Saturday, June 27, 2015



It is being argued in the public court whether APC,  the party under which BUKOLA SARAKI and DOGARA pictured above were elected should sack/ expel them or not. Why are people asking for them to be expelled?  its because of disregard to their party's directive on the selection of Officers of the 8th National Assembly.

But we need to look at the antecedent. Since the beginning of this democratic experience in 1999, impunity has prevailed within the Nigerian political landscape with elected officers decamping from their Parties to another and getting away with it. This has been going on but we need to stop it in order to bring sanity to our political landscape. We must just do something soon. This defection is what is making politicians to indulge in anti party activities, indiscipline, disobedient to party rules. They know they can defect to another party and their former party cannot do anything to sanction them or can their constituency recall them.
Yes it did not start now but it cannot continue. So for sanity within our political space the cancer must be arrested.

Reasons why Nigerians are calling for expulsion of SARAKI and DOGARA from The All Progressive Congress Party:.
1. The 2 were elected under the platform of APC during the General election and the party won majority in both Chambers.
2. In the Senate, APC won 60 seats  and PDP’s 49 to make up the 109 members.
3. In the House of Representatives, APC also has more members than PDP.
4.  A Mock election was conducted by the Party whereby members were elected to be leaders of the 8th Assembly in both Chambers.
5. Two people were chosen by a majority of the members of the APC.
6. The Party seeing the disagreement that the mock election caused, decided to settle the rift calling for a meeting with the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
7. The Group led by Bukola Saraki rather than attend the meeting, decided to align with the opposition Party to have their way and even selected a deputy to the Senate President from the opposition Party.
8. In the House of Representatives, against the Party's' directives, another election was held.
9. The Party in order to be accommodating and careful, called them together to settle the rift and pacify the others Lawmakers that were excluded from the initial nomination. But that too was rejected by these 2 (SARAKI and DOGARA).
10. They refused to read the Letters from their Party on the floor of the Chambers so that there are not forced to do what the Party wanted.
11. They ignored their Party, aligned again with the opposition and even nominated people from the opposition as Principal Officers of the Chambers. 

From the above, there are reasons why Saraki and Dogara must be disciplined by the leaders of APC. Its being said that an infected part of the body must be removed so the disease does not spread to other parts of the body.  APC needs to clean its house.  We do not need another set of rebellious Politicians. APC  needs to come together to be formidable Party so these desperate, ambitious traitors must be dealt with so that the CHANGE promised by them can be implemented.

By disregarding their Chairman, The President of Nigeria, they need to be disciplined.

I hope the Political Parties can once again seek interpretation  from the Supreme Court on penalties for defecting Politicians. If not then the Constitution should be amended so that a Politician that defect from one party to another can be expelled and the seat be filled by another. Until that is done, our politicians will continue with this recklessness and rebellious streak.

But before that is done, these 2 must be expelled to serve as a deterrent to others. I know there may be negative consequencies for the ruling party, APC but it has to be done.
We cannot continue with this impunity. Its abuse of process. Nigerians voted out PDP but unfortunately, SARAKI and DOGARA have brought them back to be our leaders instead of floor members. This is a slap on Nigerians. Everywhere you turn to in Nigeria, people are angry with them.

Monday, June 22, 2015

PEFON Induction June 2015

June 20th  was a date I needed to keep as directed by my Boss, my Sole Administrator. But the day started as a dull day. The rain started quite early and throughout that morning, it rained. At a point I started praying because, I was scared that the rain would stop me from attending the Award and Induction ceremony of the Professional  Excellence  Foundation of  Nigeria.
My Sole Administrator, Eng Joe Isah of Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited was being honoured and inducted as a Distinguished Fellow of the Foundation and I was to stand in for him. I did not want to get there late and with the rain, I was really worried. Also my brother who is to drive me to the venue,  stays in another area that gets flooded easily.   I had to be calling him every other hour to remind him that its raining (as if he doesn’t already know that) and that we need to leave the mainland earlier than we agreed.
The rain had been raining since morning and our street was flooded. The other staff, Raphael that was to go with me called that he would not make it as his area was flooded too. Since I was directly instructed by my SOLAD, I had to go alone.
I got to the Venue in Victoria Island by 2pm, an hour before the commencement of the event. Everywhere was flooded and I feared that people would not show up but they did. Although  the turn out was low, it was still memorable.
I met some of Nigerians best professionals in Pharmacy, Banking, Legal, Enginnering, Investment etc. I have not met Ndi-Okereke Onyuike, the former Director General of NSE before but I was able to stand and discuss with her. I met another woman, Professor Sophie Oluwole of Unilag African Studies Department. She is a very passionate woman about African culture and Tradition. She is a fast talker too. She talked about African professional which should be honoured too but Chief Dipo Bailey the founder corrected her that those people are vocational artisans not professional because of their low work ethics. But he agreed that an award would be created to honour the highly skilled ones among them.

