Thursday, December 16, 2010

justice caught up with JAMES IBORI

When the ex convict case came up against the former Delta State Governor, James Onanefe Ibori, many people claimed he was being victimised because he supported Atiku for President in 2003. Many did not even want to critically assess the situation that as an ex convict, he had moral issues that does not qualify him to be a Governor of a State. His supporters and political appointees concluded that the former President Olusegun Obasanjo was behind his travails. He and the former Governor of Edo State were going about as the victims and were wiping up sentiments for their self-imposed plight.

They had a lot of the journalists on their pay roll so any time the Agencies fighting corruptions and embezzlement of public fund make to probe their activities, these journalists will be writing against these Agencies. These Governors were the real aggressors and the most corrupt Governors in Nigeria. A friend once jokingly claimed that James Ibori is richer than Nigeria to the extent that his physique shows it. My friend claimed that there is no space between his shoulders and his chin. He claimed his neck is short and covered with mass of flesh. He was so fat that he needed 6yards of fabrics for his ceremonial wrapper. To my friend, that is the evidence of wealth or having plenty money (People's money). We may want to argue that he was already rich before becoming a Governor but place the pictures before becoming a Governor and after eight year of being Governor of oil rich Delta State. The differences will attest to what we are saying. Have you? Did you see his neck then and now? Were you not seeing the neck before? Now do you see his neck? is it not shoulder and the head? Well if you look closer, you would see what the people of his state are saying.
When Mr. Nuhu Ribadu, the former Economic and Financial Crime Commission boss tried arresting him for prosecution, he played up the immunity for Governors as contained in the Nigerian Constitution. Ribadu tried all the tactics he knew and learnt in the Police Force to arrest him but it was to no avail.
In 2006, the illegal Governors forum with the prompting of James Ibori presented YAR ADUA as Presidential candidate in 2007. With their rigging and ballot snatching, Yar Adua won and was sworn in. James Ibori starting going around as the King makers and the people determining the future of Nigeria.
In 2010, the table turned. A "new Pharaoh that did not know Joseph" became the President of Nigeria. the new president in the person of GOODLUCK JONATHAN, gave the EFFC free hands to arrest and prosecute corrupt government officials and Jame Ibori was one of them. The former Governor did everything he could to avert the calamity that was coming his way but he could not. After using his thugs in his village to confront the police , he flee to Dubai. But the long arm of the LAW caught up with him there.
Finally, he is going to stand trial for embezzling government fund. If found guilty, then he will pay for all the crime committed against his state.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Children and unsafe water

