Friday, January 13, 2012

My Birthday

Today, 13th January 2012 is my Birthday. I thank God for keeping me alive. I Thank God for keeping me, preserving my sanity and life. I thank God for the gift of salvation and life. Last year was particularly difficult for me. What with the betrayal from a relationship that i had nurtured and watered. Lies and deception was on the lips of people i thought were close. I felt helpless and hopeless. I was actually depressed for months that it affected my health. My blood Pressure shot up and one side of my body was affected. I thank God for Counsellors, and two Pastors who constantly spoke to me and prayed with me. It was a really trying period for me. I was really hurt but I asked God to help me to forgive and let go. The HOLY SPIRIT became my counsellor and God dealt with me on the issue of forgiveness.
It was not easy forgiving someone who lived with you and kept secrets that were damaging. The secrets were life changing and this person was going on as if all was fine. It was not easy at all. Initially when the secret was exposed, oh i wanted revenge. I wanted to fight back. I wanted to end the relationship and make him suffer some form of embarrassment and pains. But God intervened. Secrets can be a huge burden on our life. I saw what it did to my relationship and i hope others will learn. This year will be different from other years in JESUS name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Life may give you reasons to cry but God gives several reasons to laugh.