Monday, October 29, 2007

Erosion of values

In the good old days of honesty and sincerity, there was this saying 'that a good name is better than riches'. In those days people can vouch for their children and relatives because they know what business they are into. Their source of income can be verifiable and their rise to prominence in the society was through hard and honest work, investment and industrial pursuits.
The reverse is the case nowadays. In Nigeria today every young person wants to be rich by any means except hardwork. There is 'kalokalo' gamble and all manner of get rich quick lottery everywhere. If you ask why this craze for quick riches, the answer is that the society honours those who have made it without asking how they made it.? Those moneybags or 'money-miss-road Nnas', yahoo boys are the toast in any social or intellectual gatherings where money is donated or 'sprayed'.
Such values as honesty, sincerity, kindness, integrity, probity, truthfulness and accountability are the things of the past. These values are being destroyed or in some cases are being gradually destroyed. Even in the churches and mosques, these values are not celebrated anymore. We have people of questionable characters being conferred with titles in churches and mosques just because they have enough money to sponsor programmes or build gigantic edifices as places of worship. It's unfortunate that these dubious people are the ones in the news and the ones at times taking decisions that will affect the larger society.
The erosion of these cherished values especially honesty, probity and accountability in the country is responsible for the many crisis facing us as a nation. Before now, if one was accused of stealing or involving in a shady deal, such a person wil want to hide from public glare until cleared by the accusers or declared innocent by a competent court of Law. But now it is not like that. The confirmed cocaine pushers, drug barons, '419ners' and armed robbers are flaunting their ill gotten wealth for all to see. At times, they dare you to challenge them or make any unsavoury comment. The law enforcement agents are most times on their pay roll so if you dare to challenge them, you will be on your own. So its best to just stir clear of them and join in hailing them so that they dont 'deal' with one.
What is happening in the house is just a mirror of what is happening in the society. The leader has been indicted and instead of doing the honourable thing of resigning or hiding her face until she is cleared, she is flaunting the scandal for all to see. She is insisting on leading and maintaining that NO 4 seat in the country despite the indictment of the panel that investigated the contract. In one of the findings, she was alleged to have paid N50M to two companies purportedly registered by CAC but whose addresses are non existent.
This continued erosion of these virtues are impacting negatively on the country culture. There is lack of transparency of public office holders in the country. It is in this country that the fortunate but undeserved public holders are smiling to the banks daily while those they are governing are sinking in poverty and despair daily. How can a governor of a state that did not have up to N2M in his account prior to election suddenly have billions of Naira in his account within few months on the saddle? Some of them are buying private jets worth billions of Naira while in their state, there are no motorable roads, no functional utilities and the public schools are closed because the buildings are dilapidated and the teachers are not paid.
We need to go back to those good old days.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ettehgate and PDP

