Saturday, July 30, 2011


Big Brother Africa 6 is ending tomorrow after three months of pure entertainment.
This year's edition was termed BIG BROTHER AMPLIFIED and truly it is amplified because of some of those housemates who are quite entertaining.
Starting from the bossy Ghananian CONFIDENCE to LUCLAY from South Arica to beautiful, sophisticated Angolan Diva, WEZA, ALEX, MISS P, ZEUS, VIMBAI the model, KIMBERLEY the man hunter who moves from one man to another with ease and HANNI the simple, innocent girl from ETHIOPIA, LLOMWE the radio deejay who thinks he is a gift to the girls in the house and they need to fight for his affection, VINA the 'oyinbo speaking gal, and to KAREN african amazon . Its been drama all the way.
But KAREN is something else. I read a write up by someone in the BBA website tagged the Karen's story. The man captured what KAREN epitomises. A woman who is simply looking for a purpose for her life. She is a simple 'village' girl (she has moved to London now because of her modelling career) who is looking for love and appreciation. She is simply dramatic, down-to-earth, dumb, erractic and comical personality.
Vina on the other hand is the intelligent, pampered, vocal silver spoon girl('ajebota' meaning butter-fed child in yoruba-Nigeria) who behaves as if she knows everything. She is a sharp opposite of Karen. Infact this week, when she and Karen had one of those their diaagreements, Karen shouted on her to let her be dumb if she wants to. Vina is always displaying her effervescent Queen’s English as well as mild mannerisms which to me seem forced or a show to prove I am a been-to. Meanwhile Karen, our dear Karen struts and challenges whosoever that confronts her in her natural and chronically native English with a very thick accent. At times I wonder which part of Nigeria she is from. IGHO is from Edo but her accent is like someone from Cross River state. Anyway, she does not care what you think. To quote the writer, Karen is "tempestuous and behaves like a village or street girl with a great knack for verbosity that oftentimes goes over the tops. Karen is a walking oxymoron. She’s friendly and combative. She’s kind-hearted and bitchy. She’s generous and ruthless. No one messes up with Karen and escapes the rage of this volcanic eruption. Not even the Drama King Luclay from Cape Town, South Africa can bully this self-proclaimed gangster. Karen hits her target with the velocity of a thunderbolt and moves on as if nothing has happened. She’s turned the BIG BROTHER AMPLIFIED HOUSE into your typical house of commotion full of sound and fury. There is only one boss here and that is Karen." This is very true of Karen.
Karen is unpredictable character. When you think she is going to get angry and shout she may not. its been said that she is a street girl with nude photographs on the internet but she has more values than some of those 'GOOD GIRLs'. When BHOKE was sleeping with ERNEST she condemned her for doing that on TV. She was really angry at BHOKE. Till BHOKE left, she was not close to her. Karen does not pretend to be who she is not and that is why she has been true to the last. Yesterday when she quarelled with Vina she said she was not going to pretend to be someone else just because the reality show is coming to an end. Karen stood up to any one who dared her. Her voice alone like WEZA's will make you run for cover. She is making BIG BROTHER AMPLIFIED a pure unadulterated entertainment. She came to catch some fun and that she is doing wholeheartedly.
When she was the head of house and she was nominated for eviction, she did not save herself and being human she cried and i did identify with that. it touched me. As a head of house, she displayed traits that i did not believe she had. She was really leading by example.
Finall quoting from the writer, "Karen's story resonated with those who shared her similar travails. Many saw Karen in them and them in Karen. It was easy to dismiss her as a street-girl, a ruthless bitch, a reckless drunk, a loquacious and shameless impressionist. But she was true to herself. She is a free spirit who’s willing to roam unfettered. She was born to fly and fly she must. She does not care what you and I think of her tantrums; she cares only about what she thinks of herself. The world for her has always been cold and mean to her. And there is nothing more to fear for someone who’s already down. What will be, will be, and that is all that matters."
What will be will be and KAREN is winning the $200,000 tommorow. Please Karen, remain you because it is only you that can help you. Goodluck.

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