Thursday, October 20, 2011

End of a Dictator

Today, Thursday 20th October 2011, AL JAZEERA Television reported that the 69 years old Libyan former dictator, Muammar Gaddafi was killed by the revolutionary army in his hometown of Sirte. Sirte has been under bloody siege for two months. At a point Gaddafi loyalists resisted the rebels and they had to beat a retreat. The Rebels reteated, regrouped and attacked again and again. The constant attacks paid off. Weeks after, Sirte, the stronghold of Muammar Gaddafi fell and he dead in the process. The above pictures as shown exclusively by the cable television, showed Gaddafi killed by the Army of the National Transistion Council in an undisclosed location in Libya. This is the end of the eight months civil war in Libya. At the onset of the war, Gaddafi boasted that he would crush the rebels and called them rats and cockroaches. He used the military might and emptied the armoury to stop the rebellion when it started but at the end, he lost all including his life and that of his family members. What a shame. Well the bible says he who killed by the sword will die by the sword. The confirmation of Gaddafi's death came from the Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril
we have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Muammar Gaddafi has been killed.
Since the confirmation, they have been wild jubilation, celebration and hugging and dancing all over Libya. The joy on the people faces are indescribable. The UN Secretary Ban was quoted as saying
the death of Gaddafi mark an historic transition for Libya
while UK Prime Minister said
the Libyan people now have greater chance of building strong democracy
. Angela Merkel of Germany said that his death means the path is clear for new peaceful start for Libya. French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppe, in his comment said
Gaddafi"s death marks end of tyranny in Libya.
Still waiting for our government to react. Congratulations to the entire Libyans. May the next leader be considerate, compassionate and kind.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Favourite Food #BAD 11

Today 16/10/2011 is BLOG ACTION DAY and all registered bloggers are to blog about FOOD #BAD 11. I have chosen to write about my favourite food. My favourite food is COCONUT RICE but before I start writing about it, let me briefly define food the way i understand it. Food is any substance eaten to quench hunger and provide nutritional support for the body and the mind. Food must contains essential nutrients like carbohydrates, fat, protein and vitamins. But I have seen in this country of ours that most food consumed by many does not contain all the nutrients. There is poverty and hunger in the land so most people do not mind what is eaten as long as it fills their tummy. We hve several foods in Nigeria but my favourite is Coconut rice becaue it is simple to prepare and very nutriteous. You need the understated ingredients to prepare a delicious and nutriteous Coconut rice: INGREDIENTS 2 cups of rice 11/2 cups of water 3 - 4 cups of coconut milk -Shrimps -Pepper -Onions -Salt -Seasoning -Fresh Fish -Curry leaves (Optional) Many culture have recognisable cuisine and traditional ways of preparing their food so i will describe the way we prepare Coconut rice in Nigeria. DIRECTION FOR COOKING -Boils the rice for few minutes, rinse and drain. -Break the two (2)coconut, drain the liquid in it, and grate the flesh. Add 2 cups of warm water to the grated coconut, stir and squeese. Collect the water and use to cook the parboiled rice. -Cleans the Shrimps by removing all the unwanted scales and tail -Dice onions -grind pepper -Clean the fish and cut it into the desired pieces. Finally, when all the ingredients are ready, pour the Coconut milk into the pot and add the parboiled rice. Put the pot on the fire and then add the shrimps, pepper, onions, salt and seasoning. Cook for 20 to 30 minutes adding the milk a little at a time until the rice is cooked. Sprinkle the curry leaves. Put the pot down. Seasoned the fish and roast for 30 minutes using low heat or until its cooked. Dish out and serve.
Coconut Rice contains all the nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat, and vitamins)required by the body to function optimally. It is easy to prepare and very tasteful. Happy Blog Action Day #BAD 11 to all bloggers.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Some months back, the Lagos State Government issued a warning to its citizens living in the boundary between Lagos and Ogun State to evacuate the area to avoid the annual flooding caused by the opening of the dam when its full. The government also advised the residents in Owode onirin, mile 12, Ajegunle in Ikorodu and its environ to relocate but they refused. Lagos being below sea level has been experiencing flooding year in year out. Check out the flooded areas of Lagos,

