Friday, August 24, 2012

Boko Haram and War on Christians

Pastor Ayo Orishajafor, The President of Christian Association of Nigeria. "I think it is high time we re-think this unwarranted crisis. Yes, it affects everybody except if we all fail to look at it critically. The big problem is it is perpetrated mostly in the North and by 'Northernans', it is targeted at 'christians' and churches and, it is growing day after day and no serious measures has been put to checkmate this attacks or persecution".
The militant group said is insisting on pursuing the sect’s goal of ensuring that states in the northern part of the country embraced the Islamic system of government instead of democracy, which it argued breeds corruption and immorality. How can you enforce a particular religion on a Country that is Secular? As it is, Nigeria's top politicians are using Boko Haram to cause disunity and divide Nigeria indirectly. According to the Presidnt of CAN, Pastor Oritsejafor, some politicians who lost out in the last election vowed that they will make the Country ungovernable and true to their ranting, disorder, fear, bombing and killing have taken over the Country especially in the Northern part. Rumors of the attacks targetting Christians have not been denied by the elders in the North. Infact the rumours are still on going and i believe it is a means to distance average, poor and peace loving Nigerians from certain section of the Country. A family friend that travelled to Kaduna recently for an official assignment from his office complained that was searched thoroughly at every point and every offices he went that it made him sick with anxiety. He said it was like being in a war zone because a bomb could go off anytime and people could be killed. He said most people go around in groups because of fear. He said you could see anxiety etched on people faces and their responses to conversations were calculated. The religious sect may be targetting Law Enforcement agents and Christians but these attacks create disunity and lack of trust among Nigerians. Even their people are sometimes killed too. Before long, these extremists will start spreading to the South and the militias in the South will fight back. Dont we think that the collapse of Nigeria is nearer than the civil war we experienced in the 60s?
Rampaging youths or Boko Haram foot soldiers who are used to destroy, maim and kill.
Unfortunately, the leaders in North whether religious gurus or Governors speak without weighing their words. The Police and the special military task force sets up by the Government to protect the people have unfortunately failed in their duties and assignment. The Security seems not enough to restrain these incessant attacks on churches and Christians. Anyway, its believed that the Nigerian police and military are heavily infiltrated by the jihadists.
Not long ago, Boko Haram or The Jama’atu Ahlisunnah Lidda’awati Wal-Jihad Islamic sect fired a warning that it would attack Kano State if the security agencies continue to hunt its members in the state and true to type, they did. The sect in an open letter addressed to the Kano governor, Dr Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero, Alhaji Yusuf Maitama Sule, and Alhaji Abbas Sunusi, and made available to the press was signed by its assistant spokesman, Abu Zaid. The letter is reproduced verbatim below: <