The People Democractic Party, the party of the honourable Speaker Olubunmi Patricia Etteh, will not stop to amaze me with their intriques and political dramas.
When the saga started, they pretended not to know and when it became a national scandal, the party instead of calling Etteh to order threatened to recall their members in the house. In their submission, Etteh has not erred in the award of the contract but is being witch-hunted by the opposition and those who lost out in the House chairmanship seats. Therefore Etteh should be supported.
When the report was submitted to the House and Nigerians were informed of details, there was this cry for justice and removal by the citizenry. Few members in the House came together and formed integrity group to pressurize the Speaker to step aside for the consideration of the report.
PDP seeing this move and the comments of Nigerians quickly change thier stand and said Madam Speaker should step aside and not preside over her own case. Apparently the directive of the Speaker stepping aside for the debate on the panel was not communicated to her before it was made public. Immediately she read that news from the papers, she and her mentor, OBJ, the former president rushed to the villa for a meeting to stay action on that directive. The presidency reacted by summoning all PDP members to a meeting but before they could arrive at an acceptable decision, Dr Aminu Safana slumped in the chamber during the crisis and died later in the hospital. After the burial of Safana and the meeting of OBJ and other members in Abuja on how to safe Etteh, the PDP came up with the issue of due process.
What is Due Process in this case? It is a situation whereby a motion must be called and passed for the stepping aside or down of the Speaker and the emergence of speaker pro-tempore. According to the press statement from the People Democractic Party (PDP) signed by the National Publicity Secretary Lady Ime Udom, the party want the crisis to be resolved with all parties following due process.
Did Madam Speaker follow due process when the contract of N628m was awarded to non existent companies for the renovation of their official quarters and purchase of exotic cars? PDP is talking about the rule of law saying the speaker will not step aside without due process so as not to lay a bad precednce which would be detrimental to the rule of Law? Which rule of law?
The rule of law that they disregard at will? Hon Rotimi Amaechi won the primaries and emerges the gubernatorial candidate for PDP for Rivers State to contest the election in April but they switched his name with Omehia. This is what PDP does at will. IN 2003, they did it in Anambra State. Hon Obi and Hon Joy Emordi of the senate were victims. They do not have regard for due process or rule of law and they are asking others to abide by the rule of law.
Thank God for the Judiciary if not we would all be sorry for allowing PDP to govern this country. The Judiciary this afternoon, 25/10/2007, reverses the so called victory of Omehia and his godfathers and gave it to Hon Amaechi. What will PDP do next? Let's wait and see.
As for madam speaker, without being told, commonsense should suggest to her that no one preside over his or her own case. Lets be reasonable and sensitive to the feelings of the people we claim we represent and do the right thing.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

On Etteh

One of our President's ten point Agenda was zero tolerance to corruption. What is corruption? Is it not the change for the worse especially morally? What is corruption? Is it not the deterioration of values?
There is a crisis in the House of Representatives bothering on coruption and non adherence to the rules on award of contract in the lower house and the President is claiming he is not constitutionally empowered to intervene. How long will he keep silence on issues bothering on probity, accountability and zero tolerance?.
The President is being insensitive and taking this non interference in the crisis rocking the house to a ridiculous extent. He said he would not interfere in the internal affairs of the House because he lacked the constitutional powers to do so. But this is not internal affairs of the house, this is a national and international issue. This is about integrity and probity. This is about the image of Nigeria and her leaders. This is about public office holders and public funds.
He did not interfere and a member of the House representing his state and who was close to him died last wedneday, 17/10/2007.
How long wil he keep silent? He is the leader of PDP, the party on whose platform, Hon Olubunmi Etteh came to the house and was sworn in as a speaker.
If the crisis in the house is not checked, its capable of disrupting the business of governance in general and legislative functions in particular. There was a statement issued by the government that 'the President has repeatedly stated his respect for the constitutional principle of the separation of powers between the Executive, the legislature and indeed the Judiciary and will not interfere in the internal processes of the House of Representatives. He does not have the constitutional powers to do so'. This is understandably and commendable but this logjam needs to be cleared. If the house cannot do it, then Alhaji Umar Shehu Yardua as the president of this great country should intervene and save us this embarrassment.