Objectives of the Foundation
  • Identifying the Nigerian Professionals at home and abroad who may wish to be part of the Foundation.
  • Recognize and Reward professional Excellence.
  • Raise a Scholarship fund to assist the young ones to study and become professionally qualified.
  • Wherever possible, assist the professionally qualified to be employed
  • Recognize the Builders of Professionals i.e. individuals and institutions who even though do not possess professional qualifications, but have employed a large number of professionals.
  • To organize fora to seek ways of developing Nigeria Further.
So many professionals have bought into this idea and have been identifying with the Foundation. Though the rain affected the attendance because even the chairman of the Board, Chief Julius Adelusi did not come many others came. From the list of the inductees, 2 did not come too but the program went ahead and it was a success.

Chief Bailey announced to the house that come August this year when the next set of professionals will be inducted, I will be among them. I laughed because money no dey to do that now. I would love to do that but na person wey chop belle full na im dey think about Awards. Abi no be so?

I congratulate my Sole Administrator, Engineer Joseph Onobere Isah for the Award and I thank the Professional Excellence Foundation of Nigeria for honouring him. He deserves to be honoured. He has been working so hard to start production at the Plant.

Sunday, June 14, 2015


This is Caitlin Jenner formerly Bruce Jenner the father of 6 children and a former World Champion in Sports.


Some weeks ago, the world was shocked by the News of Bruce Jenner’s transition to a woman.

Bruce Jenner is a Reality Star of the TV Show ' Keeping up with the Kardashians and a former Athlete.  He is also an Olympic gold medalist and three time divorcee. 
His first marriage to Christie Scott produced two children namely Burton and Cassandra. His marriage to Linda Thompson gave him two sons namely Brandon and Brody and finally from his recent divorce from Kris Jenner he has Kendall and Kylie.
Bruce Jenner was always lay back and controlled by Kris Jenner, his wife then and the mother of the Kardashians sisters, Kourtney, Kim and Khloe. He was supposed to be the Man in the Family, the head of the Family like we say in Africa but he was always silent and detached. I dont really like watching the reality tv show because that wife of his is a manipulative and domineering woman. Who knows maybe the strong trait he saw in Kris made him to want to be a woman. Just saying.

To some in the entertainment industry, its cool but to me its weird and ungodly.
God created him a man. The Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. We are God's beautiful Creation. God cant be wrong with him. He has been fulfilled as a man. He has married 3 women, and fathered 6 children. What else does he want?  Why did he waits for 65 years before deciding the way God created him was wrong? This is insane.

Transgender involve a partial or full reversal of gender. So Bruce has transgendered, what happens if tomorrow he does not like to be a woman again?  From interviews and discussions on the show, he said he was suffering inside, She said she has had to deal  with gender dysphoria since youth. So from all intents and purposes he was a woman in a man garb. But it did not look like that to me. He had married 3 times apart from other women he had dated as a man. The last marriage lasted 25 years. 

I think this celebrity status emboldened him too to embark on this change.
As the show KUWTK progresses, he started distancing himself by moving out from his house claiming his former wife, Kris was unbearable and overbearing. Although he was not the only that started distancing himself, Rob did too but Bruce caused  concern among his children. His children Brody and Brandon are now regulars on the show so one would have expected him to be featured on each episode but this was not the case.
 Now Brandon, Brody, Kendall and Kylie his biological children: Kourtney, Kim and Khloe, step children have 2 mothers,  Although he is being celebrated by all when the change was made public including President Barack Obama  who wrote on his twitter account "It takes courage to share your story", It against God doctrine. My Church will say this is a deliverance case.
I bid CAITLIN JENNER goodluck as she becomes a transgender woman.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

 PRESIDENT MUHAMADU BUHARI being sworn in on May 29th 2015.

Finally President Buhari takes over the mantle of leadership from President Goodluck Jonathan.. The Election this year was the fiercest I have seen since we started this democratic process in 1999.
We had two strong Parties ( PDP and APC). They both had campaign coordinators but the PDP Team headed by Femi Fani-Kayode crossed the line with their hate campaigns. It was really so bad that the Presidents wife, Dame Patience Jonathan asked people to stone anyone chanting the opposition slogan of 'CHANGE'. So during the voting days, the thugs and touts already armed by the Politicians unleashed mayhem and destruction on the citizens and the security agents.

These four human beings Fayose, Okupe, Fani Kayode led the hate campaign against Muhamadu Buhari and Bola Tinubu. They ran TV series on Buhari and Tinubu. They even called the former Governor of Lagos State, the National Leader of the apposition 'The Lion of Boudillion', Jagaban.  I wonder how they came about such tittles. But what I know is that Tinubu had been consistent in leading the opposition in Nigeria. He is not a saint but he has remainedconsistent and relevant.
There were violence almost everywhere that PDP thought they were losing. The worst States were Akwa Ibom, Rivers, Imo, Kogi, Benue and Abia.
Below are some of the horrible attacks on voters and electoral officers by the criminals paid by the Politicians.

