Sunday, March 1, 2015

Our Faith and Others

When Libya ended its civil war  few years ago, many within the Country and outside were happy that finally peace has returned to the troubled Nation.
Little did they know that the Battle may have been won but the war is ongoing. The first Country that realised too late that the war is still on despite the death of the former President, Moumar Gaddafi, was America. Their Ambassador was killed when their embassy was attacked. Since then, they had been fighting and attacks almost on a daily basis.

The recent attack and killing is the brutal killing of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians within Libya. The news was on an online site of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant on February 12, 2015. The video showed
 photos of  the killing of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians fishermen that  had been kidnapped earlier. They were kidnapped and threatened to be killed to "avenge the alleged kidnapping of Muslim women by the Egyptian Coptic Church".
Those men died and several others are dying in Nigeria, Africa, Europe and middle East because of their Christian Faith. It is really sad.
I believe Religion is a personal thing and each person should be allowed to worship God in peace.

When I was serving during the National Youth Service with the defunct Nigerian Telecommunication limited, (NITEL)  in Kaduna, my boss was a radical Muslim but was accommodating and educated. He was to be a doctor but dropped out of Medical College to go study Management and later Islamic Studies.

We used to discuss a lot about our faith and how it affects our culture, attitude, custom and general outlook in Life.  There  was once he kept the Koran on the table and I wanted to pick it to look through but he quickly took it away.  He told me he cannot allow me touch his Koran because I am a woman but he can buy one for me. I asked why? He said it was personal.

For that one year, we learnt a lot from each other because he was a scholar and was ready to teach and I on the other hand was ready to listen and also share the Good news. We were always disagreeing on the issue of women and dressing but it did not create any tension between us. The other corper we served with was always making fun of us that we love to argue. Well it was not argument, it was getting to know what drives others to do what they do.
Anyway, it was my first time in the North and I tried to get to know the people and their culture. I found out that Their Culture is tied to their religion and that is why its difficult to differentiate between culture and religion. My boss then did not force me to change religion or killed me for not accepting. Infact he loved the discussion and debate. He confessed it during the send off the management organised for all the Corpers.

Religion is to guide and help in knowing one's Creator better. It also helps us in knowing how to relate and help others. Religion is not to be used to destroy, maim or kill. It is only the enemy according to John10:10 that dose that.

I just pray that we live in peace and harmony with one another. Religion should not be the problem or make us enemies rather it should bring us together and make us love and respect each other.
Remain blessed.

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