Saturday, November 5, 2011

Rams and all

On Monday, the 31st of October, on the way to work, i saw that the whole of Iganmu by Brewery Bus stop was blocked by trailers bringing rams from the North of the country to Lagos for sale.
On tuesday, 1st November, we went to Ikeja to check a new apartment for rent. After checking the house( the house is actually run down) we went out to ask the people in the neighborhood about the environment. IT was outside there that we saw two rams fighting. Ram fighting is a common sight in Lagos during the moslem festivities. Infact a competition is organised annually to pick the strongest and fittest ram.
Find below the many of such ram fighting this season.
Ram fighting only occurs during ''Ileya festivals'' meaning ''going home for celebration'' in yoruba language. It is a fun game and many young and not so young people actually get involved in it. There is a lot of betting involved too and at times, the losing side does not take it easy. The bigger the rams, the fiercest the fights.

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