Today is BLOG ACTION DAY 2010. Its a day set aside for bloggers and others to write on the same issue on that day. This year its water and i am so happy because a lot is going on in Nigeria in terms of unsafe water for drinking or other usages.
I have decided to blog about children and the type of condition they are exposed to in Nigeria as it has to do with water.
Water is that clear, tasteless and odourless liquid which can be gotten from natural sources like springs, oceans, rivers etc. In fact water covers 70.9 percent of the earth's surface. Water is found under the earth and in the air like vapour and in the cloud. Water is everywhere by divine creation and arrangement according to Genesis 1 Verse 4. But most times access to good clean water is a challenge especially to third world country like Nigeria. Fela Anikulapo Kuti sang that water no get enemy meaning clean drinking water is essential to human and other lifeforms. Water is very vital to life and the living human or animals.
In other parts of the world especially Europe and America, access to clean drinkable and usable water has improved significantly but in Nigeria it is declining. Initially in Lagos, the government was making adequate provision for the supply of water to its citizenry in all nooks and cranny of the state. After some years, the pipes carrying water from reservoirs to homes got busted and are not repaired and some just got rusted and vandalised. Gradually and steadily access to drinkable and usable water in Lagos metropolis decline to the extent that 'Aboki' or 'Mallams'the water hawkers in Jerry cans became suppliers of waters to homes.It is sad but that is the reality.
Recently in the Northern part of Nigeria, there was cholera outbreak that claimed many life especially that of children. Th outbreak was the result of years of neglect by government and lack of basic amenities. Most of the affected communities are in terrible and unhygienic state. No modern infrastructure, No good accommodation, open drainage, no good drinking water and no good toilet facilities.
Simple hygiene are not being observed or practised in these communities. faeces liter everywhere since most of the houses don't make adequate provision for toilets. Because of economic down turn, shops for provisions and petty trading are constructed without conveniences for the people trading in that locality to use. When nature calls, these people just look around for black nylon and relieved themselves into it and just throw anywhere. This situation happens everywhere in Nigeria. Lagos is trying to be different by driving away the people and arresting street trading by planting trees and beautifying open spaces.
Last week residents of Owode-Onirin, Ajegunle and Mile 12 were sacked by flood. The whole area was overtaken by flood due to the release of water from the dam. The change in climatic condition saw rains being unleashed more than necessary and the water level in the dam getting high.
In that flood and dirt, children were seen playing and swimming in it. A mother was bathing her child in that dirty and animal infested water close to their house. Another child was seen scooping the water in her hand to wash her face because she was inside a boat. Others were fetching the dirty water in pails and going inside their homes. this was a situation of water everywhere but known to use.
Children are the most vulnerable and in unhygienic living conditions are always victims. Most children immune system are not as high as adults so any infection no matter how mild is fatal.
With the flood in Ikorodu, the so called borehole were filled with dirty water so the residents now resort to the use of sachet water for drinking. As for bathing, we are reliably informed that most fetch the water and keep it over night for the dirt to settle and then use the next morning for domestic use. So far skin diseases have taken over and cholera is being battled by the health workers in the locality.
While adult can take care of themselves immediately, can the children do same?
I pray a time will come in Nigeria when the people will have access to clean water for everyday use.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

The World Cup and your health

The World Cup and Your Health

The FIFA World Cup starts today, June 11, 2010 and continues for a month, ending on July 11, 2010.

As we celebrate and enjoy the first World Cup on African soil, it is important for us to pay attention to the possible health consequences of such an event. Because of the passion for football (soccer) worldwide, the events and activities of the world cup tend to generate extremes of emotions, with possible consequences for health.

During previous world cup tournaments, the following had been observed:

• Increased incidence of sudden death

• Increased incidence of heart attacks and stroke

• Increased incidence of domestic violence

In the light of this, it is important for every individual to ensure a good state of health before and during this event.

Remember the World Cup is just another sporting event in which there will be winners and losers. Only one country out of the 32 will win the trophy. Be moderate with your expectations.

Ensure you check your blood pressure before the tournament, and regularly during the tournament.

If you are on treatment for any disease of the cardiovascular system, check with your doctor what level of involvement is safe for you.

Ensure you comply with your blood pressure medications during this period. Same applies to all other medications.

Control your emotions and reaction in the home, and Avoid argument with an agitated spouse.

Seek medical help if you develop any new or unusual symptoms while watching the tournament.

It is important you know your numbers before the World Cup begins in case of emergency.

Happy viewing.

