Thursday, October 20, 2011

End of a Dictator

Today, Thursday 20th October 2011, AL JAZEERA Television reported that the 69 years old Libyan former dictator, Muammar Gaddafi was killed by the revolutionary army in his hometown of Sirte. Sirte has been under bloody siege for two months. At a point Gaddafi loyalists resisted the rebels and they had to beat a retreat. The Rebels reteated, regrouped and attacked again and again. The constant attacks paid off. Weeks after, Sirte, the stronghold of Muammar Gaddafi fell and he dead in the process. The above pictures as shown exclusively by the cable television, showed Gaddafi killed by the Army of the National Transistion Council in an undisclosed location in Libya. This is the end of the eight months civil war in Libya. At the onset of the war, Gaddafi boasted that he would crush the rebels and called them rats and cockroaches. He used the military might and emptied the armoury to stop the rebellion when it started but at the end, he lost all including his life and that of his family members. What a shame. Well the bible says he who killed by the sword will die by the sword. The confirmation of Gaddafi's death came from the Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril
we have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Muammar Gaddafi has been killed.
Since the confirmation, they have been wild jubilation, celebration and hugging and dancing all over Libya. The joy on the people faces are indescribable. The UN Secretary Ban was quoted as saying
the death of Gaddafi mark an historic transition for Libya
while UK Prime Minister said
the Libyan people now have greater chance of building strong democracy
. Angela Merkel of Germany said that his death means the path is clear for new peaceful start for Libya. French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppe, in his comment said
Gaddafi"s death marks end of tyranny in Libya.
Still waiting for our government to react. Congratulations to the entire Libyans. May the next leader be considerate, compassionate and kind.

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