together with their children and doing things their children like and will remember, not just buying things that will someday be forgotten.

- Fathers teach their children to be responsible and accountable for their actions.

- Fathers must model and teach respect, honor, patience, ethics and fear of the Lord.

- FATHERS must offer timely and godly counsel to their children.

Happy father's day to all fathers in Nigeria and beyond.

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