Saturday, March 21, 2015


Today Saturday 21 March 2015  is Day 351 since the abduction of Chibok School Girls by the Boko Haram Islamic fighters. This means that in the next 14 days the girls would have been missing for a year.

When the news filtered out that these girls were abducted, most people did not believe it. Even our President did not believe it. This was chorused by his wife, the loud mouth, semi literate Dame Patience Jonathan. If  President Jonathan had believed and had ordered that the rescue operations started immediately, am sure most of the girls if not all would have been rescued. I Feel sad  every time I  think about these abducted teenage girls.


The drama started On April 14 last year, when over 200 girls from the school in Chibok,  Borno State were abducted by the terrorist sect Boko Haram and taken to an unknown location. Initially they said they were taken to Sambisa Forest and some of the girls that escaped confirmed it but our Government did not do anything or act immediately to rescue the girls.  Despite repeated sightings of the girls then in that forest, no rescue team was sent. In fact its reported that security leaks within the Nigerian military  led to Boko Haram repeatedly being tipped off about possible raids which  made rescue of the girls impossible.

Earlier a US intelligence report revealed that Nigerian military commanders leaked plans to rescue the abducted girls to Boko Haram terrorists which ended up botching the operation. According to the details, the rescue mission was leaked to Boko Haram before it could be put into operation, enabling the terrorists to take preventative action.

According to the report, the US sources pulled out from helping Nigeria rescue the missing Chibok girls after Washington located the girls and proposed gassing the areas in the Sambisa Forest and then sending in a raid mission to rescue the girls while their terrorist captors were paralysed asleep.   This plan was communicated in strict confidence to the  Nigeria’s Security Chiefs and was to be kept a secret. But behold the details were leaked to Boko Haram and on its next surveillance flight over the area, the US team saw the Boko Haram terrorists wearing gas masks. What a disappointment

It was not till MALALA Yousef came that our President invited the parents and the escaped girls to Aso Rock, the Presidential Villa for discussion. What a Shame!

When the US left, we kuku_ma went to sleep until the Election. When the Election date was approaching and our President needs the vote from those areas, he shifted the election from 14th February to March 28, a 6 weeks shift so that our Government can fight Boko Haram.

Over the last few weeks,  following the creation of the regional Multi National Joint Task Force (MNJTF). Made up of  troops from Chad, Cameroon, Niger Republic and Nigeria, the MNJTF has successfully expelled Boko Haram from dozens of towns across northeastern Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon.

So now Government Ministers have held a closed door meeting with the parents of the Girls probably  to brief them on what the the Joint Task Force and the Presidency are doing to rescue their daughters from captivity.
Olawale Rasheed, the special adviser to Minister of State for power, Hon Mohammed Wakil, disclosed this to the press later.

Now Sambisa Forest is cleared but the CHIBOK Girls were not there. Where are the Girls? What has happened to these teenage Girls? Is there hope for their rescue?
Please #BringBackOurGirlsNow.
ing Ba OurGirlsNow

Ministers meet with parents of Chibok girls indicating plans to launch rescue attempt

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altGOVERNMENT ministers have held a closed door meeting with the parents of the Government Girls Secondary School Chibok pupils in Maiduguri indicating that they may soon be rescued.

On April 14 last year, over 200 girls from the school in Chibok in Borno State were abducted by terrorist sect Boko Haram and taken to an unknown location. Despite repeated sightings of the girls, they are yet to be rescued as security leaks within the .

Over the last few weeks, however, the noose has been tightening around Boko Haram following the creation of the regional Multi National Joint Task Force (MNJTF). Made up of 7,500 troops from Chad, Cameroon, Niger Republic and Nigeria, the MNJTF has s.

With the territory Boko Haram controls shrinking by the day, it is only a matter of time before the MNJTF stumbles on the hideout where Boko Haram is keeping the girls. It is believed that the government decided to meet with their parents to brief them on what the plans were with regards to mounting a rescue mission.

Olawale Rasheed, the special adviser to minister of state for power, Hon Mohammed Wakil, said that the meeting took place in Maiduguri this morning. He added that the federal government, through its representative, told the parents how far it had gone in securing the release of the schoolgirls from captivity.

Earlier this month, a US intelligence report revealed that Nigerian military commanders leaked plans to rescue the abducted Chibok girls to Boko Haram terrorists which ended up botching the operation. According to two US Army generals, details of th.

