Monday, September 10, 2012

Marriage and Divorce

Papa and Mummy GO of Redeemed Christian Church of God. In 1967 Papa Enoch Adeboye got married to his beloved wife Mummy Foluke Adenike Adeboye (nee Adeyokunnu). The couple has been married now for 45 years and still counting. You may be thinking that from day one the marriage has been rosy and blissful. No it was not so. At the beginning, Papa had many friends because he loved taking photographs and ladies love posing. Anyway, he got married before becoming born again. It was in 1973 that Papa Enoch Adeboye received the Lord Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour in Redeemed Christian Church of God and became baptized by immersion in water. There is a particular incident when they were traveling from Ilesha to Lagos and he had to leave the car and the wife with baby because of anger. Hear him
Something made her(Mummy GO, his wife) angry and I knew she was right. She really had an opportunity to hit me. She was talking and I was driving. I was angry but I could not talk and there was nowhere to run. When I could not control it anymore, in order not to break our rule (of not being angry at the same time), I parked the car. I got down and began to walk back towards Ilesha. “I left her with the baby in the car. After walking for about a mile, I got to a village where they were selling fruits and bought some. I ate some and I took the remaining to her in the car. By now she was frightened because she did not know what had happened. When she saw me coming, she became relieved and as I got into the car, I gave her the peace offering.”
With the young women of nowadays or celebrities, that act would be considered abandonment and they would sue for divorce. Kim filed for divorce because the husband went to another city and she only heard on twitter. She did not bother to find out why he did that and if he was happy that she does not want to perform her wifely role. Her sister Khloe Lamar Odom does not dictate to the husband and where the husband goes there she goes too. What Kim failed to realise is that when there are many interferences from family and friends, a relationship is bound to collapse.
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries marriage broke down after only 72 days.
EVELYN LOZADA and CHAD JOHNSON - I was reading through some articles on relationships when i saw that another Hollywood marriage of few weeks had collapsed. Chad Johnson's wife, Evelyn Lozada, has filed for divorce 6 weeks after marriage. She filed legal documents in Florida, claiming her marriage was
"irretrievably broken."
She claimed domestic violence incident as the reason she filed for divorce. I wonder why she was snooping into drawers and trouser pockets for hotels bills and evidence of infidelity. If she knew the guy was not to be trusted and was not going to be faithful, why bother to get married? Evelyn claimed she found a receipt for a box of condoms in the husband's car and she went accusing and she was headbutted. I thought Kim Kardashians was the shortest marriage but theirs was shorter. Kim was almost 3 months while theirs was just a little after 1 month. Evelyn and Chad got married on July 4th in St. Maarten and the whole ceremony was recorded for the reality show, the Basketball wives. The couple's 41-day marriage came to an end on August 14
Britney Spears and Jason Alexander - This couple said they wanted to do something crazy and they got married and by the next day separated.
David and Victoria Beckham were married on July 4, 1999 at a Castle in Ireland outside Dublin, Ireland. Victoria was 25 and David was 24 when they married. They have been married now for 13 years. Daily all manners of women have been claiming one form of intimacy or the other with David Beckham but the wife has stuck with him. Do not know how long it would last but ignoring all distraction is the way to go if you want your marriage to last.
Marriage like i know should be between two people who are ready to forgive and help the other grow whether spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, materially etc. A relationship that drains and is suspicious of the others movements and intention is not good. Marriage is a state of being united to a person of the opposite sex in a consensual and contractual relationship recognised by law. Marriage is sacred and not some crazy thing like Britney spears and Jason Alexander called it. Marriage is not for shows. Its a serious matter. Think about it before venturing into it. If you are not prepared then don't do it. Just like the wedding Ring, the love between husband and wife should be continuous and endless. AS for the wedding rings, some churches do not support the wearing but I believe its symbolic and should be encouraged.
I pray that all the young men and women getting hastily into marriage and getting out will reconsider their attitudes. Marriage is honourable and we should emulate Papa Adeboye and others who are setting good examples for all to follow. We should try to understand our spouses and trust them absolutely. Most times they will let us down and betray us but we can forgive and stay on. Marriage is a journey and most roads are not smooth. So just fasten your seat belt By the way, put GOD first as you embark on this journey.
GOODLUCK to all married men and women.

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