Friday, June 11, 2010

World Cup 2010


South Africa today makes history as it host the first ever FIFA World Cup finals to be played in the African Continent after 80 years of the tournament. IT is a dream come true for the 'Mandiba' Nelson Mandela and other Africans who had prayed and dreamt that one day, the World Cup would be played on African soil. Now it is no more a dream but a reality. I hope no crisis would force the organisers to take it away from Africa.
Football tournament is a tournament that unites everyone all over the World together. Whoever invented Football needs to be commended and thanked for his creativity and passion to introduce a game that all humanity are interested in.
Back to the tournament here in Africa, it is one tournament that Africans want to use to showcase the rich cultural heritage of the continent.
I remember when South Africa bidded like other countries in the world and the kind of doubt and worry that followed their bid. The worry was not misplaced because the country was just coming out of apartheid regime and the crime rate was still high. A Lot of people thought the new administration should concentrate on rebuilding the nation and reintegrating the people into the system of the World. I thought so too. We were wrong because they needed this kind of event in their national life to motivate and challenge them to accelerate infrastructural development and check crime that is getting out of control.
Apart from existing venues that were upgraded, five new stadiums were built to meet the requirements set by FIFA for the hosting of the World Cup. The deadline given for the completion of those projects were met. The junior World Cup played in Nigeria last year was almost shifted to another country because the deadline for the completion of projects was not met. Thank God South Africa met theirs. The public transport system was improved in all the locations to and fro. The underground rail system embarked upon would be completed before the commencement of the tournament. For security, special measures were implemented to ensure safety of life and property of players, officials and visitors to South Africa. The safety and security measures were according to FIFA's requirement. Infact FIFA officials assigned with organising the soccer fiesta rated South Africa's preparedness as very high. Quite impressive. It erases doubt from the thomases who thought Africa cannot do a thorough thing.
On Friday, 11th June 2010, South Africa rolled out drums and put on a show that was applauded all over the world. The country kicked off the tournament with pre-World Cup Concert that features Big names in Music and entertainment in the world. Shakira and the freshly ground sang the tournament song 'Waka Waka. Sadly Madiba's great-grand-daughter was killed in an accident on her way home after the concert. The game continued but we missed the presence of the Madiba at the opening.
The opening ceremony was a show stopper and I pray the performances of African teams on the field would not be dismal.
Well done South Africa. You proved the critics wrong.

Friday, April 23, 2010

olorunsogo power plant

When will we have uninterrupted power supply in Nigeria?
Ghana that was devastated years ago came back and put their house in order concerning electricity. Why is Nigeria's situation different?
Several billions of US Dollars have gone into the generation and distribution of electricity in Nigeria but nothing has come out of it. Three years ago, the Committee Chairman of power in the Federal House of Assembly and his committee members set up a probe panel. At the end of it, the hunter became the hunted. The then Vice President Goodluck Jonathan decided with the late President Yar Adua to go round the Country with the report and succeeded in discrediting Hon. Elumelu and his team. Hon Elumelu was able to expose the rut in the handling of the contracts for power by the former head of State Olusegun Obasanjo. Almost USD18M worth of contracts were awarded for building of new thermal stations, upgrading of old ones and general overhauling of the power infrastructure in Nigeria. Unfortunately, the house had to suspend deliberations on the report and Elumelu and his team charged with corruption. The probe ended there but the issues raised are still unresolved and electricity not available for the common man. Take the case below as an example.
The Olorunsogo Power Plant in Ogun State was commissioned by former President Olusegun Obasanjo on May 27, 2007. The Power Plant had an installed capacity of 335Megawatts. The power plant was built by the Chinese firm called SEPCO ELECTRIC Power Construction Corporation. The project was financed through a loan facility from China and Nigeria. The Chinese provided 65percent of the funding and Nigeria provided the rest.
The installed capacity of the plant is 335MW but so far only 80MW capacity is utilised. This is because the 255 mega watts capacity is lost in translation from Chinese to English and vice versa. Out of the eight turbines at the station, only two turbines were functioning since the plant was commissioned over five years ago. Why only 80mws working? The manual that accompanied the plant from China is in Chinese language and our Nigerians Engineers do not understand the language.
Recently, the Federal Government sets up a fact finding delegation which visited the Olorunsogo power plant and were told by the Acting Chief Executive Mohammed ALMU that only two turbines were working. He further lamented that the Chinese labelled all critical areas of the plant in their language and the manual also written in Chinese. This makes setting up and maintaining the plant very difficult for Nigerian Engineers.
Why did Nigerian Government accepted the components of the plant when it was shipped in with Chinese language? The Central Bank stated in their manual of operations that all imports into the country must be labeled in English. Custom was supposed to reject that consignments. SO what happened? Even when the Chinese were installing the plants why didn't someone requested for a manual in English language then? Why were Nigerians Engineers not trained and taught Chinese language before or after production? So many questions but no answers.
The other issue is spare parts. To quote the acting MD of the power plant,
"On the issue of spare parts, at the time of handing over of this project, they were supposed to give us two years running spare parts. But what they gave us were just small spare parts. That is why we are having serious problems. And anytime we contact them, they will promise to bring the parts. And up till now, they have not given us any. And any time we have a problem and we want to go with them, they will refuse to go with us and abandon the place"

As far as i am concerned, the only answer is eradication of corruption. Until we eradicate corruption from our public service, power generation and distribution will continue to be a problem. I pray the current Minister of Power, Barth Nnaji will wake up and do something.

