Saturday, October 15, 2011

banish ANGER

The Bible says in Eph 4:26
"Don't sin by letting ANGER control you. Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil"
What this means is that because we are human with emotions, it is expected that we would get angry occasionally over things but God tells us in His word that we must control that emotion, if you allow anger control you, the consequence would be sin. Anger must be dealt with before the sun goes down, if not, it would breed evil thoughts, evil words or evil actions. Anger is bad. Most times our tolerance level for what we considered wrong is so low. When I am angry, my body would begin to shake and it would take sometime for me to calm down. I discovered that this was a trick of the devil to have a foothold in my life and I had to start working on it. I later read that due to the secretions that come into the body from anger,it leads to increased blood flow with no corresponding physical activity, which could result in high blood pressure and heart attack. I didnt need anyone to tell me I had to work on it. Some of the things you can do to reduce your likelihood of getting angry include:- 1) Become more tolerant of others 2) Don't expect too much from people. 3) Pray and try to control your emotions And if you are angry try the following to reduce the effects on you: 1) Be slow to speak - James 1:19 2) Pray to God about the situation and ask God to defend you if you feel offended. He is the avenger. 3) Sit down and engage in breathing exercises 4) Depending on the situation, try talking to the person involved. Most times, people you are angry with do not even know you are. 5) Learn how to see the humorous side of things. It takes more muscles to frown than smile 6) Praise God Prolonged anger over someone or situation can actually be a blessing blocker to you. You must never allow anger over anything linger, if you still discover that it is about to consume you, just drop it at the feet of Jesus and ask Him to help you. When you do this the peace of God that passes human understanding shall be yours. There is an open invitation from Jesus, He says come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Respond to that invitation and receive the rest of God

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