Sunday, October 14, 2012

Flood ravaging Nigeria

Hundreds of thousands of Nigerians are displaced, homes and houses submerged and Trillions of Naira of businesses washed away. Unfortunately, the people and the Government were caught unaware by the ravaging flood. The flood started from Kogi State and then Benue before spreasing to Edo State, Anambra State, Delta State, Rivers, Bayelsa, Tarabe and Adamawa. So far so many people have been killed and still counting.
The floods are due to extraordinarily heavy rains and the continued release of excess water from the Lagdo Dam in Cameroon. Due to the continuous heavy downpour, water would continue to be released from the dam throughout October.
Minister Of Environment, Mrs. Hadiza Ibrahim Mailafia. The Government was warned but the leaders thought the climate change was not going to affect Nigeria. Like they say "God is a Nigerian".
This is one of the community in Kogi that the flood has sacked but the people are still in their homes and the kids are wading through.
About thousands of people are in the camps in Kogi, Benue, Edo and Delta states. The few accommodated in camps are just a fraction of those affected by the flooding in all these States.
The President of Nigeria, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan visited the camp in Kogi and assured the people of Government help.
“I want to reassure all affected Nigerians that I share in their grief… The Federal Government has taken measures to assist the affected States, while considering long term measures to check future reoccurrence.
Cassava farm land submerged in the flood. Although the Minister of Agriculture assured the people that they will be no famine, i still wonder how the farmers would cope with their hard work and harvest lost to the flood.
hospital being sacked and the in-patients and out-patients being taken to other areas for medical care.
Submerged area of Anambra state
Minister of State for Environment Lady Ada Okwuanu The floods have now spread through Benue state and down into the Niger Delta. I hope the Governors of Akwa Ibom State, Lagos and Ogun are taking precautions.

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