i>BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM FROM: JAMA’ATU AHLISSUNAH LIDDAWATI WAL-JIHAD TO: 1. DR. RABI’U MUSA KWANKWASO, GOVERNOR OF KANO STATE, 2. ALHAJI ADO BAYERO, EMIRE OF KANO, 3. ALHAJI ABBAS SUNUSI, WAMBAN KANO AND 4. ALHAJI YUSUF MAITAMA SULE, DAN MASANIN KANO ASSALAMU ALAIKUM WARAHATULAHI WABRAKATUH Glory be to Allah and may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon the seal prophet (SAW). The present security situation in Maiduguri, the continuously attack of security agents, ward heads, politician and the subsequent bomb blast in some part of the country, including force headquarters suicide bomb attack, who is responsible and why? Every one may say it’s unfortunate, uncalled for or what have you. But TRUTH ARE SACRED AND WILL REMAIN TRUTH EVEN IF PEOPLE DON’T LIKE IT. You all saw on AL-JAZEERA TV how unarmed men, youths, women, cripple and even under age were asked to laid on the ground and were shut on the head and chest by security agents. You all saw our leader MALLAM MUHAMMAD YUSUF with handcuff and shot severally. You all saw how both MASJID AND THE HOLY QUR’AN were being destroyed. What are our crime? What damage have we caused or cost Nigeria government, which leads to our attack in Bauchi, Wudil, Gombe, Yobe and Maiduguri two years back? Is sticking to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith a crime? Is funeral right a crime? The reasons are clear: 1. The Nigerian Government is a KUFUR system serving BOTH UNITED NATION (UN) AND CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (CAN) 2. “We the Jama’atu Ahlisunnah Lidda’awati Wal-Jihad are MUSLIMS and are from the NORTHERN part of the country who spent eight years agitating for ISLAMIC STATE, STRAVING TO BRING BACK THE LOST GLORY OF UTHMAN DAN FODIO. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT? Is just to go back to the ways of our creator (ALLAH) where justice, discipline, good morals, love and care, peace and progress etc will prevails. Having got the clear picture of what happened, it have come our notice that the present Police Commissioner, Director State Security Service (DSSS) and Ward Heads have jointly started arresting our members IN YOUR STATE (KANO) known to you or not, a situation which we will not take lightly by the grace of ALLAH. We want to made it clear that the country called Nigeria belongs to Allah; same thing Kano and we are SERVANT OF ALLAH. Therefore our members should allow to stay where ever they wish. WE DID NOT TOUCH YOU, THEREFORE OUR MEMBERS (MUSLIMS) SHOULD NOT BE TOUCHED. These same security agents attitude made MAIDUGURI, which is known as home of peace before to what it is today because they know is not their home town. Therefore these their URGLYATTITUDE MOST be check and stop with immediate effect and all those arrested should be released immediately, other- wise,I SWEAR WITH ALMIGHTY ALLAH who created Heaven and Earth! Who Sent Prophet upon Prophets right from ADAM (AS) to MUHAMMAD (SAW)!! Who Sent down ATTAURAH, AL-INGIL, AZZABUR and the HOLY QUR’AN!!! We may be force to DEPLOY OUR MEN TO YOUR STATE KANO AND MAKE IT WORST THAN MAIDUGURI BY THE GRACE OF ALLAH. This is exactly same open letter we did to the then president, Late Umaru Musa Yar’adua, security chiefs and the people of Borno State two years back, which they thought was a joke. TO ALLAH WHO MADE ME WE ARE NOT JOKING. We appeal you read this LETTER without prejudice for you to really understand the message we are trying to pass across. May ALLAH grant us the understanding of the religion as preached and practice by the prophets and their rightly guided companions. ABU ZAID, ASSISTANT SPOKESMAN FOR JAMA’ATU AHLISSUNAHTI LIDDA’AWATI WAL-JIHAD.
KABIRU SOKOTO, one of the leaders of the Sect who escaped with the active cornivance of the Police but was later arrested. He was the mastermind behind ST Theresa Catholic Church bombing that killed more than 40 worshippers.
Zakari Biu former Police Commissioner that was dismissed over Kabiru's escape.
Hafiz Ringim former Inspector General of Police. He was given 24 hours to produce Kabiru Sokto. Technically, he lost his job the day the suspect escaped from Police detention.

