Sunday, July 28, 2013

Submissiveness in Marriage.

People have written a lot about Marriage and how wonderful it is that you would think divorce will be deleted from our vocabulary but no it is not. Infact in this age and time, Marriage is no longer as wonderful as it should be, divorce is now becoming a trend and no one wants to endure with the man/woman of their youth. At the slightest appearance of difficulty and misunderstanding they want to give up. People now are quick to forget the vow they made to their partner on their wedding day.

I try a lot of times not to make my writings sound religious because to me, Christianity is a relationship with God our Creator and not something to be 'practiced' as some claimed. I do this with the intention of carrying a lot of people along. I hope I'm trying well enough.

Talking about marriage, I believe no matter your religious inclination, everyone wants to have a wonderful and great marriage and no religion preaches intolerance in marriage. I know that  all religions of the world preaches that submission is very essential in marriage and the lack of it, is one of the major problems in marriage.

A lot of marriages face problems in this times and most is because of lack of submission. See, be not confused when i say submission and don't think it is only the wife that i am talking about. The context in which submission is used here is not in relation to women alone, a man also needs to submit to his wife.

A man submitting to his spouse in marriages is building a lasting relationship. I do not mean becoming complacent and accepting folly from your wife. I mean discussing issues affecting everyone in the family and listening to your wife's advice.

We shall consider what makes a marriage great using the GREAT acrostic, GREAT meaning the following:

G---Giving:  Remember that when you give to your spouse, he will want to reciprocate. The bible says in 2 Cor 9: 6-7 that when you give/sow sparingly, you get sparingly but when you sow/give generously, you get generously. Give your time, affection and money to your marriage and you will have more joy and happiness flowing in that home.

R---Relating: Try to relate more. Talk more and doubts and suspicions will not have a foothold in that home.

E---Edifying: This is instructing especially to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement so do it gently.

A---Allowing: Allow your partner to express themselves verbally, artistically etc. Give them space. Be more understanding to what they are saying, acting out or doing. Most times, pent up emotions can increase or cause high blood pressure.

T---Touching: A touch shows affection, love, kindness, understanding and support. A casual touch of holding hands goes a long way to show support and understanding. in fact it says "I am here"  and  'you are not alone".

In the above, it shows that both husband and wife have to do the same for a great marriage. Both have to submit to each other. Both have to show more understanding and tolerance in that relationship. Don't listen to the so called friends or family members who tend to know more about your spouse more than you do. Most times they are wrong. They just want to cause misunderstanding in your relationships.

No matter what you are going through in that marriage, God will see you through. The Bible says, ---Wait for the Lord and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off. I have seen a wicked, ruthless man, spreading himself like a green laurel tree. But he passed away, and behold, he was no more; though I sought him, he could not be found. The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; he is their stronghold in the time of trouble. The Lord helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him. (Psalms 37:34-36, 39, 40 ESV)

If you submit to your husband or wife and people think you are weak, please ignore them. Do you know most people will definitely envy how close you are to your spouse and will come up with irrelevancies to separate you?

At times they say there are looking out for you but do they really look out for you? Do they? When I had misunderstanding in my marriage, I had a lot of advice from friends and family members both solicited and unsolicited. I know I was hurt especially when I think I gave 100 percent and my husband gave 50 percent to the relationship. They all meant well. But I knew the decision lies with me to stay or move on. I was hurt, really hurt but I had to go to God and submit all.

Okay I want to ask, Is Submission in Marriage only for the wife?


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