Friday, August 24, 2012

Boko Haram and War on Christians

Pastor Ayo Orishajafor, The President of Christian Association of Nigeria. "I think it is high time we re-think this unwarranted crisis. Yes, it affects everybody except if we all fail to look at it critically. The big problem is it is perpetrated mostly in the North and by 'Northernans', it is targeted at 'christians' and churches and, it is growing day after day and no serious measures has been put to checkmate this attacks or persecution".
The militant group said is insisting on pursuing the sect’s goal of ensuring that states in the northern part of the country embraced the Islamic system of government instead of democracy, which it argued breeds corruption and immorality. How can you enforce a particular religion on a Country that is Secular? As it is, Nigeria's top politicians are using Boko Haram to cause disunity and divide Nigeria indirectly. According to the Presidnt of CAN, Pastor Oritsejafor, some politicians who lost out in the last election vowed that they will make the Country ungovernable and true to their ranting, disorder, fear, bombing and killing have taken over the Country especially in the Northern part. Rumors of the attacks targetting Christians have not been denied by the elders in the North. Infact the rumours are still on going and i believe it is a means to distance average, poor and peace loving Nigerians from certain section of the Country. A family friend that travelled to Kaduna recently for an official assignment from his office complained that was searched thoroughly at every point and every offices he went that it made him sick with anxiety. He said it was like being in a war zone because a bomb could go off anytime and people could be killed. He said most people go around in groups because of fear. He said you could see anxiety etched on people faces and their responses to conversations were calculated. The religious sect may be targetting Law Enforcement agents and Christians but these attacks create disunity and lack of trust among Nigerians. Even their people are sometimes killed too. Before long, these extremists will start spreading to the South and the militias in the South will fight back. Dont we think that the collapse of Nigeria is nearer than the civil war we experienced in the 60s?
Rampaging youths or Boko Haram foot soldiers who are used to destroy, maim and kill.
Unfortunately, the leaders in North whether religious gurus or Governors speak without weighing their words. The Police and the special military task force sets up by the Government to protect the people have unfortunately failed in their duties and assignment. The Security seems not enough to restrain these incessant attacks on churches and Christians. Anyway, its believed that the Nigerian police and military are heavily infiltrated by the jihadists.
Not long ago, Boko Haram or The Jama’atu Ahlisunnah Lidda’awati Wal-Jihad Islamic sect fired a warning that it would attack Kano State if the security agencies continue to hunt its members in the state and true to type, they did. The sect in an open letter addressed to the Kano governor, Dr Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero, Alhaji Yusuf Maitama Sule, and Alhaji Abbas Sunusi, and made available to the press was signed by its assistant spokesman, Abu Zaid. The letter is reproduced verbatim below: <
i>BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM FROM: JAMA’ATU AHLISSUNAH LIDDAWATI WAL-JIHAD TO: 1. DR. RABI’U MUSA KWANKWASO, GOVERNOR OF KANO STATE, 2. ALHAJI ADO BAYERO, EMIRE OF KANO, 3. ALHAJI ABBAS SUNUSI, WAMBAN KANO AND 4. ALHAJI YUSUF MAITAMA SULE, DAN MASANIN KANO ASSALAMU ALAIKUM WARAHATULAHI WABRAKATUH Glory be to Allah and may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon the seal prophet (SAW). The present security situation in Maiduguri, the continuously attack of security agents, ward heads, politician and the subsequent bomb blast in some part of the country, including force headquarters suicide bomb attack, who is responsible and why? Every one may say it’s unfortunate, uncalled for or what have you. But TRUTH ARE SACRED AND WILL REMAIN TRUTH EVEN IF PEOPLE DON’T LIKE IT. You all saw on AL-JAZEERA TV how unarmed men, youths, women, cripple and even under age were asked to laid on the ground and were shut on the head and chest by security agents. You all saw our leader MALLAM MUHAMMAD YUSUF with handcuff and shot severally. You all saw how both MASJID AND THE HOLY QUR’AN were being destroyed. What are our crime? What damage have we caused or cost Nigeria government, which leads to our attack in Bauchi, Wudil, Gombe, Yobe and Maiduguri two years back? Is sticking to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith a crime? Is funeral right a crime? The reasons are clear: 1. The Nigerian Government is a KUFUR system serving BOTH UNITED NATION (UN) AND CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (CAN) 2. “We the Jama’atu Ahlisunnah Lidda’awati Wal-Jihad are MUSLIMS and are from the NORTHERN part of the country who spent eight years agitating for ISLAMIC STATE, STRAVING TO BRING BACK THE LOST GLORY OF UTHMAN DAN FODIO. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT? Is just to go back to the ways of our creator (ALLAH) where justice, discipline, good morals, love and care, peace and progress etc will prevails. Having got the clear picture of what happened, it have come our notice that the present Police Commissioner, Director State Security Service (DSSS) and Ward Heads have jointly started arresting our members IN YOUR STATE (KANO) known to you or not, a situation which we will not take lightly by the grace of ALLAH. We want to made it clear that the country called Nigeria belongs to Allah; same thing Kano and we are SERVANT OF ALLAH. Therefore our members should allow to stay where ever they wish. WE DID NOT TOUCH YOU, THEREFORE OUR MEMBERS (MUSLIMS) SHOULD NOT BE TOUCHED. These same security agents attitude made MAIDUGURI, which is known as home of peace before to what it is today because they know is not their home town. Therefore these their URGLYATTITUDE MOST be check and stop with immediate effect and all those arrested should be released immediately, other- wise,I SWEAR WITH ALMIGHTY ALLAH who created Heaven and Earth! Who Sent Prophet upon Prophets right from ADAM (AS) to MUHAMMAD (SAW)!! Who Sent down ATTAURAH, AL-INGIL, AZZABUR and the HOLY QUR’AN!!! We may be force to DEPLOY OUR MEN TO YOUR STATE KANO AND MAKE IT WORST THAN MAIDUGURI BY THE GRACE OF ALLAH. This is exactly same open letter we did to the then president, Late Umaru Musa Yar’adua, security chiefs and the people of Borno State two years back, which they thought was a joke. TO ALLAH WHO MADE ME WE ARE NOT JOKING. We appeal you read this LETTER without prejudice for you to really understand the message we are trying to pass across. May ALLAH grant us the understanding of the religion as preached and practice by the prophets and their rightly guided companions. ABU ZAID, ASSISTANT SPOKESMAN FOR JAMA’ATU AHLISSUNAHTI LIDDA’AWATI WAL-JIHAD.
KABIRU SOKOTO, one of the leaders of the Sect who escaped with the active cornivance of the Police but was later arrested. He was the mastermind behind ST Theresa Catholic Church bombing that killed more than 40 worshippers.
Zakari Biu former Police Commissioner that was dismissed over Kabiru's escape.
Hafiz Ringim former Inspector General of Police. He was given 24 hours to produce Kabiru Sokto. Technically, he lost his job the day the suspect escaped from Police detention.

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