Steel Production in Nigeria

ARC. Musa Mohammed Sada, the Honourable Minister of Ministry of Mines and Steel Development. He was appointed April 6th 2010 when President Goodluck Jonathan became acting President. There have been rumours that the Federal Government may likely settle the case between it and the Indian Company (Global Infrastructure Nigeria ltd) over Ajaokuta Steel concessionaire agreement. Though its not official but we were wondering why until i travelled to Abuja two days ago and went to the Ministry and stumble on this article that i am reproducing here.
The federal government has expressed its readiness to partner with the Turkish government in the development of its steel sub- sector for the economic benefits of the nation. Minister of mines and steel development, Arc. Musa Mohammed Sada made the expression when he received in audience a 5-man delegation of the Steel Exporters Association from Turkey led by the Ambassador of Turkey to Nigeria, H.E Ali Rifat Koksal recently. The minister who lauded the existing bilateral relationship between Nigeria and Turkey, said “Turkey is an important and critical partner in our development activities particularly in the extractive industries, we have a very long history for instance in the steel production. We believe with the level of trade relationship that we had, you will be a very good partner in the development of the steel industry in the country, we need to learn from you and get you involved with the privatization activities in the sector”. He said the country which is blessed with huge reserves of iron ore with good quality as one of the raw materials for the steel production required higher consumption of steel for its infrastructural development. Arc. Sada disclosed that government was working seriously in ensuring that the moribund steel industries in the country are revitalized towards the industrialization of Nigeria, stressing that, with the new mining reforms, the government plays the role of a regulator while private investors operate in the minerals and metals sector. He expressed hope that with the existing bilateral relationship between Nigeria and Turkey, the two countries would be able to move the minerals and metals sector of Nigeria forward. He decried that Nigeria which is blessed with huge reserves of iron ore, still imports steel to meet its needs, adding that, the nation was faced with the problem of quality control in its importation of steel. Arc. Sada said the present administration was currently working towards the enactment of relevant legislation which would ensure some level of quality control in the steel production. The minister said the minerals and metals sector required partnership with technical experts who can give appropriate technical skills and expertise to grow the sector. He reiterated government’s resolve to provide a conducive atmosphere for investments to thrive, adding that, Nigeria was hopeful of getting reliable partners in its determination to reactivate its steel industries. He said the visit of Turkish investors would further strengthen the existing business relationship as well as provide a platform for interaction between the two countries on the way to work together for mutual benefits. Earlier in his address, the Ambassador of Turkey and leader of the delegation, H.E Ali Rifat Koksal said the mission of their visit was to explore areas of collaboration with the ministry for the mutual benefits of Nigeria and Turkey. Also speaking, the Chairman of the Board, Steel Exporters Association, Namik Ekinci who spoke through a translator and Sector Manager, Steel Exporters Association, Pinar Tokur said they were at the ministry to strengthen relationship with Nigeria and seek ways of promoting trade with the Nigerian business communities. Namik lauded the President Goodluck Jonathan’s determination to place Nigeria among the first twenty biggest economies in the world by the year 2020, saying that, the government of Turkey was ready to be part of the history. He said “Nigeria is a very important country for us, we are not only looking to trade but to make investments here in industry and for these investments, first of all trade is very important. Although we have iron ore in Turkey, we still need 7.5 million metric tons of iron ore, we are aware of this as far as this sector is concerned, and for this we think Nigeria is a very important to us.
The above article was carried in the Ministry newsletter published in July 2012. Well, it looks like the Federal Government is ready to partner with the Turkish Government in the development of the Steel Sub-Sector. Its about time too. Steel production is expensive but very profitable and if our government cannot do it alone, there is nothing wrong in partnering with other countries and investors. The indians made good money in producing and selling the 12mm and others then. We can improve on that. I pray the case would be settled so that production would commence in Ajaokuta Steel and mining of iron ore would commenced too in NIOMCO, Itakpe. Copyright 2006-2012 Ministry of Mines and Steel Development. Contact us | Site map | Feedback

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Wedding Celebration

Saturday, 11th August 2012, I went to honour a wedding invitation from one of my friends. It was a classy wedding and I saw money being spent without sparing a kobo. It started from the Archbishop Vinning Memorials Church in the GRA and then reception at the Times Events Center. Guests were frisked before going in. I got to the reception early and met other guests sitting in a canopy outside because the security personnel refused them entry. They said they were under strict instruction not to allow people in till a specified time. In fact a young lady was not allowed into the venue because she was not wearing the ASO-EBI. it was funny to me but eventually they allowed her when they saw my daughter wearing a gown too. When we entered the Hall eventually, we were ushered to a reserved table. On each table were setting of plates, cutleries, bread, butter and a soup plate, small package of cakes and sweets. There was also a menu list. It was a six course meal and it was so. Check these out:
The beautifully decorated hall
Tables were reserved so you do nOt seat anywhere. This is Our reserved table
Oriental dishes
Small chops
A plate of Asun, prawn and puff-puff It was a beautiful wedding with so much to eat, drink and souvenirs to take home.
ice creams as desserts
By the way, did not bother to take photographs of the couple for this story as there were so many photographers and reporters crowding their table. Didnt want to be harassed. Next time will do more. But if i happen to get any, will update.
The imported traveling bag distributed to us for buying the Aso-ebi. It was a beautiful wedding. This is wishing Damilola and Dotun a blissful marriage.

