Saturday, October 15, 2011

Betrayed by my husband

Friday, 12 August 2011, my husband left home in the morning for work in his Chambers. Before he left in the morning, he said he would be going to the Redemption Camp for night vigil. Since he said he would be going from the office, i couldnt go with him. But when he was leaving home, he packed a bag with knickers and shirts. I then asked why he was carrying a travelling bag since he was going to pray throughout. I was curious with the change of clothes so i asked him why he was carrying them. I mean if he was going to the camp for the convention, and just a night, why carry change of clothes? He mumbled an answer which i did not pay attention to. Why would i worry when my supposed husband was going to the camp to pray for 'us'? I helped to pack the travelling bag. What a deceit. He lied to me. He lied using God and he is an Assistant Pastor in our Church. A friend from Abuja that was coming to Lagos for the Power Must Change Hands programme at Prayer City called that there was traffic hold-up from the Airport to Ikorodu Road. I called my husband that he should leave the office early so as to beat the Hold-up. In the background when he answered the call, i heard a baby crying. I asked where he was that a baby is crying loudly as if he is carrying the baby. He lied that someone close by was carrying a baby. Why would he lie? I thought we had a beautiful and honest relationship so was not suspecting any betrayal. I then wished him well and hung up the telephone. When he drove home in the morning, as a dutiful and loving wife, ran a bath for him and quickly prepared breakfast for him. He slept and woke up much later. But i noticed he did not talk about the vigil he attended or the normal hectic and choatic driving and indiscriminate parking of vehicles. I waited for a whole day and i had to ask him on sunday morning, how the programme was and he said fine. When i wanted to probe further , the man became defensive and angry. He asked what i meant by saying he did not talk about the programme? He said he was tired. I had to leave him but i was suspicious of the vigil, no sermon, and no discussion on what happened at the camp ground. Even the explanation of the cry of a baby and a woman i heard in the background was not satisfactory. On the 14th of August, he invited his friends from the church to come home for his birthday celebration. I was surprised because he does not like celebrating birthdays. He claimed birthdays are for babies and sometimes women. So we were surprised that he was organising a birthday bash. I was happy for him and started organising people and foods for that day. 15th August 2011, was a monday, the birthday date. I went briefly to the office, ran an errand for a church member and quickly drove home to prepare for the birthday celebration. We cooked and served and everyone was happy and satisfied. But the look on two of his friends made me uncomfortable but i waved it off then. Later i now asked him why he changed his mind about birthday celebration and he said he was happy. Why deny him that happiness? I also promised that next year we will celebrate in Sheraton Hotel. I never thought about anything being responsible for the change of mind. My husband betrayed the trust i have in him. My husband has a mistress and a son because we are still waiting. He did not tell me until i found out myself. My heart is broken. It is only God that will mend this heart.

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