Friday, February 5, 2010

Ailing President Yar'adua

President Umaru Musa Yar'dua is still not back from the medical trip or holiday he travelled to Saudi Arabia for. When he left the country in November 2009, it was with the intention to treat the acute pericarditis and return back to the country to continue his job as the President. He did not deemed it fit and proper to hand over to his Vice since he thought he would be gone for just few days. He has always been doing it and Nigerians would look elsewhere but this time around it was not to be. There is a saying that man plans but God is the one with the final word say ie man proposes but God disposes.
Now the President has been away for months without handing over or transfering authority to his Vice-President. This has led to power vacuum. The prolonged absence has affected practically all aspect of the country. For instance, the year 2010 budget has not been signed and people like us who draw salary from government are still waiting. In our own case, we recieved the last salary from Ajaokuta July 2009. The Minister Deziani Allison Madueke warned us not to expect any salary for the year again. She claimed people are not working. Who is responsible? Is it not the Ministry that she is the Minister that has denied the company funds in order to ground us. If 3B Naira can be released for payment of salary, why cant only N400M (four hundred Million Naira) be releasesd for the plant to start production? The Nigerian Society of Engineers has advised severally that Nigeria has no right to sell off Ajaokuta Steel Company as its very viable. But the Ministry of Steel Development in Nigeria is only interested in the money to be shared out for the non existent audit of the plants. We are told the Russians are back for technical audit. What for? After the audit and members of staff are not paid salary, what happens? I do not see any staff going to wake up to go to work when owed five months salary. Is the audit not waste of resources? Abi which one be dis o.
In Nigeria, Governance is something else. Anyway, they are not to be blamed because the people did not vote for them so they are not accountable to us.
Goodluck Jonathan Should please step in and rescue this nation from failure. Nigerians have suffered much before now and the invisible President is not helping at all. I hope the First Lady, Turai Yar'adua will be responsible and reasonable enough to let us know if her husband is still alive or in a coma or dead. Nobody wishes the President dead but we cannot continue with this suspense as it regard th health of the number 1 citizen of this country called Nigeria.

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