Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Chinua Achebe's Words on Marble 1

Chinua Achebe died at the age of 82 but his works live on. I have read almost all his books in the University as an English Graduate. His style of writing is different and simple.  He had been a source of inspiration to many writers and even critics. Later i will write on some of his books but for now, just enjoy some of his quotes that are quite interesting and at times amusing.

Democracy is not something you put away for 10 years, and then in the 11th year you wake up and start practicing again. We have to begin to learn to rule ourselves again." "One of the truest tests of

integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised."

"Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."

"What's important is that we recognise the falsehood of the notion that the Third World should be abandoned because it's a waste of time."

"People create stories create people; or rather stories create people create stories."

"Stories serve the purpose of consolidating whatever gains people or their leaders have made or imagine they have made in their existing journey thorough the world."

"I wouldn't have wanted anyone to teach me how to write. I prefer to stumble on it."

"If you don't like someone's story, write your own."

"A man who makes trouble for others is also making trouble for himself".

''Nigeria had people of great quality, and what befell us — the corruption, the political ineptitude, the war — was a great disappointment and truly devastating to those of us who witnessed it."

"There is no story that is not true."

"Privilege, you see, is one of the great adversaries of the imagination; it spreads a thick layer of adipose tissue over our sensitivity."

"It is only the story that saves our progeny from blundering like blind beggars into the spikes of the cactus fence. The story is our escort; without it, we are blind. Does the blind man own his escort? No, neither do we the story; rather, it is the story that owns us."

"We cannot trample upon the humanity of others without devaluing our own. The Igbo, always practical, put it concretely in their proverb Onye ji onye n'ani ji onwe ya -"He who will holds another down in the mud must stay in the mud to keep him down."

"When we are comfortable and inattentive, we run the risk of committing grave injustices absentmindedly."

"Writers don't give prescriptions. They give headaches!"

"While we do our good works let us not forget that the real solution lies in a world in which charity will have become unnecessary."

"To me, being an intellectual doesn't mean knowing about intellectual issues; it means taking pleasure in them."

"Nobody can teach me who I am. You can describe parts of me, but who I am – and what I need – is something I have to find out myself."

"My weapon is literature"

"The impatient idealist says: 'Give me a place to stand and I shall move the earth.' But such a place does not exist. We all have to stand on the earth itself and go with her at her pace."

"Oh, the most important thing about myself is that my life has been full of changes. Therefore, when I observe the world, I don't expect to see it just like I was seeing the fellow who lives in the next room. There is this complexity which seems to me to be part of the meaning of existence and everything we value."


Governor Adams Oshiomole warns Chief Igbinedion


I read in the Punch today that Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State on Monday warned the Esama of Benin, Chief Gabriel Igbinedion, to stop undermining the laws of the State. Oshiomhole said this at the inauguration of the 14 newly elected Local Government Chairmen in Benin.

Apparently the Esama's cup is filled because the man has been carrying on as the Lord of the manor for years even before his son became the Governor of the State and no one stopped him. For Governor Oshiomole to now get angry means the Esama is out of control.  The Governor said his government has the capacity and the will to contain Igbinedion’s excesses and he is going to do it. If you ask me, I will say the excesses of not only the Esama but all those people either in power or out of it should be checked and contained.  Hear the Governor, -

 “There is evidence that he (Igbinedion) has undermined the prosperity of the state for a very long time. Those who live in glass houses do not throw stones.
“I want to send a warning to Chief Igbinedion that he should take it easy; he has acquired a lot of government land that the people have not engaged him on. He walks as if he is above the law. He was a chief tax collector in this state, pocketing 25 to 30 per cent of every kobo that accrued while his son was the governor.
“I have not looked back because my mandate is to look forward. I want to put him on notice that if he continues with elderly rascality, I will bring him to justice.
“He must never ever underestimate the fact that I have the will and I have the capacity to deploy that will; if he crosses the law, he will be cut to size.
“Elders must teach the younger ones to behave responsibly.

The Governor further condemned what the Esama of Benin Kingdom was alleged to have done on Saturday, the 20th of April 2013, during the Local Council election in Okada, Edo State where his business empire is.

“You heard how he is using ITV ( Igbinedion Television) in a very reckless manner, in clear breach of the NBC code. He reduced himself as a high chief, leaving where he is registered to vote and going all the way to Okada on a day movement was restricted across the state.
“He got to Okada and illegally used mobile policemen to walk on the street; going to the police station where sensitive election materials were kept in order to vandalise the sensitive electoral materials to ensure elections did not take place.
“If he misleads himself into believing that he has the birth right to continue to appropriate and privatise the resources of Edo State, he is living in a fool’s paradise.”

 Oh yes my Comrade, tell him he is not above the Law ojare. He is a citizen just like every Nigerians and every Edolites. Elders must show the younger ones how to behave. No one is above the law, not even the Queen in England or President Obama in the US. If the law says no one should leave one point to the other during election day, then no one. By the way, is the Esama an electoral officer? Why was he going to inspect election materials? It's about time we behave within the law.

The Governor accused the High Chief of pocketing 25 to 30 percent of the total tax accrued to the State for 8 years, why has he not reported him to EFCC so that they can charge him to court or preferably force him to return part of the stolen state money? The State could use the money for roads construction and repairs.

No wonder the State was not developed all that time that Lucky Igbinedion was Governor. For 8 years, major roads in Benin City, the capital of Edo State were not tarred, maintained or expanded. There was no new infrastructural development in that State. In fact, some major roads in the city had turned to motorcycles  and foot paths because weeds had taken over.

Flood was the order of the day in the State as flood channels were blocked and no new channels or outlets were created as Fashola is doing in Lagos State.

I smiled when I read that Oshiomole called his activities,'elder rascality'. It reminded me of the Esama's attitude at the book launch of one of my friends father at NIIA last month. The man was at the High table with Chief S.O.U. Igbe (Author of the Book) and was really disturbing Sony Irabor the MC by calling him to come over for one correction or the other. To the Esama, It was supposed to be a show but to some of us it was unnecessary distraction. I know the MC is a gentleman but you could see, he was not finding it funny.

Anyway, the man and his son ruled the State for 8 years so he thinks he owned the State and may find it difficult to stop now except the Governor stops him.

Talking about all the lands the Esama has acquired legally and illegally, tell me who is going to challenge him? The Governor can but is he ready to do that now?

Governor, you are the chief law officer of Edo State and if someone has contravened the law, use the weight of the law to deal with the situation accordingly. If the Esama has no regards for constituted authority, do something. If he has pocketed 20-30% of Edo revenue illegally, please get it back.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Prophetic Prayer Points For Midnight – By Dr. Daniel Olukoya

As Christians, we are bombarded and attacked every second of the day but its more intense and severe in the Night. The bible says, they rob us in the night so we have to pray in the night especially midnight to stop them from robbing us.
The Bible says in ISAIAH 17: 14  "And behold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us".

Friday, April 12, 2013

Adieu! Till we meet again

We have had some unexpected sad incidents in my husband's family.

First it was the husband of my eldest sisters-in-law, Pa Iyeke that died last year. It was a shock to all because the old man was always healthy and full of life. The man had been a farmer all his life and had used that to train his children in schools and in other vocations. He was a witty old man. Always having words of wisdom or advice as he called it for everyone and was ready to counsel with or without one's consent. When we were called that morning that he had passed on after a brief illness, I felt bad. He was such a good, simple and unassuming person. He had a nice personality. Well, death crept in like a thief and took him away from family and friends.

Another sad incident was in January, when my husband's eldest brother lost his wife. It was really sad considering that the General Hospital that she was taken to did not manage her health condition professionally. Imagine a patient that was weak and tired being driven  from central Lagos to Oshodi for a test when the test could have been conducted in Ojuelegba which was closer? She came back and became weaker from the trip. We were there to see her and at the end could not because she was extremely tired from the rocky and bumpy drive.

Even when the family decided that it was a mistake to take her there in the first instance, there was no one to sign the release papers. We were told, there is only one lady to sign the discharge note and she was not readily available so we had to wait. At the end of it, she was not discharged or released from he hospital that day.

She was in the hospital for a week and no tests were conducted on her. My husband was visibly angry that a supposed specialist hospital like that can act so unprofessionally. I mean why administer drugs when you do not know what was wrong with the patient? She was not even allowed to eat. The woman was asking for food but they refused. Anyway, I am not writing about the poor services in all the Government Establishments today including hospitals where the Doctors swore to protect humans' lives. Will do that on a later date.

 Mrs. Cecilia Job Ibomhen died 16th January 2013 after being in the General Hospital for a while without adequate treatment. She left behind a husband, seven children and several in-laws and relations. She was a devout Christian and member of Deeper Life Church. May her Soul rest in perfect peace.

My husband knows i attend Power must change hands organised monthly by Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries. The programme is always every first Saturday of the month. So you can imagine my annoyance that the burial date is always fixed on the first Saturday.

My sister-in-law's husband was first Saturday of December and the late woman was first Saturday of March this year. I quarreled with my husband for being in those meetings and not insisting on the movement of the dates. The man said he is not directly involved so he cannot influence anything. But seriously, if he is used to attending this revival meeting every month, he would have insisted on the days being moved to other weekends. Whatever is the case, I still have to attend and help out.

The last one, we had to buy drinks to give to the women in the village on behalf of the children who are all in Schools. Particularly proud of the first son who despite delays, is now in University of Benin.

We can only be remembered by what we have done while on earth. Be a good christian, a good father, a good mother, a good worker, a good neighbour and a good friends. Impact your world and let people remember you as a good person after you have gone. This hymn says it all.

Fading away like the stars of the morning
Losing their light in the glorious sun
Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling
Only remembered by what we have done.

Only remembered, only remembered
Only remembered by what we have done
Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling
Only remembered by what we have done.