Wednesday, October 24, 2007

On Etteh

One of our President's ten point Agenda was zero tolerance to corruption. What is corruption? Is it not the change for the worse especially morally? What is corruption? Is it not the deterioration of values?
There is a crisis in the House of Representatives bothering on coruption and non adherence to the rules on award of contract in the lower house and the President is claiming he is not constitutionally empowered to intervene. How long will he keep silence on issues bothering on probity, accountability and zero tolerance?.
The President is being insensitive and taking this non interference in the crisis rocking the house to a ridiculous extent. He said he would not interfere in the internal affairs of the House because he lacked the constitutional powers to do so. But this is not internal affairs of the house, this is a national and international issue. This is about integrity and probity. This is about the image of Nigeria and her leaders. This is about public office holders and public funds.
He did not interfere and a member of the House representing his state and who was close to him died last wedneday, 17/10/2007.
How long wil he keep silent? He is the leader of PDP, the party on whose platform, Hon Olubunmi Etteh came to the house and was sworn in as a speaker.
If the crisis in the house is not checked, its capable of disrupting the business of governance in general and legislative functions in particular. There was a statement issued by the government that 'the President has repeatedly stated his respect for the constitutional principle of the separation of powers between the Executive, the legislature and indeed the Judiciary and will not interfere in the internal processes of the House of Representatives. He does not have the constitutional powers to do so'. This is understandably and commendable but this logjam needs to be cleared. If the house cannot do it, then Alhaji Umar Shehu Yardua as the president of this great country should intervene and save us this embarrassment.

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