Closing Ceremony of London 2012

Sunday 12th August 2012, the London 2012 Olympic Games ended after weeks of running, cycling, jumping, swimming etc. It was a spectacular event with Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt breaking records and creating new ones. Michael Phelp became the most decorated Olympian ever and Bolt became the first atlhetes to defend his title in succession. Unfortunately, Nigeria did not win even copper to show for the billion of Naira the government voted for the summer game. All the medal hopefuls, Okagbare, Chukwumerije failed to deliver. It was a shame. So called Giant of Africa could not win anything. So unfortunate. Will come to that later but now enjoy the beautiful pictures of the closing ceremony. it was a night of music and fashion and antic cars. But it was beautiful.
Emeli Sande opened the event with her song
Read All about it
Beautiful Olympic stadium fully lit
Children join in singing Imagine that
Spice Girls doing a medley of their hit tunes. Beautiful costumes with the antic cars. Never knew they still had it in them after marriage and children. It goes to show that once an artist, always an artist.
Some of the volunteers who were appreciated for their roles in the succesful hosting
Russell Brand entertaining. I thought he is a comedian but he sang. Katy Perry you better watch out. Just joking!
International Olympic Committee (IOC) President, Jacques Rogge. He was happy that London delivered tha Athletes' games promised. He further said the Olympic anti doping program is a system that works. He closes the happy and glorious games.
Chairman London 2012 Organising Committee
ON the final day Stephen won the only Gold for Uganda in the Mens marathon.
Surprised Mo Farah won Gold in 5000m and 10,000m races for Great Britan. His expression showed that he was surprised too to win.
One direction performing their hit tunes that brought the Stadium to life.
The Briton who did her Country proud by winning Gold on the last day.
Usain Bolt celebrating the new World record in the relay race.
The Medal table showing the 5 big names in sporting events in the world now. The United States of America is a super power in every ramification. Maybe one day a country of more than 100 million people would win gold medals to justify why its called the giant of Africa. Omawumi sang 'bottom belle' and she says if you are called Chairman, you should do something to show you are chairman. So Nigeria if you are truly the Giant of Africa then 'do something o to show you are Giant of Africa'.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Keegan winner of BBA7

Keegan Petersen, the winner of Big Brother Africa season 7 with IK Osakioduwa the presenter on Sunday 5th August 2012. He beat the other five fellow finalists, Lady May from Namibia, Wati from Malawi, Kyle from Uganda, Talia from Zambia and Prezzo from Kenya to win the $300,000 cash prize. To me, he was very matured in handling crisis and provocation in the house.
KEEGAN The Cape Town born South African became the first South African representative in the house to hit the jack pot in the Africa’s most popular reality television show.
Uganda's contenstant in this year’s Big Brother Africa reality show, Kyle, came fifth out of sixth after managing to stay in the game for the full 91 days.
Wati, adored by all housemates for his great cooking, garden making, and down-to-earth leaderships skills, but despised for his heavily drinking habits, only got one vote (from Malawi). Wati stayed to the last day because of his drunkenness.
LADY MAY of Namibia, the 'kolo' woman 'who no send'(she did not give a damn about what other housemates were saying about her). Most times she was always on her own. She was a real drama queen whether in the room or in the Kitchen. I expected her to be the runner-up but Africans voted differently.
“I heard that I was the most boring housemate but I thank Africa for keeping me in the house to the finals,
” said Lady May when she got on stage. She really had her moment on stage with that costume she wore instead of a real dress.
Goldie represented Nigeria with Prezzo.
This year the houses were separated into upville and downville. In the downville, they had 28 participants from Uganda (Kyle and Janette), Kenya (Alex and Malonza), Tanzania (Hilda and Julio), South Africa (Keagan and Lee), Zambia (Tamara and Talia), Malawi (Nafe and Wati), Namibia (Junia and Jesica), Liberia (Yadel and Luke), Ghana (Mildred and Keitta), Nigeria (Ola and Chris), Angola (Seydou and Esperanca), Botswana (Edith and Eve), Zimbabwe (Maneta and Teclar) and Sierra Leone (Dalphin and Zainab). Then, another seven celebrity participants from Kenya (Prezzo), Ghana (DKB), South Africa (Barbz), Nigeria (Goldie), Zambia (Mampi), Zimbabwe (Roki) and Namibia (Lady May) were in Upville
The live final show had several African artistes performing, including Nigeria’s D’Banj and Naeto C, Ghana’s Sarkodie, Uganda’s Navio and South Africa’s Khuli Chana Prezzo, real names Jackson Ngechu Makini, was however rewarded with a One Campaign ambassador slot for finishing second and has also been told he would attend Jay Z’s concert in US on a date to be announced later. Here's how each country voted: Angola: Keagan Botswana: Keagan Ghana: Keagan Kenya: Prezzo Liberia: Keagan Malawi: Wati Namibia: Lady May Nigeria: Keagan South Africa: Keagan Sierra Leone: Talia Tanzania: Prezzo Uganda: Kyle Zambia: Talia Zimbabwe: Lady May Rest of Africa: Keagan Total: Keagan = 7 Lady May = 2 Prezzo =2 Talia = 2 Kyle = 1 Wati = 1 Total: 15

