Saturday, August 4, 2012

Goldie, represented Nigeria in the Big Brother Africa season 7 tagged STARGAME. She was one of the representatives as we had OLA and Chris who had to voluntarily opt out due to Ola's health. I guess Goldie's stage presentation gave the organisers the impression that she was entertaining but her performance was below expectation. The most annoying aspect for me was her becoming the cook and chef to the other housemates. She cried at every given provocation and started behaving like a housewife to Prezzo who did not care about her. She did not represent Nigeria at all. If we want to know who represented Nigeria well, check Uti Nwachukwu and Karen Igho in the previous BBAs. Thank God Goldie was voted out and now she gave the following analysis on the potential winners of BBA7. Tommorrow Sunday 5th August 2012 is the final of BBA7. Below is Goldie's analysis on the the potential winners of BBA7. This is based on her relationship with each of them.
Prezzo I will start with the president, cuz he was the closest 2 me.☺ Prezz has played the game to a T. Master in chess&draft, every move is calculated. Every action, every word. He's a genius. An enigma. People love him, people love to hate him. He's controversial. He's a star... In terms of playing the "Game" he's aced it...☑ Let's not also forget that prezzo has survived nominations 4 times consecutively... (STRONG CHARACTER)
Lady May
Next on my list is LadyMay. A lady with incredible ambition&talent. We find her fascinating cuz she rocks her pink heels unapologetically. She holds her own,doesn't fraternize, respects herself &she's also survived 4 nominations!she might appear boring but she's quirky. Voters MIGHT forget to vote for any character they don't see often. In a game such as this, especially in the last week, visibility is key.
Next is Keagan...hmmm! Keagan is extremely intelligent, he's also played the game WELL. He's controlled himself in situations that could have escalated in2something physically violent. Even when drunk, he doesn't go in2 fits of rage&doesn't get abusive. He's loud but playful. Entertaining and funny. He also has a very GOOD heart. Extremely objective and he doesn't pretend. He says what he feels when he feels it. Lastly he's goal oriented and SA has never won big brother. Every south african is expecting him to win.
Now4 Kyle: I like kyle; he's an intellectual. He's honest,a bit lyk Keagan but on the quiet side. He's also loyal&fights 4 his own people. Even though he doesn't know how to cook, he's extremely domesticated. A good listener. Kind, caring and generally a peoples person. Let's also not 4get he's had D highest country in votes so far in all his nominations. Higher than both myself, ladymay&prezzo.(STRONG XTER)
Now4Wati... My dear simple minded Wati. Genius on many levels. Quiet unless he's cyborg steve;lol! He is a strong contender because on many levels he's the underdog. Human beings generally love the underdog *syndrome*. The one no1 seems to think will stand a chance against the bigger more obvious *stars* So? Those odds might definitely work in his favour. Also, all the countries on that side of the continent might vote 4 him as they no longer have any "rep" of their own,& he's the closest.
Nowwww! For my Talia! Playful jovial minx! I love this girl, the way she played around with the boys without getting emotionally entangled. Obviously because of Seydou; *wink* she's never been nominated, she's extremely beautiful, kind, caring and honest. Domesticated yet ballsy! I think she stood a high chance of winning as she'll definitely get angola's votes becuz of Seydou apart from her country's and ROA. But now, seeing as things are heating up with keagan, I don't really know that will affect her chances. We'll just have to w8 and see...☺
These are GOLDIE's assessments of the five remaining housemates. But Africa has the final decision to vote for the most entertaining housemates. Most people may not accept some of the actions of the housemates in the BBA but the younger ones would. I wonder why being drunk always is entertaining. For Lady May, she is truly a Lady. She respects her womanhood and did not allow the men and boys in the House to disrespect her as a person and as a woman. Kudos to her. Well tomorrow is the final of the BB7 Stargame and we wish all of them well.

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