Monday, February 17, 2014

judging a man of God

I just read on the internet about the self-made social and fashion critic, Emmy Collins in Nigeria who criticized a Pastor for contesting an election and loosing every time as not hearing from God.
Also read that last year, he was always in the News for taking on celebrities in one fight or the other. I read that he is out to tell people especially the famous ones what they are doing wrong.
That is really wonderful except that he may have forgotten that no man on earth including himself  is perfect. JESUS is the only perfect one.
I don't have any problem with him taking on those celebrities and politicians though many people waved him off, calling him an attention seeker. Where I have problem is him taking on a man of God. The Bibles states
touch not my anointed and do my Prophets no harm
.........He criticizing a man of God, called by God is something no one should support. He should not go there at all. He did not call the Pastor and the Pastor is not answerable to him but to God. He should leave the Pastor to God and not incur the wrath of God.

Even the platform I read the story from described the Pastor as Nigeria's controversial man of God, The Man of God they are referring to is Reverend Chris Okotie of the Household of God Church, Ikeja  NIGERIA.
Collins says Okotie is the worst pastor in Nigeria today and that the founder and General Overseer of Household of God Church is not qualified to be called a man of God because he left the Church to go contest the Presidential Election..
Hear what Emmy Collins had to say:

This is officially one of the worst Pastors presently in Nigeria. He reckons God spoke to him to contest in the election. Didn’t God promise him that he will win?

When God directed David to fight Goliath, he ensured that David won because the Lord was with David
That his church members believe all these lies that exits this guy’s mouth and that of his ilk is quite worrisome.

This not a man of God because a man of God would not waste as much money as this chap is wasting while some of his church members are wallowing in abject poverty. This is downright mean.

I don't know whether to call him a comedian for making fun of the calling and the anointing on Reverend Chris Okotie or to just think he is seeking cheap publicity. Whatever it is, he is going way beyond the bounds allowed. Moses was insulted and criticised by his relations and God dealt with his relations until Moses intervened and prayed to God on their behalf. Unfortunately for this Collins, when God will decide to fight for his servant, Rev Chris may not know to pray for him.
I hope we will learn to leave the men and women of God and their activities to God to judge. We didnt call them. Let the one who called them into the Ministry be the one to discipline them if need be. Lets not incur the wrath of God because of ignorance. By the way, ignorance is no excuse in law and even in religion.  

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