Ettehgate 2

The issue of fighting corruption has been on for eight years from the inception of this political dispensation. By now the citizenry would have thought politicians and public office holders would be honest and forthright in all their dealings and transactions involving public funds but alas that is not the case. A case in hand is the scandal involving the speaker, Mrs Patricia Olubunmi Etteh.
Its been alleged and proven by the idoko-led panel which probed the renovation scam, that the speaker awarded the contract without due process and approval by all the principal officers of the lower house. The report has been submitted since to the house but the debate has been stalled due to the insistence of the indicted Speaker to preside over the report. Morally, its wrong for an indicted or suspected person to preside over the case questioning the persons' involvement or integrity. But the speaker is bent on presiding over the case despite the opposition to that move. Even if all members insisted that she should stay, she would have known that morally and ethically that was wrong.
The Speaker has continued to resist every move for her to step down or even resign after the overwhelming evidence of lack of compliance with due process. In the process of her resistance, a supporter of hers died few days ago yet she is still stubbornly clinging to the seat/position that she has abused. What a shame.
Her supporters came up with the lame excuse that the word 'indictment' was not used by the Idoko committee against her therefore she should be exonerated. When she inaugurated the panel, she did not include indictment as one of the terms of reference but she was found quilty on the ten grounds that the panel investigated. It was established by the panel that there was failure to comply with due process. Imagine awarding contract to non existing companies and even paying out certain sum to them before the commencement of the contract. Is that not enough to remove her? . Whether indictment was used or not it is obvious to everyone that madam speaker has a case to answer and she is scared. This is no more allegation because its proven and confirmed by the spaekers action that she is quilty.
The Speaker should be forced to step aside so that the panel report can be debated and quilty ones sanctioned to deter others from misusing the tax payers money.
There are other legislative matters that have suffered because of madam speaker insistence to remain. The Speaker cannot be greater than majority of Nigerians that want this issue resolved. She should not hold all of us to ransom by continous adjournment that are not necessary. Adjourning the house again yesterday was uncalled for. This is one adjournment too many. Since the inauguration of the house in June, no meaningful debate has taken place on the floor or bill passed. During her tribute to Safana, Etteh said 'As we mourn our dearly beloved colleague, this occasion provides a moment for sober reflection. You will recall that in the past two months or thereabout, the House of Representatives has been embroiled in a crisis of misrepresentation' She agreed that crisis is the other name for the house. How long shall we continue like this? Is that why we voted for them?

Friday, October 19, 2007


What a sad day it was for the House of Representatives in particular and Nigerians in general when Honourable Aminu Ibrahim SAFANA slumped and died due to the scuffle in the house.
Safana represented the Batsari/Dan Musa/Safana Federal Constituency and was Chairman of the house committee on health. He was a prominent member of the pro-Etteh group and was working day and night to ensue her survival after the debate on the contract scam.
Dr Safana was born April 1961. He had his University education in Ahmadu Bello University, where he bagged MBBS. He proceeded to the University of Leeds and the University of London where he got other Certificates in Medicine.
He was a Medical practitioner before he vied into politics. Who knows if he had stayed on as a medical doctor, he would not have died before 50. Who knows?
He started his political career as a member of the People Democractic Movement, the party formed by Shehu Yar'dua, the president's senior brother. From being a public health consultant, he joined government as Secretary to the Katsina State Government between 1999 to 2003. In 2003, he was elected into the House and he contested the Speakership position with Masari but later withdrew to pave way for Masari.
He was a die hard loyalist of PDP. Since PDP backed Etteh in the renovation scandal, he had to abide by his party's decision and support her all the way. He was still doing that when he met his untimely death. That morning, he was with Etteh when they were resisted from entering the chamber but they prevailed with him playing a very active role. In the process of struggling and shouting, he slumped and was rushed out of the chamber. He was diabetic and hypertensive and the shoving aggravated his poor health condition and he died an hour later. May his soul rest in perfect peace.
Now that this scandal has claimed a life will Madam Speaker step down?

