Friday, October 19, 2007

fisticuff in the house

The House resumed sitting on tuesday, October 16, 2007 and expectedly had a rowdy session over the Idoko panel of enquiry on the N628 contract scam. The rowdy session started when the house wanted to consider the report of the panel that indicted the speaker over the award of contract to renovate her official residence. While some lawmakers insisted that Mrs Olubunmi Etteh should not preside over the house, the others saw no reason for her to step aside and allow a speaker tempore to preside. This led to two camps in the house, one camp called integrity group and the other called ettehgrity group.
The initial plenary session started with Etteh presiding but was disrupted later by a member who accused Etteh of breaching the agreement reached earlier on the scam. The agreement was that no member was supposed to talk to the press or make public comments on the scam until debated in the house. But the member pointed out that Etteh did not abide by that decision. He was applauded and that started the row. Madam speaker called the majority lleader to move the motion for adjournment of the plenary for two hours but the latter was relunctant. Madam speaker sensing trouble attempted to exit the chamber but was obstructed by members from leaving. At the end of the day, the leader of the house, Honourable Tunde Akogun raised a motion for adjournment and the house decided to end the stalemate and adjourn till Wednesday, 17/10/2007.
When the house adjourned on tuesday amid such rowdiness, meetings were held with various groups over the impasse.
The situation in the house became tensed at renewed sitting on wednesday when etteh thundered loudly 'I AM GOING NOWHERE'. The battleline became drawn with both camps refusing to back down. Etteh supporters had white handkerchief while the integrity group had the National flag. Both camps were waving their 'instrument of war'. In the process of stopping madam speaker from getting to her seat, both camps engaged in fisticuff which led to the slumping of two members. Unfortunately, a supporter of madam speaker did not survive the fall. Being hypertensive, he passed on at the hospital few hours later.
What a shame to see honourable members, men and women that are supposed to uphold the dignity of Nigerians fighting like thugs. The sanctity of the lower chamber was thrown to the dogs. What a shame!

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