Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Deaths in the Church

In this Christmas season of love and joy, some people are still thinking of maiming, destroying and killing. It is really sad and unfortunate.
This terrorism is a new form of rebellion and alien to us. We know of strikes to press for demands and the attention of Government. Afterwards, the Niger Delta Youths came up with Kidnapping of Expatriates to force the numerous Oil Companies operating in the Region to start investing a little in the region. What they demanded was infrastructural development and respect for their environment. One of the Oil giant, Shell just devastated the environment with oil spill and refused to clean up. The main source of income of the locals which is farming was gone as the oil spill killed the fishes and left the farmland bare. After years of begging and nothing was done by the Oil Companies and Government, the Youths decided to form militant groups to demand change and payment to the people who had suffered neglect all these years. When the Youths started kidnapping as the last resort, the Government of those Expatriates prevailed on our Government and of course our Government listened. The regions had a Ministry dedicated to it, jobs were created for the teeming youths and Amnesty offered to the Militants. The Niger Delta Youths (the Militants)had a cause they were fighting for. Everyone in the Country and outside including the International Community was aware of the Cause they were fighting for and something had to be done. In the case of BOKO HARAM, can someone tell me what Cause they are fighting for? They said they dont want western education and democracy? Is that possible in this 21st Century? Honestly, if i have access to Government, i will tell them to shut all schools in the Northern Part of the Country and disconnect them from electricity. In fact every form of civilisation, will be erased from the region so they can go back to lliving like barbarians, animals that they are. Why attacking and killing innocent people? Why Christians? Especially in this period of celebration of HE who paid the price for all humanity. Why throwing bombs into the Church for goodness sake? A Holy place of Worship. That is sacrilege.
These people went to worship and celebrate the birth of JESUS CHRIST not knowing that the children of darkness were lurking at the corner street to kill themselves and take as many people as possible with them. I say once again that It is so sad and unfortunate. Unfortunate in the sense that our security agencies are not living up to the expectation of the people. They have failed in information gathering and investigation of these criminals. They need to expand their dragnet and up their surveillance. Enough of these senseless killing and destructions of properties.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Government has failed the people.