Friday, February 12, 2010


Man Goodluck Jonathan, the acting President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed forces is an extremely lucky man. Although the write up below is supposed to be funny but there is an element of favour in the affairs of our former Vice President and current Acting President.

“In your own (best) interest, no matter the position you are offered in ANY organisation (Office, Church, Meeting/Club, Party Planning, Tenants’ Association, Activist, etc), if your Deputy is named "Goodluck”, PLEASE DECLINE... even if it is UN Secretary General or Head of African Union, whatever, JUST DECLINE!

Should you think I am joking, check these facts:

Goodluck was Assistant Head Boy in primary school. The Head Boy got expelled. Goodluck took over.

Goodluck was Assistant Senior Prefect in secondary school, the Senior Prefect died, Goodluck took over.

Goodluck was Deputy Local Government Chairman. The Chairman got implicated in corruption and got removed from office. Goodluck took over

Goodluck was deputy governor to Alameiseigha. Governor Dipreye Alameseigha was impeached by the Stat lawmakers and Goodluck became the Governor of Bayelsa State despite his reluntancy.

Goodluck was Vice President to President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua:-Behold he became sick - PERICADIATIS!. He is away for months now and no one could ascertain his true state of health. Again Goodluck is called upon to take over.

You may think this is coincidence, but don’t you think the coincidence is too much?''

Whether it is coincidence or it is a fact, Acting President Goodluck Jonathan is a lucky guy. He has always been lucky even as an ordinary citizen. He was just in his house when Alameseigha and a friend walked in and he was offered Deputy governorship of his state, Bayelsa. He laughed it off but few months later he was sworn in as the Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State. That is favour of God. His name Goodluck is sure working for him.

Congrats Presido Goodluck Jonathan!. May you reign brings peace. economic growth, political stabilty, infrastructural development and security to life and property. May your reign as the President of the most populous black nation ends well.

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