Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Second Change

The soap opera is about second chance to life and living.

Don Pedro Jose Donoso, the tycoon and rich industrialist who died in the study while playing the piano woke up inside a coffin in another mans' body. He fled when he looked around and the people were all strange to him. But how far can he go in a strage environment with even stranger people looking at him curiously and suspiciously. His stay at the hospital did not help but increases his helplessness and the stay at Lilys' was disastrous. His stay at the Parish heightened the tension in the community as the worshippers and dwellers saw him as an angel with abilities beyond their comprehension.
When the day to transfer him to the asylum came after the specialists did not have any clue to his ailments, Salvador being the intelligent and wise 'old' man quickly told the doctor, he is not Don Pedro but a peasant called Salvador. He has come to accept himself as the poor farmer living and working on the ranch, married to a tigress called Cantalicia and sleeping in a shack with a son.
The character of Cantalicia is unfolding. She is a fighter who does not accept defeat and does not back down no matter the opponent. She went to the farm with Salvador and ordered him to fix the fence. Even when he wanted to argue, she warned him of the consequences of refusal. In the process, Salvador's arch enemy as Cantalicia calls him showed up with a machete spoiling for a fight. Salvador's ignorance of who he is did not stop the man as a fight broke out. Instead of Cantalicia separating the duo, she refereed by holding the machete that Salvador kicked off from the man's hand over them threatening to behead the challenger if her husband failed to deal with him. But Salvador being a refined gentleman declined and struggled to free himself.
He pleaded with the man to go that the issue would be resolved amicably.
Back in the town, the priest and the doctor were worried about his mental state. Meanwhile the priest has found an answer to the mystery and the weird behaviour but the doctor refused to accept such explanation.
Back at the mansion, Rebecca has become a piece of work according to Vicky the maid. Who would have thought,Rebecca would turn against the maids that she was begging to work with. Unbelievable but such is life. Walter like Rebecca is selfish and greedy.

Isabel Aroyo, his wife is really having a swell time with Andre Corona her lover and fellow murderer. His daughter, Angela really felt his death and she is not over it. Thank God for one true friend, Anthonio. He is a friend, lover and confidant. Always there for her unlike Simon who is a fun loving and carefree fellow.

Valeria, Isabel's cousin is loveable, kind, faithful and nice. Always standing up for the truth no matter who is involved. While Abigail would accept any treatment meted out to her by her masters, Vicky would challenge such actions no matter the person.

The soap is really interesting and captivating. It is shown on Galaxy, MBI, Gotel and GTV. Recommended for viewing. One will learn not to trust anyone that is not a blood relation.

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