Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Thank God that the video showed some of the girls and the parents were able to identify them. This has rekindled Hopes that the girls will be rescued after almost a month of being abducted from their school, Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok,  Borno State.

When the President had that media chat and announced to the nation that the capacity of the Nigerian military was eroded by more than 20 years of under funding prior to the outbreak of the Boko Haram insurgency, and it cannot fight the terrorists, my heart skipped a beat and worry sets in. Worry because, the military was the last and only hope then to bring back those innocent girls. And when he said the military does not have the capacity to fight the insurgents, we lost hopes of any rescue. Read below what he said.

President Goodluck Jonathan
President Goodluck Jonathan

The session opened with a question on the abduction of girls and the President responded with the challenges we face as a nation:
As a nation, we are having our fair share of these challenges. But let me use this unique opportunity to thank and appreciate Nigerians for their concern and their commitment to, as a nation, get over these challenges. I promise that we will get over our challenges.”
He called on the parents and guardians of the abducted school girls then to provide useful information that will assist security personnel find the girls, he said:
On the school girls that were kidnapped, it is getting up to three weeks now, one thing that we know is that from April 24, the security personnel have been searching everywhere. They know that this thing happened in Borno State, and Borno State is where we have the highest number of the terrorists called Boko Haram. If this thing had happened in another state and security personnel were moved, the whole world would have seen a lot of mobilization. Security personnel are already on ground. All the information given to us, we have searched the places, we have used helicopter to search the surfaces.
 “We promise that wherever these girls are, we will surely get them out. The good thing is that there is no story that any of the girls have been hurt, injured or dead. I really sympathize with the parents and guardians of these girls. We are all fathers and mothers. Let us reassure them that we will get their daughters. I recently held a security meeting with the service chiefs and I also sent for the governor of Borno State, who came with the Commissioner for Education and the principal of the school and we had some useful discussion with them.
“We believe that wherever these girls are, we will get them out. What we request is maximum cooperation from the parents and the guardians of these girls. Up till this time, they have not been able to come out clearly to give the police the identity of the girls that are to return. The police have records of 44 of them, while the principal mentioned to me on Saturday night that 53 have returned but the police have record of 44. I recently set up a committee to go to Borno State, we will provide the security.
“We are pleading that the parents should cooperate with government, we will need the identities, including their photographs. We are also talking to neighboring countries so that wherever they take those girls to, we will surely get them back if we get the maximum cooperation from the parents and guardians. Let me reassure Nigerians that we will get the girls out, we appreciate the concern shown by Nigerians and globally. We see what they are doing in terms of protest, which is quite healthy.”
When he said they have searched everywhere with planes and cannot locate the girls, we lost hope. It was as if the bokpo haram insurgents were invincible and very powerful. Left  for our President and his security personnel, the insurgents would have not become jittery and started showing videos and making demands for the exchange of the abducted girls. Now they know that with the sophisticated weapons of the international collaborators, they don't stand a chance in hell, so there are making demands.

Mrs Asaba Kwabura Principal of Girls Secondary School Chibok
Mrs Asaba Kwabura Principal of Girls Secondary School Chibok

One of the Northern Leaders said recently that  Boko Haram was an ideology built on falsehood which cannot stand the test of time. But the issue here is that they have not done anything to terminate this ideology. I keep wondering if the Northern elders are scared of the sponsors of this religious killer squad. Why haven't they come out boldly to challenge this group?.

Unfortunately we have been having these jihadists in the north. Its just that they keep changing their names but their mode of operations is the same - kill, maim, burn, destroy etc. Although the Governor described the the abduction of the students as a national tragedy, what has he desperately done as the Chief Security officer of the State to stop this tragedy from occurring  again.?

 Thank God once again that the girls are alive as shown on the video and for the help of Countries like the US, Britain, France and Israel. I am very hopeful now that the girls will be rescued by the Grace of God and the help of the military mights of these Countries. I thank God for prayers being offered daily by Christians all over the world for the rescue of the girls in particular and Nigeria in General.

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