Monday, October 8, 2007

Darfur killing of Nigerian soldiers

What a sad incident that Nigerian soldiers were killed in Darfur on a peace keeping mission. The killing was really sad and uncalled for. It was very painful seeing those young women and their children grieving for their dead spouses and fathers during their burial . Why would rebel troops attack and overwhelm a foreign troop that was in their country to maintain peace and order? Imagine 2000 rebel troops attacking a troop of only 200. Thank God that the Nigerian troops led other Ufrican Union forces to put up a courageous retreat and sustained the casualities. If not for the gallantry of these Nigerian troops , then the death toll would have been more.
This incident should be investigated and proper and effective deterrent actions be taken by the AU against the rebels. This will reinforce confidence and soothe nerves of the people who are serving out government policies and their loved ones. Without this, people will start advising against serving their fatherland.
Enough of this waste of lives in Africa

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