fisticuff in the house

The House resumed sitting on tuesday, October 16, 2007 and expectedly had a rowdy session over the Idoko panel of enquiry on the N628 contract scam. The rowdy session started when the house wanted to consider the report of the panel that indicted the speaker over the award of contract to renovate her official residence. While some lawmakers insisted that Mrs Olubunmi Etteh should not preside over the house, the others saw no reason for her to step aside and allow a speaker tempore to preside. This led to two camps in the house, one camp called integrity group and the other called ettehgrity group.
The initial plenary session started with Etteh presiding but was disrupted later by a member who accused Etteh of breaching the agreement reached earlier on the scam. The agreement was that no member was supposed to talk to the press or make public comments on the scam until debated in the house. But the member pointed out that Etteh did not abide by that decision. He was applauded and that started the row. Madam speaker called the majority lleader to move the motion for adjournment of the plenary for two hours but the latter was relunctant. Madam speaker sensing trouble attempted to exit the chamber but was obstructed by members from leaving. At the end of the day, the leader of the house, Honourable Tunde Akogun raised a motion for adjournment and the house decided to end the stalemate and adjourn till Wednesday, 17/10/2007.
When the house adjourned on tuesday amid such rowdiness, meetings were held with various groups over the impasse.
The situation in the house became tensed at renewed sitting on wednesday when etteh thundered loudly 'I AM GOING NOWHERE'. The battleline became drawn with both camps refusing to back down. Etteh supporters had white handkerchief while the integrity group had the National flag. Both camps were waving their 'instrument of war'. In the process of stopping madam speaker from getting to her seat, both camps engaged in fisticuff which led to the slumping of two members. Unfortunately, a supporter of madam speaker did not survive the fall. Being hypertensive, he passed on at the hospital few hours later.
What a shame to see honourable members, men and women that are supposed to uphold the dignity of Nigerians fighting like thugs. The sanctity of the lower chamber was thrown to the dogs. What a shame!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Second Change

The soap opera is about second chance to life and living.

Don Pedro Jose Donoso, the tycoon and rich industrialist who died in the study while playing the piano woke up inside a coffin in another mans' body. He fled when he looked around and the people were all strange to him. But how far can he go in a strage environment with even stranger people looking at him curiously and suspiciously. His stay at the hospital did not help but increases his helplessness and the stay at Lilys' was disastrous. His stay at the Parish heightened the tension in the community as the worshippers and dwellers saw him as an angel with abilities beyond their comprehension.
When the day to transfer him to the asylum came after the specialists did not have any clue to his ailments, Salvador being the intelligent and wise 'old' man quickly told the doctor, he is not Don Pedro but a peasant called Salvador. He has come to accept himself as the poor farmer living and working on the ranch, married to a tigress called Cantalicia and sleeping in a shack with a son.
The character of Cantalicia is unfolding. She is a fighter who does not accept defeat and does not back down no matter the opponent. She went to the farm with Salvador and ordered him to fix the fence. Even when he wanted to argue, she warned him of the consequences of refusal. In the process, Salvador's arch enemy as Cantalicia calls him showed up with a machete spoiling for a fight. Salvador's ignorance of who he is did not stop the man as a fight broke out. Instead of Cantalicia separating the duo, she refereed by holding the machete that Salvador kicked off from the man's hand over them threatening to behead the challenger if her husband failed to deal with him. But Salvador being a refined gentleman declined and struggled to free himself.
He pleaded with the man to go that the issue would be resolved amicably.
Back in the town, the priest and the doctor were worried about his mental state. Meanwhile the priest has found an answer to the mystery and the weird behaviour but the doctor refused to accept such explanation.
Back at the mansion, Rebecca has become a piece of work according to Vicky the maid. Who would have thought,Rebecca would turn against the maids that she was begging to work with. Unbelievable but such is life. Walter like Rebecca is selfish and greedy.

Isabel Aroyo, his wife is really having a swell time with Andre Corona her lover and fellow murderer. His daughter, Angela really felt his death and she is not over it. Thank God for one true friend, Anthonio. He is a friend, lover and confidant. Always there for her unlike Simon who is a fun loving and carefree fellow.

Valeria, Isabel's cousin is loveable, kind, faithful and nice. Always standing up for the truth no matter who is involved. While Abigail would accept any treatment meted out to her by her masters, Vicky would challenge such actions no matter the person.

