Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fuel Subsidy removal

Fuel Subsidy removal
The riot on Ikorodu Road yesterday and today against Fuel Subsidy removal has seen destructions, lost of properties mostly Government owned vehicles and lost of lives. It so unfortunate that the beginning of the year would be this violent and chaotic.
The streets were deserted as people did not want to be caught in the middle between the law enforcement agents and the protesters. The protesters were actually heading to Alausa, the seat of Government of LAGOS STATE. In the process, the Area Boys decided to start looting and burning BRT buses. A friend said that she had to run back home from Onipanu Bus stop. Luckily, she was not touched but her pair of shoes was destroyed. Whew!!!
We are told the Minister of Finane Mrs. OKONJO IWEALA is threatening to resign if the President goes back on the removal. Can someone tell me, is this the dividend of DEMOCRACY? I bought a litre of Fuel for Naira 141.00 from Naira 65.00. The Refineries are not working and they said few individuals are the beneficiaries. Cant the Government force these beneficiaries of the subsidy to put back their gains into the Economy? Why are we forced to suffer for a few? OH GOD HELP US.

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