Saturday, April 19, 2014


THis week was the Holy Week of the passion and crucifixion and this weekend we celebrate the resurrection of our LORD and Saviour  JESUS CHRIST. So thankful that God sent His son to earth to pay for our sins, reconcile us back to God and open the way for us to live in eternity with Him.

The Scripture says in 2 cor 5:21- "For he hath made him to be sin for us , who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him".

See we can be righteous on our own . Our actions can never be good enough to earn God's acceptance. But righteousness is not about what we do but rather what JESUS did over 2000 years ago. He paid  the price for our sins and shame so that we could have access to God's Throne of Grace. He died so that we could  live. He conquered death, hell, and the grave so that we could have everlasting Life. That is why we are celebrating the Easter season.

Jesus was beaten, bruised and sacrificed for us all.  We didnt  deserve it, we didnt earn it. We can only receive His love and eternal life as a gift. He displayed His indescribable goodness when He gave His life for us.

John 11:25 - "Jesus said unto her i am the resurrection and the life. he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall  he live".

The question is,  are we really living the resurrected life? Have you received this gift of eternal life? God loves you with an everlasting Love. He doesnt want you to live in bondage to sin, pain, depression, fear or addiction.He wants you to be free in Him and live as an overcomer through Christ.  He wants a closer and more personal relationship with you so He can show you His mercy, Love and goodness.

What is EASTER?







Jesus, our Conqueror, has gone before us and explored the grave. He came out the champion of life and He said "Because I live, you will live also.

The substitutional death of Jesus Christ on the cross for mankind saved us all.

May we all experience the power of His resurrection.. AMEN

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