The soap is really interesting and captivating. It is shown on Galaxy, MBI, Gotel and GTV. Recommended for viewing. One will learn not to trust anyone that is not a blood relation.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Waste and Lagos city

Lagos is the Centre of Excellence as claimed by Lagos state government but that is only at Alausa, the seat of government. In other areas of Lagos, filth and uncleared waste have taken over. Hardly a local government that you dont see heaps of waste that have been left uncleared for weeks.
The government has gone into partnership with private organisations to clear the waste daily but these organisations cannot cope due to the volume of waste being generated in Lagos. The population of Lagos is up to 15 million although the last census conducted in Nigeria puts it at 9 million which is questionable. Lagos is supposed to be the 4th most populous city in the world. The cosmopolitan nature of Lagos with skyrise buildings, emerging businesses and fast cars makes the city very attractive to rural dwellers and job seekers. The influx of people to Lagos on a daily basis from other cities in Nigeria and other surrounding countries is alarming.
With the millions of people generating so much waste, the government needs a comprehensive waste and environmental services that will meet the needs of all.
There is a designated dumpsite for refuse in Ojota towards the outskirt of the city. Even the dumpsite created at Ojota is not meeting the challenges. The dumpsite cannot contain up to 5 million tons of waste annually. The road to the dumpsite is not tarred. its terrible. Once it rains, the road is impassable and the trucks carrying the waste will queue for days to empty into the dumpsite. The pollution or stench from undisposed filth inside trucks for days is most time strong and choking that even passersby have to hold their noses.
Even the collection process is faulty. The government does not have a fleet of trucks to clear refuse so rely on the private organisations. These private organisations use old and almost broken down trucks which are not enough to cover the whole state. Also, there are no transfer stations. If they have transfer stations, then all the trucks collecting waste will not go to the dumpsite. Transfer stations are supposed to consolidate, compact and load waste from collection trucks into the long haul trailers for transport to dumpsites.
We are told there is a recycling plant that is supposed to recycle the waste and make the materials fit to be reused. But that is not living up to our expectations or as said earlier the waste generated are so much that the impact of the recycling plant is not felt.

Another issue in waste management in Lagos is the daily consumption of pure water. Pure water is water in small nylon sachet sold on the streets of Lagos. The used sachets are dropped on the floor after drinking and the streets and drains are littered with nylon sachets. These pure water sachets block the drains. Clearing of the drains and canals are not done often so the waste piles and become health issues affecting thousands if not millions
Another issue is that waste and refuse are supposed to be burnt locally all day through. I am told burning municipal garbage produces air pollution that might harm humans. It is also said that mass burn plants produce dioxin and part of dioxin goes up the stack and becomes air pollution and the remainder of the dioxin stays with the ash.
Doesnt this affect the environment and cause other health problems?

Of course it does! That is why I choose it as a topic for my blog today.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Samuel Peter the boxing champion

When Samuel Okon Peter was declared the interim world heavyweight boxing champion few weeks ago, it was not an issue but when he defeated the challenger Jammd McCline via a unanimous decision, it become news. Apart from being the news, it became an event to be celebrated worldwide. Nigerians celebrated it the more because to us its equivalent of a world cup. Nigeria has been denied this title for decades that when it came, the firework went boom boom and the champagne were popped through the day.
The first round was Samuels' round as confirmed by the commentators. It was a beauty to behold. But by round two and three, Samuel was on his knees due to hard jabs from McCline. He rose up each time and stuck with the fight till the 14th round. After each round from the 5th round his fight improved, his focus clearer and his jabs more direct and powerful.
McCline was at an advantage due to his towering height. He surged to an early lead because by round two, Peter was floored. In round three, he gave Peter a jab to the chin that sent him toppling forward onto his hands and knees. Peter was dazed that he was wobbling when he got up. His challenger patiently measured him up and without allowing him to recover, gave him three straight left and right hands jabs that sent him flat to the canvas. I prayed then that the fight would not be stopped because he was practically gasping for breathe and moving unsteadily. It was as if he was seeing double. I really had to pray for strength and determination for Peter especially in the second and third round when he was going through great torment and dizzying spells.
Our prayers and Peters' determination stopped McCline from overwhelming him with punches. I was told that from the state he came from, AKWA IBOM STATE, in Nigeria that the people were praying and singing several christian choruses asking God to give victory to Peters especially in the second and third round. Anyway, he pulled through became bolder , took charge and started controlling his jabs for effective defense of his title. As Peter became bolder McCline began to tire under his attack.
I guess Peter has learnt that no matter how wobbling the jabs may be, you just have to stand strong and not go down. This he did as the fight progressed. McCline jabs wobbled him few times but did not floor him. He took control and won the fight.
This fight has brought a strong awareness of the gains and exposure that boxing can bring to Nigeria. I hope our government will support boxing and encourage more people into that sport.
Congratulations our own Nigerian Nightmare Samuel Peter, our Champion.