One of the issues the ruling PDP was hammering on and probably thought could be used to disqualify General Buhari was his certificates which mysteriously got missing during the electioneering campaign. Cannot believe it that the Army could be bought by the Presidency then to remove the certificates and hide.
It was a real shame when the certificate showed up after General Buhari won the election. Above is the Army officer presenting the certificates that eventually showed up to the Press. This was how far the battle for Aso Rock went. It was fierce and deadly and brutal.
Well we are all looking forward to this CHANGE.
CHANGE from bad Governance to responsive and God fearing Governance. We need Governance with human face. We need Governance that is prudent and accountable. We need Governance that is fair to all.
So far its slow but I pray it will gather momentum in weeks ahead.
There is so much expectation from the People which could be overwhelming but I know this new Leadership is up to task. 
There must DELIVER O

Fayose also yesterday blasted Governor Fashola over his comments that democracy was diminished with the election of Fayose in Ekiti State.
Replying through the Director General of the Ayo Fayose Campaign Organisation, AFCO, Chief Dipo Anisulowo, Fayose cautioned Fashola to refrain from insulting Ekiti people with his comments on the election.“The governor’s comment that Ekiti people were induced with money to vote for the Peoples Democratic Party is an insult on the entire people of Ekiti State, and we in the PDP will not take lightly to anyone insulting Ekiti people under whatever guise.”
“It is only a hypocritical mind like Fashola that would claim that the results of an election as credible as that of last Saturday was induced by money and that Ayodele Fayose ought not to have been voted for by Ekiti people because he was standing trial for alleged corruption.”
Anisulowo, who reminded Fashola that Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly,  Hon Adeyemi Kuforiji was also standing trial for alleged corruption,  said; “Fashola should first remove the timber in his eyes before talking about the speck in other people’s eyes.
“Therefore, on the Ekiti election, Ekiti people have rejected the APC and its deceitful government and elected their own governor. If Fashola and his ilk are not pleased, they should go to the tribunal instead of insulting the collective intellect of Ekiti people.”
- See more at:
Fayose also yesterday blasted Governor Fashola over his comments that democracy was diminished with the election of Fayose in Ekiti State.
Replying through the Director General of the Ayo Fayose Campaign Organisation, AFCO, Chief Dipo Anisulowo, Fayose cautioned Fashola to refrain from insulting Ekiti people with his comments on the election.“The governor’s comment that Ekiti people were induced with money to vote for the Peoples Democratic Party is an insult on the entire people of Ekiti State, and we in the PDP will not take lightly to anyone insulting Ekiti people under whatever guise.”
“It is only a hypocritical mind like Fashola that would claim that the results of an election as credible as that of last Saturday was induced by money and that Ayodele Fayose ought not to have been voted for by Ekiti people because he was standing trial for alleged corruption.”
Anisulowo, who reminded Fashola that Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly,  Hon Adeyemi Kuforiji was also standing trial for alleged corruption,  said; “Fashola should first remove the timber in his eyes before talking about the speck in other people’s eyes.
“Therefore, on the Ekiti election, Ekiti people have rejected the APC and its deceitful government and elected their own governor. If Fashola and his ilk are not pleased, they should go to the tribunal instead of insulting the collective intellect of Ekiti people.”
- See more at:
Fayose also yesterday blasted Governor Fashola over his comments that democracy was diminished with the election of Fayose in Ekiti State.
Replying through the Director General of the Ayo Fayose Campaign Organisation, AFCO, Chief Dipo Anisulowo, Fayose cautioned Fashola to refrain from insulting Ekiti people with his comments on the election.“The governor’s comment that Ekiti people were induced with money to vote for the Peoples Democratic Party is an insult on the entire people of Ekiti State, and we in the PDP will not take lightly to anyone insulting Ekiti people under whatever guise.”
“It is only a hypocritical mind like Fashola that would claim that the results of an election as credible as that of last Saturday was induced by money and that Ayodele Fayose ought not to have been voted for by Ekiti people because he was standing trial for alleged corruption.”
Anisulowo, who reminded Fashola that Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly,  Hon Adeyemi Kuforiji was also standing trial for alleged corruption,  said; “Fashola should first remove the timber in his eyes before talking about the speck in other people’s eyes.
“Therefore, on the Ekiti election, Ekiti people have rejected the APC and its deceitful government and elected their own governor. If Fashola and his ilk are not pleased, they should go to the tribunal instead of insulting the collective intellect of Ekiti people.”
- See more at:
GOVERNMENT ministers have held a closed door meeting with the parents of the Government Girls Secondary School Chibok pupils in Maiduguri indicating that they may soon be rescued. - See more at: