*Pix. 4: Applicvants who could not find seats await further insatructions as others take seats to write the Nigeria Immigration Service examinations at the 60,000 capacity National Stadium, Abuja. Photo by Abayomi Adeshida

The Human Capital Providers Association of Nigeria, HUCAPAN, the supervisory body for recruiting companies, also disclosed that the Consultant is not their member and all the other companies that passed through the so called Ministerial Tender Board before Drexel are not registered by the Federal Government. Mr. Neye Enemigan, the head of that organisation had this to say:
“The unfortunate death was avoidable. It is something that should not have happened in any civilized country. It is a shame and for me I feel very sad. I express my condolence to the family.  The outsourcing company is not our member. But what is worse is that we have taken pain to investigate and we have found out this outsourcing company is not even registered to recruit. For example, the Minister of Internal Affair, Mr. Abba Moro said that they followed due process and that they shortlisted four companies; Pyrich Global Limited, Bosmos Infotech Limited, Rosebonny Technologies Limited and Drexel Technologies Limited, and that all of them went through the ministerial tenders board.
“We have investigated and found out that all the four companies are not registered to recruit. In other word, the one that got the job, Drexel Technologies Limited is not registered, licenced or authorised by law to engage in that exercise. By Nigerian labour law and to be specific, section 23, 24, 25 and 71 of the Labour Act laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 makes it clear that the Minister of Labour and Productivity, will licence any organisation that is a recruiter. So, if you have not been licenced by the Minister of Labour and Productivity as a recruiter, what you are doing is illegal.
“The company collected according to what the Minister of Internal Affairs said, over N700 million and also by law, no prospective employee is required to pay a Kobo to get a job. You are not required to pay to get form, you are not required to pay for anything. That on its own is also illegal.

ATIKU ABUBAKAR BAGUDU, Chairman senate committee on Interior.
The senate set up an inquiry and held a public hearings on the matter. I hope that it would be done speedily. It was there that a lot was revealed about the sour relationship between the Minister and the officials of  NIS. Even the Minister confessed that he was not in any of the centres as he was at a social function.
Even the candidates got to centres/stadium before the organisers. It was a very poor management of the situation. 
With no proper crowd control and coordination of examination materials, pandemonium and struggle took over and the rest is history. 20 applicants died in the stampede and scores of others were wounded. In the Benin City Centre, a pregnant woman lost her life and that of the unborn child.

The company is quack and the company should be dealt with in accordance with the law. They were to release 201m for the conduct of the exam but they released only 21m. Thank God that the President has ordered that the money paid by the applicants be refunded.

The botched NIS Recruitment Exercise just showed us that the rate of unemployment in this Country is frightening and worrisome. I pray the Government will rise up, create jobs, provide enabling environment, provide infrastructure (electricity, good road, less taxes) and encourage small scale industries