US sources pulled out from helping Nigeria rescue the missing Chibok girls after Washington located the girls and proposed gassing the areas in the Sam US team saw the Boko Haram terrorists were all wearing gas masks.
- See more at:

Monday, March 9, 2015

Re: I'll deliver 2nd Niger Bridge before 2015- Jonathan

I was tidying  and cleaning the house this weekend when I stumbled on an old Nigerian Vanguard Newspaper. The Newspaper was dated Tuesday September 13, 2011.
0n page 11, a particular news titled  ''I'll deliver 2nd Niger Bridge before 2015- Jonathan'' caught my attention. I left what I was doing and read the story again.

The story stated that the day before which was 12th September 2011, President Jonathan received the Ndigbo Leaders led by former Vice President Alex Ekwueme. These elders paid him a courtesy visit for winning the election and  Governor Peter Obi delivered the group's address where he catalogued various needs of the region. The President then used the visit to assure them that his government would ensure the completion of the second Niger Bridge before the end of his tenure in 2015. He said the issue of the second Niger Bridge is to be given adequate attention in the next four years. Below is what he said to the Ndigbo elders:

 '' luckily the Coordinating Minister of the economy is here, though the Minister of works, ( Onolemhemhe) is not here but I have already directed the Minister of Works to come up with a plan for us to commence work on the bridge. The Coordinating Minister will take it as one of our priority projects for the next three budget years or so God willing we should deliver the bridge before we conclude by 2015..."
Jonathan Visits The 2nd Niger Bridge In Anambra
2nd Niger Bridge

The President's term is ending in less than 2 months. IN fact if the Election was held as earlier scheduled in February 2015, we would have known if he will be re elected. So for four years, the assurance and promise of delivering the 2nd Niger Bridge and opening up the South Eastern part of Nigeria to more economic activities was not fulfilled. What you see above is the 2nd Niger Bridge as at today the 7th of March 2015. The Bridge is still at the level of excavation, sand-filling and ground breaking.

Amongst the elders that went with Ekwueme, was the former Governor of Anambra, Peter OBI, the Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu. Other members of the delegation include Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives,  Emeka Ihedioha, National Chairman of the All Progressive Grand Alliance( APGA) Chief Victor OBI and the Obi of Onitsha, Igwe Alfred Nnameka Achebe.

The end of the tenure of President Jonathan is few weeks away and the only thing left of that promise is the ground breaking ceremony  that was done last year 2014.
Funny though that the same igbos that had been lied to are the ones campaigning for Jonathan's re-election.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Our Faith and Others

When Libya ended its civil war  few years ago, many within the Country and outside were happy that finally peace has returned to the troubled Nation.
Little did they know that the Battle may have been won but the war is ongoing. The first Country that realised too late that the war is still on despite the death of the former President, Moumar Gaddafi, was America. Their Ambassador was killed when their embassy was attacked. Since then, they had been fighting and attacks almost on a daily basis.

The recent attack and killing is the brutal killing of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians within Libya. The news was on an online site of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant on February 12, 2015. The video showed
 photos of  the killing of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians fishermen that  had been kidnapped earlier. They were kidnapped and threatened to be killed to "avenge the alleged kidnapping of Muslim women by the Egyptian Coptic Church".
Those men died and several others are dying in Nigeria, Africa, Europe and middle East because of their Christian Faith. It is really sad.
I believe Religion is a personal thing and each person should be allowed to worship God in peace.

When I was serving during the National Youth Service with the defunct Nigerian Telecommunication limited, (NITEL)  in Kaduna, my boss was a radical Muslim but was accommodating and educated. He was to be a doctor but dropped out of Medical College to go study Management and later Islamic Studies.

We used to discuss a lot about our faith and how it affects our culture, attitude, custom and general outlook in Life.  There  was once he kept the Koran on the table and I wanted to pick it to look through but he quickly took it away.  He told me he cannot allow me touch his Koran because I am a woman but he can buy one for me. I asked why? He said it was personal.

For that one year, we learnt a lot from each other because he was a scholar and was ready to teach and I on the other hand was ready to listen and also share the Good news. We were always disagreeing on the issue of women and dressing but it did not create any tension between us. The other corper we served with was always making fun of us that we love to argue. Well it was not argument, it was getting to know what drives others to do what they do.
Anyway, it was my first time in the North and I tried to get to know the people and their culture. I found out that Their Culture is tied to their religion and that is why its difficult to differentiate between culture and religion. My boss then did not force me to change religion or killed me for not accepting. Infact he loved the discussion and debate. He confessed it during the send off the management organised for all the Corpers.

Religion is to guide and help in knowing one's Creator better. It also helps us in knowing how to relate and help others. Religion is not to be used to destroy, maim or kill. It is only the enemy according to John10:10 that dose that.

I just pray that we live in peace and harmony with one another. Religion should not be the problem or make us enemies rather it should bring us together and make us love and respect each other.
Remain blessed.