Senator Sani Yerima

I read in the National Dailies and heard from other sources of information that a former Governor of a state and now a lawmaker of the upper chamber(the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria) is taking a 13 years old girl to be his fourth wife. A 13 year old child to be a wife? That was shocking to me. It was shocking because the man is supposed to be a pace setter, an upright individual, a repository of sound moral values and a maker of good laws that Nigerians can be guided by. If this supposed lawmaker is the one defiling an innocent child, then there is a problem.
Of all the adults, grown up women in the world, Yerima did not see but saw a child just learning to understand the world and even become aware of herself as a person. Why a child? Honourable, why this dishonourable act? Unfortunately their culture allows such offensive, barbaric, primitive and despicable act. But the outcome is always disastrouus for the female child. The child whose reproductive organ is not matured and ready for motherhood tears and perforates during child birth. The child becomes a Vestico Vagina Fistula (VVF) victim. The child does not have control over her organs anymore if this happens as faeces and urine leak uncontrolaably through the perforated organs. The child stinks and automatically becomes an outcast in the community. What a punishment? First the child is defiled, secondly her health, wellbeing is destroyed and thirdly for no reason of hers she is made an outcast because she stinks. What a calamity!.
Why are the enlightened people in the north not campaigning against this? What do they stand to gain by keeping quiet? Who are they protecting? Are they happy seeing innocent girls that are supposed to be in school roaming around or abandoned in hospitals to die?
I feel sorry for all the young girls from the Northern part of Nigeria who are victims of a religious and cultural system that do not recognise them as human being but object to be controlled and used anyhow.
This type of marriage between a child of 10 to 16 and an old man of 40 years should be discouraged and stopped immediately. If religions allow you to marry ten wives, that is your business but please marry a woman whose reproductive organ is well formed. Stop subjecting innocent female children to sexual abuse. It is disgusting, nauseating, vile and revolting.
It is only a sick mind like Yerima that can stoop so low to take advantage of a parents' poverty to abuse their under age girls. I pray he does not subject the girl to a lifetime disease and ridicule.
I sincerely hope Nigeria government will do something urgently to stop this.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Cheating husbands

Yesterday, Thursday 18th of March 2010, I saw the headline of one of the breaking news on the Internet 'Have Sandra Bullock and Jesse James split up?' The news went further to hint that she is currently living apart from home.
I quickly went straight to read that news because Sandra Bullock is one of my favourite actresses. I love her acting and her portrayal of any character she is casted. My favourite is MISS CONGENIALITY. She acted it with ease and fun. Any movie that she is starring in immediately becomes a must watch for me. I used to listen to WHITNEY HOUSTON music and watch movies she stares in. I always look forward to her sultry voice and great performances in concerts. Lately the allegation of drug abuse has not helped her and her performances have lost that spark and confidence. Well she has released a new album lets hope the old Whitney would be back. She too had suffered so much from the young man she married. Bobby Brown has cheated on her severally but she stayed till now. She is a great lady too.
Back to Sandra Bullock, why would the husband cheat on such a sweet and wonderful woman like her with a tart? The tabloid said James cheated on her with a porn star called MICHELLE MCGEE. The tattoo model called herself the bombshell. Why did she not look for another home to bomb? Why Sandra's. As the story goes, the model got in touch with Jesse James West Coast Chopper Motorcycle Company for a modelling job and got lucky. ( Was she lucky or was it a planned job)? James personally replied and a meeting was fixed. She claimed they hit it off from there while the wife was working in Atlanta.
If you asked me, the mother of two knew all about Jesse James and the beautiful Sandra Bullock. She wanted a spring board for her career and James fell into the well planned act. If its true that Bullock husband could not resist that washed up prostitute, then it is unfortunate.
There is an ongoing night gowns advertisement on E and one was recommended for long married couple like Sandra Bullock. The marriage looked solid enough because since their marriage in 2005, there has not been negative report about the couple. Maybe that is why the porn star dropped that bombshell to scatter the beautiful union.
At the Oscars, Jesse James was by Sandra's side and even said she took his breath away. I guess it was guilt. He looked and wondered why he romped his office with half a woman when he has such a diva as a wife.
That show of togetherness at the OSCARS was it to say sorry and forgive me? What ever it was, i wish they would forgive one another and go back together.
It hurts anyway. I remember when i saw a lady called Vivian sent a message to my husband that she loves him very much. I was hurt. Thank God i am a christian. i forgave him but i have not totally forgotten. Once in a while, my mind wold go to that issue. I still want to see the lady to find out if she is more beautiful than me. This is not being vain but being human and a woman too. I know she is younger and an undergraduate but sophisticated? Till then