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Usain Bolt -Fastest Man

LONDON – Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world. Again.
Bolt won the 100m and the 200m in grand style. All the talk about him falling off his elite pace and being outclassed by fellow Jamaican Yohan Blake was all rubbish as he proved that he is still the man to beat. Bolt outraced the 21-year-old Blake to grap Gold yet again in an Olympic-record 9.63 seconds to Blake’s 9.75. Justin Gatlins of the The United States grabbed bronze with 9.79. Bolt has now run the three fastest 100 meters in history.
The starting point as captured on telly. Having been a sprinter for years now, he is been able to overcome his starting point error of panic beginning and leaving the block before the gun shot.
In the Beijing Olympic in 2008,, Usain Bolt won a gold medal after running 100meters in 9.69 seconds. He broke a world record and managed to show off some personality to boot. He was just 21 years and he celebrated on the field. When he capped his blistering win in the 100 meters with his now-famous
pose, it was as if he was saying,
"Shoot for the moon
," because anything – even a 9.7secs in 100 meters – is possible. The United States had a superb showing in the qualifying rounds with former 100-meter world record holder Tyson Gay, former Olympic gold medalist Gatlin, and young star Ryan Bailey all winning their heats. Gatlin followed up with a very strong 9.82 seconds in the preliminary round – faster than both Bolt and Blake. Gay and Bailey both qualified at 9.90 and 9.96, respectively. Gatlin impressed the most in making his Olympic return after a four-year ban from track and field for doping violations. Meanwhile, Gay’s career has been devoured by various injuries, despite at one time holding the 100-meter world record and being the only non-Jamaican sprinter in the world to beat Bolt in the event. He was derailed in July 2011 by hip surgery, then surprised with some respectable pre-Olympic trials races and once again looked to be a factor with his times on Saturday. Well despite strong U.S. performances in the heats, Bolt and Blake were far and away the front-runners in the 100 meters, with Bolt coming in as the world record holder in the event at 9.58 seconds. Actually Blake shocked the world last month when he edged Bolt out in Jamaican Olympic qualifying, winning 9.86 to 9.88secs. Bolt heaped praise on Blake afterward, affirming Blake as a legitimate threat to dethrone him at the Olympics and the next world class sprinter from
Jamaican Sprint factory.
Blake did nothing to dispel that thought in the heats, winning his first round and semifinal runs at 10-flat and 9.85 seconds. But Bolt may have looked even better, dialing back his speed significantly in both of his runs and coasting into the final at 10.09 and 9.87 seconds. In both of Bolt’s runs, he appeared to begin shutting down as far as 30 meters out while his competitors were forced to push through the finish line.
The Jamaicans started out with a strong trio with Asafa Powell, the supreme talent who has continually flashed gold-medal speed but played second-fiddle to Bolt in international meets. It was thought that Powell would challenge for the top of the podium in the Beijing 2008 Games, but he sputtered in the final, finishing fifth. Powell was strong again in his heats in London, winning his first-round heat at 10.04 and finishing third in his semifinal with a 9.94 that earned him a qualifying slot for the medal round. But he missed out with a pull because he slowed down few seconds after take off finishing in 11secs.
Bolt secured the legendary status he craved by becoming the first man ever to win the Olympic sprint double twice in succession on an historic night in London. Aithough His winning time of 19.32 seconds in the 200m was outside his world record of 19.19secs, he is still considered a legend for winning triple gold in Beijing and defending his 100m title here on Sunday. Well, the Jamaican insisted he also had to retain his 200m title to achieve such status. The 25-year-old became the first man to win the Olympic sprint double twice in succession. In this race, he led a Jamaican clean sweep ahead of 100m silver medallist Yohan Blake and Warren Weir - both of whom are just 22 - in second and third place respectively. After sealing the double-double, Bolt told BBC1:
"This is what I wanted and I got it. I'm very proud of myself. I had a rough season, I came out here and I did what I had to do. We've been working hard all season. We pushed ourselves, we pushed each other and we're happy."
When he was asked if he could have had a world record in the 200m race, Bolt added:
"I think it was possible...but I guess I wasn't fit enough. I was fast but I wasn't fit enough. "I came off the corner, I could feel the strain on my back a little bit so I was trying to keep my form, but I stopped running because I knew it wasn't going to be a world record. When I came off the corner I could feel it. "It was hard. I really dedicated [myself] to my work, I know what London meant to me. I came here and I gave it my all and I'm proud of myself. "I didn't get a world record - I really wanted to do it in the 200m - but I'm happy."
Blake said:
"Usain Bolt has been motivating me all season. Everything has been going good so far."
Third-placed Weir added:
"It's a great honour to come here and do what the country wanted, to get the top three. The love in London is very, very good."