Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ettehgate 2

The issue of fighting corruption has been on for eight years from the inception of this political dispensation. By now the citizenry would have thought politicians and public office holders would be honest and forthright in all their dealings and transactions involving public funds but alas that is not the case. A case in hand is the scandal involving the speaker, Mrs Patricia Olubunmi Etteh.
Its been alleged and proven by the idoko-led panel which probed the renovation scam, that the speaker awarded the contract without due process and approval by all the principal officers of the lower house. The report has been submitted since to the house but the debate has been stalled due to the insistence of the indicted Speaker to preside over the report. Morally, its wrong for an indicted or suspected person to preside over the case questioning the persons' involvement or integrity. But the speaker is bent on presiding over the case despite the opposition to that move. Even if all members insisted that she should stay, she would have known that morally and ethically that was wrong.
The Speaker has continued to resist every move for her to step down or even resign after the overwhelming evidence of lack of compliance with due process. In the process of her resistance, a supporter of hers died few days ago yet she is still stubbornly clinging to the seat/position that she has abused. What a shame.
Her supporters came up with the lame excuse that the word 'indictment' was not used by the Idoko committee against her therefore she should be exonerated. When she inaugurated the panel, she did not include indictment as one of the terms of reference but she was found quilty on the ten grounds that the panel investigated. It was established by the panel that there was failure to comply with due process. Imagine awarding contract to non existing companies and even paying out certain sum to them before the commencement of the contract. Is that not enough to remove her? . Whether indictment was used or not it is obvious to everyone that madam speaker has a case to answer and she is scared. This is no more allegation because its proven and confirmed by the spaekers action that she is quilty.
The Speaker should be forced to step aside so that the panel report can be debated and quilty ones sanctioned to deter others from misusing the tax payers money.
There are other legislative matters that have suffered because of madam speaker insistence to remain. The Speaker cannot be greater than majority of Nigerians that want this issue resolved. She should not hold all of us to ransom by continous adjournment that are not necessary. Adjourning the house again yesterday was uncalled for. This is one adjournment too many. Since the inauguration of the house in June, no meaningful debate has taken place on the floor or bill passed. During her tribute to Safana, Etteh said 'As we mourn our dearly beloved colleague, this occasion provides a moment for sober reflection. You will recall that in the past two months or thereabout, the House of Representatives has been embroiled in a crisis of misrepresentation' She agreed that crisis is the other name for the house. How long shall we continue like this? Is that why we voted for them?

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