Monday, October 8, 2007


When Patricia Olubunmi Etteh, nicknamed madam speaker was nominated and eventually made a Speaker of Nigeria House of Representatives, we were all happy that a woman and a mother as the head will bring sanity, accountability and probity into our polity. We were wrong. What we have seen, heard and witnessed on television during her testimony was embarrazing.
Knowing that due process was not followed in the award of the N628 million contract for the renovation of the speakers' and the deputy speakers' houses, madam speaker constituted a nine man panel and tactfully left out indictment as one of the terms of reference in their investigations. The Idoko panel after investigating submitted that there were severe deficits in compliance with due process. Even if the word indictment was not used, its obvious to all that madam speaker erred.
The former Senate president was removed from office on the basis of issuing 'anticipated approval'. How much more for a speaker that gave approval to a contract without due process and approve instalmental payment to two of the contractors who incidentally share the same management.
There were ten grounds on which the conduct of the speaker was found to be outside the bounds of propriety, due process and responsible leadership.
Come to think of it, how many nigerians are living in houses built with one million naira? How many are living in houses sef? Abeg madam speaker you have not done right with nigerians that voted you in the first place.
The house is on recess now. We will wait to see what next when they resume

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