Betrayed by my husband

Friday, 12 August 2011, my husband left home in the morning for work in his Chambers. Before he left in the morning, he said he would be going to the Redemption Camp for night vigil. Since he said he would be going from the office, i couldnt go with him. But when he was leaving home, he packed a bag with knickers and shirts. I then asked why he was carrying a travelling bag since he was going to pray throughout. I was curious with the change of clothes so i asked him why he was carrying them. I mean if he was going to the camp for the convention, and just a night, why carry change of clothes? He mumbled an answer which i did not pay attention to. Why would i worry when my supposed husband was going to the camp to pray for 'us'? I helped to pack the travelling bag. What a deceit. He lied to me. He lied using God and he is an Assistant Pastor in our Church. A friend from Abuja that was coming to Lagos for the Power Must Change Hands programme at Prayer City called that there was traffic hold-up from the Airport to Ikorodu Road. I called my husband that he should leave the office early so as to beat the Hold-up. In the background when he answered the call, i heard a baby crying. I asked where he was that a baby is crying loudly as if he is carrying the baby. He lied that someone close by was carrying a baby. Why would he lie? I thought we had a beautiful and honest relationship so was not suspecting any betrayal. I then wished him well and hung up the telephone. When he drove home in the morning, as a dutiful and loving wife, ran a bath for him and quickly prepared breakfast for him. He slept and woke up much later. But i noticed he did not talk about the vigil he attended or the normal hectic and choatic driving and indiscriminate parking of vehicles. I waited for a whole day and i had to ask him on sunday morning, how the programme was and he said fine. When i wanted to probe further , the man became defensive and angry. He asked what i meant by saying he did not talk about the programme? He said he was tired. I had to leave him but i was suspicious of the vigil, no sermon, and no discussion on what happened at the camp ground. Even the explanation of the cry of a baby and a woman i heard in the background was not satisfactory. On the 14th of August, he invited his friends from the church to come home for his birthday celebration. I was surprised because he does not like celebrating birthdays. He claimed birthdays are for babies and sometimes women. So we were surprised that he was organising a birthday bash. I was happy for him and started organising people and foods for that day. 15th August 2011, was a monday, the birthday date. I went briefly to the office, ran an errand for a church member and quickly drove home to prepare for the birthday celebration. We cooked and served and everyone was happy and satisfied. But the look on two of his friends made me uncomfortable but i waved it off then. Later i now asked him why he changed his mind about birthday celebration and he said he was happy. Why deny him that happiness? I also promised that next year we will celebrate in Sheraton Hotel. I never thought about anything being responsible for the change of mind. My husband betrayed the trust i have in him. My husband has a mistress and a son because we are still waiting. He did not tell me until i found out myself. My heart is broken. It is only God that will mend this heart.

banish ANGER

The Bible says in Eph 4:26
"Don't sin by letting ANGER control you. Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil"
What this means is that because we are human with emotions, it is expected that we would get angry occasionally over things but God tells us in His word that we must control that emotion, if you allow anger control you, the consequence would be sin. Anger must be dealt with before the sun goes down, if not, it would breed evil thoughts, evil words or evil actions. Anger is bad. Most times our tolerance level for what we considered wrong is so low. When I am angry, my body would begin to shake and it would take sometime for me to calm down. I discovered that this was a trick of the devil to have a foothold in my life and I had to start working on it. I later read that due to the secretions that come into the body from anger,it leads to increased blood flow with no corresponding physical activity, which could result in high blood pressure and heart attack. I didnt need anyone to tell me I had to work on it. Some of the things you can do to reduce your likelihood of getting angry include:- 1) Become more tolerant of others 2) Don't expect too much from people. 3) Pray and try to control your emotions And if you are angry try the following to reduce the effects on you: 1) Be slow to speak - James 1:19 2) Pray to God about the situation and ask God to defend you if you feel offended. He is the avenger. 3) Sit down and engage in breathing exercises 4) Depending on the situation, try talking to the person involved. Most times, people you are angry with do not even know you are. 5) Learn how to see the humorous side of things. It takes more muscles to frown than smile 6) Praise God Prolonged anger over someone or situation can actually be a blessing blocker to you. You must never allow anger over anything linger, if you still discover that it is about to consume you, just drop it at the feet of Jesus and ask Him to help you. When you do this the peace of God that passes human understanding shall be yours. There is an open invitation from Jesus, He says come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Respond to that invitation and receive the rest of God