Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Lately, I have been facing crisis in my marriage and it bothers on infidelity. I have read a lot of books on why men cheat and the article I read in one of the magazines kind of gave several reasons. In the article, Professor Kat Hertlein, PHD., Professor of Human Development at the university of Nevada –Las Vegas and a marriage and family therapist was quoted as saying that men cheat because of lack of sexual satisfaction. The report stated that approximately 40% of men seek sexual satisfaction outside their relationships. Unfortunately that number has not changed much since 1950. This article gave several reasons for infidelity especially from men but i will just list few and summarised the details. One of the reasons men cheat is because they crave sexual variety
. This is according to David Buss, Professor of Psychology at the University of Texas and author of the Evolution of Desire; strategies of Human Mating (Basics Books). This could be seen from the recent scandals of men like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tiger woods, Jesse James and John Edwards. I mean these men had lovely and beautiful wives at home and yet went out to seek other women who were lesser in beauty and intellect. Look at Jesse James and the ugly woman nicknamed bommbshell. You cannot compare that woman to Sandra Bullock his wife. These men had it all: talent, fame, money and a beautiful family yet with every thing to lose, they ran after
Sexual variety
and cheated on their wives. The desire to be with different women I guess is stronger and most exciting than any other feeling. Another top reason men cheat is their unhappiness with their mates. Ninety-nine percent of the time, there’s a simple reason which is boredom. Also men cheat especially if they are high-profile guys who have women throwing themselves at them. Women are attracted to men who have power and status, so public figures usually have plenty of opportunity to cheat. Buss says whether yours is a political Animal, an A-list celeb or just a cubicle mat, his motivation to cheat is the same. She Is not What She Used To Be Like Adam, the typical man can’t resist the temptation of riper fruit, especially if the woman in his life has let herself go. At the onset of the marriage, the couple were happy with themselves and their physical look. But gradually, child birth, sedentry lifestyle take its toil on them and the look is no more appealing. Since men are controlled by sight, they start looking out and extra-marital is the next option. Anyway extramarital sex is cheaper and easier to get these days according to Buss.
Wives beware because if you get lazy, gained weight or does not just take care of yourself, a guy will start looking at other women,
Santagati says No one loves a Ball Buster Perhaps nothing will drive a married man into the arms of another woman faster than nagging wife. No man wants to be intimate with a cantekerous woman whose only stock in trade is nagging 24\7. Most men desire peace above all so if the house is too hot, the man seeks comfort and peace outside and ends up in another woman's arms. She does not get me Men who cheat say they don’t feel understood by their mate. A deep fear of intimacy can be hard for some guys to overcome. This type of men/husbands are more likely to cheat. It’s the thrill Most guy who cheat claimed there is no sizzle and excitement in their marriage. They like to play with fire. It adds a level of danger which excites and thrills. Blame it on the hunter Often married men who cheat cant guite explain their motivation. They just find themselves compelled to bust out of their day-to-day routine in search of what is new.It is a primitive instint that dates back to their role as hunter and gatherer. Only this time they are hunting and gathering new women. At times it maybe he married too young Satagati says or he just feels as if he hasn’t seen everything. So off he goes to explore. Biology, Baby The Relationship expert says Its the biological nature of men to be with as many female as possible. He said ‘once we have seen a woman nakedness several times, it becomes commonplace. It doesn’t matter if you are Jessica Alba or Sienna miller, the man becomes accustomed to that body and wants to experience something different, lips and body types. He said men are only monogamous because
they realize love and friendship are more important than getting laid
Let me stop here. I had gone through all the reasons and I know, I have tried with the help of GOD to not give my husband any reason to go out but he did and it hurts so bad.

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