Sunday, April 13, 2014

Re: Killer Child Bride_ Wasila Umar

 A CHILD bride forced into marriage in Nigeria has killed the groom and three of his friends with a poisoned meal on Thursday April 10, 2014.

  According to a report from the Assistant Police Superintendent, Musa Magaji Majia, 14-year-old Miss Wasila Umaru was married last week to 35-year-old Umaru Sani.

  Over the weekend, the groom invited a group of friends to celebrate his wedding to the child-bride at his Ungwar Yansoro village, about 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the northern city of Kano. The little girl not happy with the marriage and not knowing what to do resorted to the last option which is to kill the groom. The teenage girl told the Police that she bought the rat poison at a village market and used it to prepare the last supper, a dish of rice for her husband and his friends. She said she did it because she was forced to marry a man she did not love and who was much older than her.

From the report, the groom and a friend died the same day and two other friends died later in the hospital. Since she confessed to the crime, the Police will probably charge her with culpable homicide.

   This would not have happened if her poor parents had not forcefully married her to the man old enough to be her father. Child marriage is common in northern Nigeria and especially in the mainly Muslim and impoverished North, where the numbers increase in times of drought because a bride price is paid and it means one less mouth to feed.

  Fifty per cent of Nigerian girls living in rural areas are married before they turn 18, according to the U.N. Children’s agency. That’s a lot of child brides in a country that half of the population are teenagers and under 18.

 Child brides often suffer difficult pregnancies because their reproductive organs are not matured to carry the weight of a child. Also the pressure on the pelvis and their womanhood causes the VVF sickness. That is the abnormal passage that leads from one organ or part of the body to another allowing waste uncontrollable. The child bride also suffers from Vulvovaginitis which is coincident inflammation of the vulva and vagina.

 Also, these young girls are much more likely to contract AIDS.

 According to the International Center for Research on Women, the child bride is subjected to domestic violence apart from the numerous diseases.

United Nation and other Organisations in the World classified this  Early and forced marriage as modern-day slavery. These girls are held prisoners in their homes by these so called husbands who treat them as object of labour and most times as personal properties without feelings.

Although the Nigeria’s Child Rights Act prohibits marriage before 18, the  Islamic Shariah law operated in most States in the North and even recently, the members of the National Assembly especially the Senators state otherwise. That notwithstanding, we should all join our voices to condemn this evil in our land.

It been observed that many child brides are divorced because of the medical problems caused by difficult pregnancies. Most of these girls are put out on the street or abandoned in hospitals.

Please say no to Child Brides in your locality and Community. Help save a life and save the Nation. Don't wait for innocent girls like Miss Wasila Umaru to save themseves from the clutches of these paedophiles.


 These girls are still children. Please dont saddle them with responsibilities that  mentally, emotionally and physically they are not ready for. I know what Wasila did is wrong to take another man's life but what the man would have done or has already done to her body and mind is evil too. Please discourage early marriage in Northern Nigeria. Help spread the  protest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, say a big NO to Child Bride.