Thursday, February 18, 2010

bank reforms

This banking reform by the current Central Bank of Nigeria's Governor, Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi is bringing up lot of issues that are detrimental to the growth of the economy. I think if these issues are not loooked into and resolved by the Acting President Goodluck Jonathan, the economy would takes year to get it back on track. Has the economy derailed? YES.
The Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria when appointed sent auditors/examiners to look into the books of some banks in Nigeria for long non performing loans. He started with ten banks and after some weeks, the verdict came that five banks were distressed. The banks are Union Bank, Iintercontinental Bank, Oceanic Bank, AfriBank and Finbank. Immediately, without allowing the management of those banks to defend themselves, out they went.
The Governor without approval of the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, printed new Naira notes and imported them to bail out the 'perceived' distreesed banks. Also the management and in some banks the board members were labelled criminals and handed over to Economic and Financial Crime Commission for prosecution. Advisers/Managing Directors and directors were appointed for the rescued (that is the new slang instead of distressed) banks. The banks were to adhere to banking guidelines and give full disclosure of their activities.
The guidelines were 'good' but the noise accompanying the removal of the Managing Directors and Directors of those banks had a negative effect. Depositors fearing the repeat of trapped money in distressed and failed banks quickly started withdrawing their money. The Governor and his lieutenats have to start campaigning that depositors should not withdraw their money that the banks have been bailed out of distress and their money is safe. Did that work? Somehow it did. The enlightened banking public returned their deposits. Later sentiment and loyalty made others to return to those banks. But are things the same way that it was before? NO.
The price paid for these banking reforms by the economy and the people is really high.
First, confidence reposed on the banking industry by the public was shattered as the CEOs were sacked. Even Nigerians living abroad that used to remit money back home for developmental projects stopped. The capital inflow into Nigeria stopped because of the fear of money being trapped and not used.
Secondly, about ten thousand (10,000) bank workers have lost their jobs since this reforms started. The staff left untouched do not know when the matching order to leave will come but the reduction in salary has come. I went to one of the affected banks recently to conduct a transaction and was shocked at the empty tables around. One of the lucky staff said the tables would be removed soon since employing new staff would not be immediate. Even the banks that were given clean bill of health have embarked on cost-cutting measures including reduction of salaries. An in-law working in one of the affected banks told me their other emoluments were stooped so he had to ask his driver to go. The Indian man i worked with before told me that the survey he conducted showed that for every one Nigerian employed, Four others are dependent on that one employee. So 10000 x 4 means 40000 Nigerians are out of jobs and reular income. This is sad. Banks which used to employ fresh graduates have stopped hiring and new branches are not opened. We are all waiting and hoping and praying.
Thirdly, credit to the manufacturing industries and fuel marketers have stopped. No more loans to import fuels. Now we have long queues at the the Fuel filling stations. Time and energy expended in buying fuel and diesel could have been used in something else but in Nigeria we have to suffer because Sanusi is sanitising or witch hunting those who opposed his appointment as Governor in the banking industry. Banks are recalling loans that are performing and are scared to give out new loans to businesses.
Fourthly, With the PHCN being perpetually out of gas and no fuel to power generators, our health is affected by Sanusi's banking reforms.
Did the new CBN Governor, MALLAM LAMIDO SANUSI acted wisely in these reforms?
My answer is NO.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Man Goodluck Jonathan, the acting President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed forces is an extremely lucky man. Although the write up below is supposed to be funny but there is an element of favour in the affairs of our former Vice President and current Acting President.