Monday, October 8, 2007


When Patricia Olubunmi Etteh, nicknamed madam speaker was nominated and eventually made a Speaker of Nigeria House of Representatives, we were all happy that a woman and a mother as the head will bring sanity, accountability and probity into our polity. We were wrong. What we have seen, heard and witnessed on television during her testimony was embarrazing.
Knowing that due process was not followed in the award of the N628 million contract for the renovation of the speakers' and the deputy speakers' houses, madam speaker constituted a nine man panel and tactfully left out indictment as one of the terms of reference in their investigations. The Idoko panel after investigating submitted that there were severe deficits in compliance with due process. Even if the word indictment was not used, its obvious to all that madam speaker erred.
The former Senate president was removed from office on the basis of issuing 'anticipated approval'. How much more for a speaker that gave approval to a contract without due process and approve instalmental payment to two of the contractors who incidentally share the same management.
There were ten grounds on which the conduct of the speaker was found to be outside the bounds of propriety, due process and responsible leadership.
Come to think of it, how many nigerians are living in houses built with one million naira? How many are living in houses sef? Abeg madam speaker you have not done right with nigerians that voted you in the first place.
The house is on recess now. We will wait to see what next when they resume

God's Tattoo

I read an article this morning in Today's christian woman about God's tattoo and for the first time, the revelation and importance of Isaiah 49:16 hits me hard. What a love! What a way to be remembered and continually be in Gods' presence. The bible says we are engraven on the palm of God - ' Behold I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands...'.
Engrave is to carve letters, pictures or design something on stone etc. It also means to decorate or fix or impress something deeply either on an object or on the mind. It is deep and permanent. That is what tattoo is too. It is a mark or a design put on someone that is deep and permanent. This mark cannot be remove except something deeper happens. Nothing deeper can happen except the relationship or attachment to that thing or person is off.
In our relationship with God, its forever. The bible says whilst we were yet sinners He loved us. That is without acknowledging His Lordship over our life and destiny, he loves us. His love is unconditional and deep. To show His love and how into us he is, He has to engraven us on the palm of His hand. How wonderful!. How lovely!. Can you imagine any love so undying so true?
We are in the palm of God's hands, in God's power and there is nothing any one can do about it.

Darfur killing of Nigerian soldiers

What a sad incident that Nigerian soldiers were killed in Darfur on a peace keeping mission. The killing was really sad and uncalled for. It was very painful seeing those young women and their children grieving for their dead spouses and fathers during their burial . Why would rebel troops attack and overwhelm a foreign troop that was in their country to maintain peace and order? Imagine 2000 rebel troops attacking a troop of only 200. Thank God that the Nigerian troops led other Ufrican Union forces to put up a courageous retreat and sustained the casualities. If not for the gallantry of these Nigerian troops , then the death toll would have been more.
This incident should be investigated and proper and effective deterrent actions be taken by the AU against the rebels. This will reinforce confidence and soothe nerves of the people who are serving out government policies and their loved ones. Without this, people will start advising against serving their fatherland.
Enough of this waste of lives in Africa