Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

THANKSGIVING 2011 Today 24 November 2011 is Thanksgiving Day in America. All over the Net and all social media its the buzz.
Thanksgiving 2011 (also called turkey day) is a joyous, family festival celebrated primarilyy in the United States, Canada and other countries with lots of enthusiasm. This is a holiday special and commemorated to express gratitude and appreciation and as well as a sincere thanksgiving to God. It is a day to offer praise to God for all His blessings to the family, loved ones and friends. It is to thank all loved ones for all their support. Traditionally it has been a day to give thaks for a harvest that is bountiful and rich. Thanksgiving day is celebrated in November in the United States that is every forth thursday in November and in Canada it falls on the second monday in the month of October. THE exact origin of Thanksgiving in America cannot be determined but it is commomly believed that thanksgiving first took place at plymouth plantation in Massachsetts in 1621. This festive gathering occured early in hisory and was practiced after harvest festivities. But accoring to Robin Gioia and Michael Gannon, Author and teacher at the university of Florida the earliest' thanksgiving' celebrated in the United States was first celebrated on September 8,1565 by the Spaniards. In Canada, from all i read on the internet and books, there is strong convinction that the celebration started in 1576. Whether it was in the 15th Century or 16th Century, Thanksgiving is good. It gives all glory and honour to God who gives life and power to create wealth to us all. The fact that a NATION sets a day aside to thank God and appreciate Him is commedable. There is no way that Nation will ever lack. God will always show up for that nation. It is one thing to set aside a day to thank God but it another thing to actually thank HIM. I wish all these Countries the best and pray our NATION will emulate these Countries and set aside a day for us all to Thank GOD for His Love and Mercies toward us. iF not for GOD where would we be now?

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