“In your own (best) interest, no matter the position you are offered in ANY organisation (Office, Church, Meeting/Club, Party Planning, Tenants’ Association, Activist, etc), if your Deputy is named "Goodluck”, PLEASE DECLINE... even if it is UN Secretary General or Head of African Union, whatever, JUST DECLINE!

Should you think I am joking, check these facts:

Goodluck was Assistant Head Boy in primary school. The Head Boy got expelled. Goodluck took over.

Goodluck was Assistant Senior Prefect in secondary school, the Senior Prefect died, Goodluck took over.

Goodluck was Deputy Local Government Chairman. The Chairman got implicated in corruption and got removed from office. Goodluck took over

Goodluck was deputy governor to Alameiseigha. Governor Dipreye Alameseigha was impeached by the Stat lawmakers and Goodluck became the Governor of Bayelsa State despite his reluntancy.

Goodluck was Vice President to President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua:-Behold he became sick - PERICADIATIS!. He is away for months now and no one could ascertain his true state of health. Again Goodluck is called upon to take over.

You may think this is coincidence, but don’t you think the coincidence is too much?''

Whether it is coincidence or it is a fact, Acting President Goodluck Jonathan is a lucky guy. He has always been lucky even as an ordinary citizen. He was just in his house when Alameseigha and a friend walked in and he was offered Deputy governorship of his state, Bayelsa. He laughed it off but few months later he was sworn in as the Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State. That is favour of God. His name Goodluck is sure working for him.

Congrats Presido Goodluck Jonathan!. May you reign brings peace. economic growth, political stabilty, infrastructural development and security to life and property. May your reign as the President of the most populous black nation ends well.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Ailing President Yar'adua

President Umaru Musa Yar'dua is still not back from the medical trip or holiday he travelled to Saudi Arabia for. When he left the country in November 2009, it was with the intention to treat the acute pericarditis and return back to the country to continue his job as the President. He did not deemed it fit and proper to hand over to his Vice since he thought he would be gone for just few days. He has always been doing it and Nigerians would look elsewhere but this time around it was not to be. There is a saying that man plans but God is the one with the final word say ie man proposes but God disposes.
Now the President has been away for months without handing over or transfering authority to his Vice-President. This has led to power vacuum. The prolonged absence has affected practically all aspect of the country. For instance, the year 2010 budget has not been signed and people like us who draw salary from government are still waiting. In our own case, we recieved the last salary from Ajaokuta July 2009. The Minister Deziani Allison Madueke warned us not to expect any salary for the year again. She claimed people are not working. Who is responsible? Is it not the Ministry that she is the Minister that has denied the company funds in order to ground us. If 3B Naira can be released for payment of salary, why cant only N400M (four hundred Million Naira) be releasesd for the plant to start production? The Nigerian Society of Engineers has advised severally that Nigeria has no right to sell off Ajaokuta Steel Company as its very viable. But the Ministry of Steel Development in Nigeria is only interested in the money to be shared out for the non existent audit of the plants. We are told the Russians are back for technical audit. What for? After the audit and members of staff are not paid salary, what happens? I do not see any staff going to wake up to go to work when owed five months salary. Is the audit not waste of resources? Abi which one be dis o.
In Nigeria, Governance is something else. Anyway, they are not to be blamed because the people did not vote for them so they are not accountable to us.
Goodluck Jonathan Should please step in and rescue this nation from failure. Nigerians have suffered much before now and the invisible President is not helping at all. I hope the First Lady, Turai Yar'adua will be responsible and reasonable enough to let us know if her husband is still alive or in a coma or dead. Nobody wishes the President dead but we cannot continue with this suspense as it regard th health of the number 1 citizen of this country called Nigeria.